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This volume is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
"Space Hulk, the Space Hulk logo, Dark Angels, Deathwing, Eldar, Eldar Harlequins, Games Workshop, Genestealer,
Space Marine, Tyranid, Warhammer, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Aspect Warrior, Blood
Angels, Dark Reaper, Exarch, Eye of Terror, Farseer, Fire Dragon, Grey Knight, Khorne, Necromunda, Ogryn, Ork,
Plague Fleet, Psyker, Ratling, Space Wolves, Striking Scorpion, Terminator, White Dwarf, Wraithlord, and Zoanthrope are
trademarks of Games Workshop Limited. Used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended".
Background, Introduction & Example Key
Map, Sections, Doors and Entry Areas
Ladders and Pitfalls
Crates, Rubble, Air Shafts, Bulkheads
and Disposal Chutes
Lifts, Toxic Canisters and Cryogenic Tanks
Command Phase
Action Phase
- Action Points and Action Costs
Section Effects Endphase .
- List of Actions
Illegal Moves and Facing
Turning and Blip Movement
Ladders, Pitfalls, Rubble and Air Shafts
Blip Movement and Conversion
Genestealer Entry Points
Ambush and Hybrid Blips
Targeting: Line of Sight
Targeting: Fire Arc, Sustained Fire
Move and Fire, Multi-level Combat
A thru Z List of Weapons
Weapons Chart
Psykers and Warpspace
Psychic Combat
Psychic Attack Cards
Terminator Forces
Space Marine Forces
Imperial Guard Forces
Eldar Forces: Aspect Warriors, Warlocks & Wrathguard
Eldar Forces: Harlequins
Tyranid Forces
Operation Objectives: Expand bridgehead to establish jumping-off
point for final assault on command and engine sections of ship; control
communications corridors to hamper alien reinforcements of areas under
Combat losses have been extremely heavy. Of one-hundred Marines in the
initial forces, twelve remain healthy. Without substantial reinforcements,
further offensive operations are impossible – in fact, I cannot guarantee to
hold the ground we’ve got now.
Force Employed: Remnants of Leigon Asartes Blood Angels Terminator
Company – one-hundred Marines under the command of Brother-Captain
Mentage. (Note that because of proximity to engines, no heavy weapons
were issued.)
If current loss ratio estimates are correct, a Marine will kill 3.8 Genestealers
before dying himself. It is impossible to determine whether this ratio is high
enough, as the number of reserves reinforcement rate of the aliens is
unknown. Thus a war of attrition is extremely uncertain and decidedly
15.00.05 4 Assault launched. Objectives reached with little or no
opposition. No casualties.
The Marines have been showing their usual degree of compensation and
courage in battle – if anything, they are almost too fanatical in their
persecution of the fight, fiercely unwilling to retreat even in the face of
overwhelming odds. Such an attitude is to be commended under most
circumstances, but with the recent decimation of our forces and the apparent
inexhaus tibility of the enemy’s numbers, each Marine’s death brings us
closer to disaster.
15.10.00 4 Perimeter secured. Purge of areas within perimeter
commenced. Marines using Flamers to burn out alien concentrations.
Minimal casualties.
15.13.0 4 Aliens reported massing on edge of perimeter. Squads diverted
from purge to reinforce pickets. Purge continued at slower pace. Few
additional casualties.
Tactics: Our tactics, splitting the Marines into tactical units of five me – a
Sergeant, a Flamer Marine, and three storm bolter-armed Marines – seem to
be working as well as might be hoped, given the overwhelming numerical
superiority of the enemy, the impossibility of employing heavy weapons and
the extremely difficult combat terrain.
15.15.00 4 Aliens launching counterattack against corridor junction
78/54/23/11; destroying two Squads, breaking through perimeter. Enemy
casualties unknown, presumed heavy.
Storm bolters are reasonably effective against the aliens, assuming that the
Marines can hit his target before it reaches him – a dubious proposition at
best. Marines find it useful to systematically destroy any possible cover,
particularly doors, to increase the fire-corridor. Overwatch fire tactics are
also effective.
15.17.00 4 Marines launch pincer attack from adjacent sectors to seal off
15.19.35 4 Pincer attack repulsed. Aliens widen breach, infiltrating sectors
78/55/21 and 78/54/22. Marines in sector 78/55/22 encircled.
15.20.00 4 Marines ordered to fall back and establish new defensive line at
78/54/21-78/55/27. Heavy casualties reported during disengagement.
Flamers have proven quite useful in the battle against the aliens, as they can
wipe out a large number of the enemy before he is within attack range.
However, we have only enough flamers to equip each Squad with one, and
the enemy are becoming adept at outflanking the sole flamer and hitting him
from the rear. If more flamers were available – approximately twice as many
as we have now – I believe that the balance would swing to our side.
