Sidney Warburg - Hitler's Secret Backers.pdf

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Publisher's Note........................................................ iv
Editor's Introduction.................................................... v
Who's Who in the Book ........................................... vii
Translator's Affirmation ............................................. ix
Text as Translated From German to English.............. 1
1931 .......................................................................14
Epilogue................................................................... 41
The newspaper clipping that appears below appeared in many major
papers throughout the U.S. and was received by all major TV networks. None
of the TV networks carried the story to the best of our knowledge.
The last line of the UPI release says the manuscript would be republished
Dec. 1 of 1982. On Jan. 4, 1983, we received word that the publisher had
"changed his mind" and would not reprint the document. No reason was given.
So, in the last 50 years this book has been suppressed twice. What forces caused
this remain unknown, but if they are that powerful, we have every reason to
believe that we'll be hearing from them at some future date.
This third release of the manuscript while true to the original in verbiage
has corrected previously unchanged errors in spelling and punctuation.
History is now the judge of the book's authenticity.
San Jose Mercury News - Saturday, September 25,1982
MUNICH, West Germany (UPI) — A publish-
ing firm claimed Friday to have discovered a book
that alleges American bankers supplied Adolf Hit-
ler with millions of dollars to help build up his Nazi
Droemer Knaur publishers said they received a
copy of the book from a Dutch doctor and were
convinced that it was authentic.
They said the book, written by the late U.S.
banker Sidney Warburg, disappeared during the war.
Warburg, a joint owner of the New Yotk bank
Kuhn Loeb and Cie. described in the book three
conversations he held with Hitler at the request of
American financiers, the Bank of England and oil
firms to facilitate payments to the Nazi party, the
publisher said.
The book alleged that Hitler received $10 mil-
U.S. bankers aided Hitler, book claims
lion from Kuhn Loeb and Cie. during 1929, further
payments of $15 million in 1931, and $7 million
when Hitler took power in 1933, the publishers said.
They said Warburg described himself in the book
as the "cowardly instrument" of his American bank-
ing colleagues for having arranged deals with Hit-
ler. The book originally was published in Holland in
1933, shortly before Warburg's death, but disap-
peared during the war after its translator and pub-
lisher were murdered, the publisher's spokesman
He said it was thought the Nazis carried out the
murders and destroyed copies of the book to avoid
being discredited.
The book will be republished Dec. 1 under the
title "How Hitler Was Financed," he said.
The book you are about to read is one of the most extraordinary historical
documents of the 20th century.
Where did Hitler get the funds and the backing to achieve power in 1933
Germany? Did these funds come only from prominent German bankers and
industrialists or did funds also come from American bankers and industrial-
Prominent Nazi Franz von Papen wrote in his MEMOIRS (New York: E.P.
Dutton & Co., Inc. 1953) p. 229, "...the most documented account of the
National Socialists' sudden acquisition of funds was contained in a book pub-
lished in Holland in 1933, by the old established Amsterdam publishing house
of Van Holkema & Warendorf, called DE GELDBRONNEN VAN HET
name 'Sidney Warburg.'
The book cited by von Papen is the one your are about to read and was
indeed published in 1933 in Holland, but remained on the book stalls only a
few days. The book was purged. Every copy—except three accidental survi-
vors—was taken out of the bookstores and off the shelves. The book and its
story were silenced—almost.
One of the three surviving copies found its way to England, translated into
English and deposited in the British Museum. This copy and the translation
were later withdrawn from circulation, and are presently "unavailable" for
research. The second Dutch language copy was acquired by Chancellor Schus-
snigg of Austria. Nothing is known of its present whereabouts. The third Dutch
survivor found its way to Switzerland and in 1947 was translated into German.
This German translation was in turn found some years ago by this editor in the
Schweizerischen Sozialarchiv in Zurich, along with an affidavit by the three
Dutch-to-German translators and a critique of the book. This editor made cop-
ies of the German text and commissioned an English translation. It is this
translation that you will read here. Even allowing for the double translation
from Dutch to German and German to English, the original lively style is
essentially retained. The book is not by any means dull reading.
was branded a forgery. However, since 1933 numerous pre-war German gov-
ernment files have become public information, including the captured German
Foreign Ministry files and the Nuremburg Trial documents. These confirm the
story at key points.
For example, in the book, Sidney Warburg claims to have met with an
obscure banker von Heydt in 1933. We now know in 1982 from the German
records that in 1933 the Dutch Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. was a
channel of funds for the Nazis. The earlier name for this bank was the von
Heydt Bank. Coincidence? How would Sidney Warburg know in 1933?
There are other links. We now know that the German combine of I.G.
Farben was a financier of Hitler, and Paul Warburg was a director of American
I.G. Farben. Further, Max Warburg was a director of the German I.G. Farben.
Max Warburg also signed the document appointing Hjalmar Schaht to the
Reichsbank—and Hitler's signature appears alongside that of Max Warburg.
Yet the Warburg family denied any link to Hitler. The Warburgs branded
the book a forgery and threatened the publisher unless it was removed from
bookstores. In any event, the Warburgs are not accused directly. "Sidney War-
burg" was only the courier. In fact, all the bankers named are gentiles, not
In 1949 James P. Warburg made a sworn affidavit which compounds the
mystery. Warburg denied he had even seen the "Sidney Warburg" book, yet
branded it as a complete forgery! Furthermore, careful reading of the James
Warburg affidavit shows that his denial refers to another book published by
one of the translators, Rene Sonderegger, and not the "Sidney Warburg" book.
And just to deepen the mystery, this Warburg affidavit is published in Fritz von
Papen's MEMOIRS—the very same source that recommended Sidney War-
burg as a source of accurate information on the financing of Hitler (and Papen
was, of course, a prominent Nazi).
Even today in 1983 a mystery surrounds the document There is a ring of
authenticity about the original explanation for its publication—that an indi-
vidual member of the Warburg family wanted to warn of the coming European
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