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1.       The name of a profession or occupation

2.     The name of a country

3.     An ordinal number higher than 20

4.     The name of a plant

5.     The name of a part of the body

6.     The name of an animal

7.     The name of an object

8.     A cardinal number

9.     A nationality

10. Another part of the body.













              Once upon a time there was a ____________ (1) who lived in __________ (2). He was happy until his ____________ (3) birthday: he had a job he really liked, he was very healthy and his family loved him very much.

              On the day of his _____________ (3) birthday, he noticed that a ___________ (4) was growing on his ____________ (5). At first, it was very small, but the ____________ (4) started getting bigger and bigger, until it was the size of a (n) _____________ (6).

              He went to the doctor, but the doctor didn’t know what to do. He looked in all his books, but the books didn’t say anything about a ___________ (4) growing on a person’s _______________ (5). Finally, he decided to do an experiment: he asked the _____________ (1) to get a _____________ (7), cook it in water and make some tea with it. He had to drink a cup of that tea _____________ (8) times a day. He asked his patient to return a week later.

              A week later, the _____________ (1) returned.

              “So”, asked the doctor, “did the _______________ (4) disappear?”

              “Oh, yes”, the patient said. “It disappeared completely.”

              “Great”, said the doctor. “The tea recipe is an old superstition from a ____________ (9) indian tribe. Apparently, it works.”

              “There is just one problem”, said the _____________ (1).

              “A problem?”, asked the doctor. “What is it?”

              “Now a _______________ (7) is growing on my _____________ (10).


































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