15.20.43 4 Captain Mentage killed leading break -out attempt from sector
78/55/22. Fifteen Marines lost during break -out; three surv ivors reach
defensive line at 79/55/21.
15.22.30 4 Defensive line established. Heavy pressure along entire front.
Operational reserve (twenty heavily wounded Marines, assorted support staff
and non-essential ship’s personnel) ordered to bolster defensive line.
Quite possibly, the Sensorium is the best weapon at the Marines’ disposal,
allow ing them to determine the location of the enemy before they launch the
inevitable assault. It must be noted, however, that the aliens seem to be
aware of our location at all times.
15.25.00 4 Marines repulse heavy assault along entire line. Casualties
Hand-to-hand battle against the monsters is inadvisable. The aliens are
much faster than we are, and, significantly stronger; more often than not,
they are more than a match even for a Marine if full Terminator armor.
15.32.45 4 Reserves arrive at defensive line. Defensive line stabilized.
Marine Casualties: Two officers killed; three missing and presumed
dead. Eight Marines killed; twenty -eight missing and presumed dead;
fourteen support staff and non-essential ship’s personnel killed.
Summary: We are losing. After the initial successes of the invasion, we
dramatically underestimated the fighting skill and numbers of the enemy.
Without reinforcements, we should either admit defeat and withdraw, of
choose much more limited objectives and extend the projected timescale for
the reduction of the vessel. Even that will not guarantee success.
Enemy Casualties: Seventy -two confirmed killed; one-hundred-and-
fifty -three probables.
The Blood Angels Company has been decimated, and is in real danger of
being wiped out in its entirety. To a man, the surviving Marines (myself
included) are extremely loath to give up the fight. Death is, of course,
infinitely preferable to dishonor.
Analysis: The operation was a complete failure. While the objective was
easily reached, Marines were unable to hold, and were annihilated in
counterattack. If not for the prompt and courageous actions of the wounded
Marines and support staff, the assault vessels could easily have been
I have reported the situation to High Command, and await further orders.
May the blessing of the Eternal Emperor fall upon you.
//End File//
The Genestealers are a race of aliens who seek to
conquer the universe. They travel in huge, ancient,
nearly derelict vessels, commonly known as space
hulks, until they find a suitable planet to ‘colonize.’
A victim of the Stealer truly suffers a fate worse than
death. Injected with the Stealer’s egg, the victim
becomes an unknowing carrier of the Stealer’s DNA
pattern, and his children are born as Genestealers.
These creatures, in turn, infect other humans, until the
entire planet is taken over.
The Emperor of Human Space has recently become
aware of the Stealers’ activities and is taking
immediate steps to isolate and stamp out the attack -
but at a terrible price-the Emperor’s Inquisitors
ruthlessly sterilize tainted planets, wiping out their
populations to the last man, woman, and child.
Though thus far 100% effective in stopping the spread
of the Stealers beyond the infected planets, this
solution is not without its drawbacks. In addition to the
obvious loss of life and resources, if news of the
scorched earth policy spreads, local governments may
naturally become reticent about telling the Imperium
that they have been infiltrated, making the job of
crushing the invasion all that much more difficult.
Therefore, great efforts are being made to search out
the invading vessels and attack and destroy them
before they have a chance to infect any more planets.
Enter the Space Marines.
Space Hulk chronicles the assault upon one of the
giant vessels by a Company of Space Marines from the
Blood Angels Chapter of the Legiones Astartes. One
player takes the part of the Space Marines, the
toughest warriors of the Imperium, and the other plays
the Genestealers, terrible alien invaders from another
galaxy. The fight is to the death.
Example diagrams appear throughout these rules. In the
text, letters are used to refer you to labeled portions of the
diagrams. Movement trails are used to show where
models began its move, or to show spaces the model
passes through, during the action displayed in the
diagram. Pictures of figures show where the models end
up. For example: in the sample diagram below the
Genestealer started in the corner square and moved into
the square below. The straight arrow indicates the
direction in which model has moved. In other diagrams,
curved arrows are used to show that the model turned 90
or 180 .
This volume represents one crazed fan’s attempt to
gather together all of this classic GDW game’s rules.
Inside you will find rules for all types of weapons, game
board features and alternate forces as well as a
thorough examination of the game’s basic rules
through the addition of new diagrams. The text is
drawn mainly from first edition of Space Hulk , its two
expansion sets, Deathwing and Genestealer, and from
Space Hulk Campaigns as well as relevant articles
from White Dwarf and Citadel Journal . There is a fair
amount of embellishment in the wording of the rules,
but I have taken pains to preserve the spirit of the
Key For Example Diagrams
This book also contains forces lists and rules to play
other troops from the Warhammer 40K universe in the
claustrophobic halls of the hulk. This material in
particular draws from a mixture of official and unofficial
sources. You’ll find the Forces section of page 68.
Lastly, DO NOT SELL THIS BOOK! It is intended as a
free resource for fans of this long out of print game.
- editor
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