Printing in Plastic (3D Printer).pdf

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CHAPTER 9: Super Jumper: A 2D OpenGL ES Game
For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front
matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks
and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
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Contents at a Glance
About the Authors .................................................................................................... xiii
About the Technical Reviewers ............................................................................... xiv
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................... xv
Introduction ............................................................................................................. xvi
Chapter 1: Before You Begin .................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Hardware and Tools ............................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Tips and Advice .................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4: Cutting the Parts I ................................................................................ 35
Chapter 5: Cutting the Parts II ............................................................................... 49
Chapter 6: Advanced Cuts and Drilling I ................................................................ 69
Chapter 7: Advanced Cuts and Drilling II ............................................................... 87
Chapter 8: Advanced Cuts and Drilling III ............................................................ 119
Chapter 9: Advanced Cuts and Drilling IV ............................................................ 135
Chapter 10: Beginning Assembly ......................................................................... 155
Chapter 11: Sub-Assembly Work ......................................................................... 175
Chapter 12: Adding Structure .............................................................................. 189
Chapter 13: Motors and Movement ..................................................................... 209
Chapter 14: The Extruder ..................................................................................... 239
Chapter 15: The Filament Feeding Mechanism .................................................... 267
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Chapter 16: Mounting Electronics ....................................................................... 285
Chapter 17: Wiring Part I ..................................................................................... 301
Chapter 18: Wiring Part II .................................................................................... 321
Chapter 19: The Software .................................................................................... 351
Chapter 20: Testing and Printing ......................................................................... 375
Chapter 21: Addendum ........................................................................................ 399
Appendix A: Hardware List .................................................................................. 417
Appendix B: Converting to a CNC Machine .......................................................... 421
Appendix C: Resources ........................................................................................ 423
Index ...................................................................................................................... . 427
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The book you’re holding in your hands is going to show you how to build your very own 3D Printer. It’s
not science fiction. It’s a device that will allow you to print out (in plastic) whatever you can imagine.
(Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch – there are size limitations when using this machine.)
Read the book – build the machine – print stuff that you can actually hold in your hands, use for
prototyping your own inventions and replacing worn out parts, and basically taking something in your
mind (or at least on a computer screen) and make it real. Congratulations – you’ve got a little bit of
science fiction sitting on your desk.
What Exactly Do I Get?
You’ve obviously picked the book up and we can only hope you’ve read the cover – “Printing in Plastic:
Build Your Own 3D Printer.” It’s not too difficult to guess what the book is about, is it? Well, if you’re
still a bit confused, let’s clear it up right here by giving you the most basic explanation of what this book
is going to teach you… and here it is:
You are going to be provided wit h the building plans, a list of required
supplies and tools, and step-by-step instructions to cut, drill, assemble,
and wire-up your very own mac hine that prints in p lastic. But wait!
There’s more!
You are also going to be provided wi th instructions on how to c onnect
your new machine to a computer so that you can print out (in plastic)
things you design using freely availab le software. But if you act now,
we’ll also throw in a few bonus items!
We’ll not only cover the software and how to use it in the book, we’ll also provide you with some
sample items to print with your machine so that you can test it and show off your 3D objects to your
friends and family.
As a Thank You Bonus for purchasing the book, we’ll also be providing you with a great website and
forum where you can post questions, share pictures, and learn how to push your machine’s capabilities
even further.
Does that sound good? Do you want one? Are you ready to start?
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