E-29. Homecoming.docx

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E-29. Homecoming

ESL Podcast 40, Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan

Fall is once again upon us, and that means that homecoming celebrations are just around the corner. Homecoming is an American tradition each September and October for high schools and colleges where they celebrate their school spirit with a football game and other celebrations. I remember the homecoming events when I was in school. First, there was the election of a homecoming king and queen. Each class had its own representative, one boy and one girl, usually the most popular jock and the cutest cheerleader. Needless to say, I was neither, so I never stood a chance of being elected! The king and queen, though, were always from the senior class.

fall - jesień (American English)

fall is once again upon us - i znów mamy jesień

homecoming - tu: zjazd absolwentów

celebrations - świętowanie, obchody

just around the corner - tuż, tuż (dosł. tuż za rogiem)

celebrate - świętować, obchodzić

spirit - duch

event - impreza

election - wybory

representative - przedstawiciel

jock - student dobry w sporcie

cute - uroczy, śliczny

cheerleader - dziewczyna tańcząca podczas przerw np. meczów koszykówki, cheerleaderka

needless to say - nie trzeba mówić, jest oczywiste

neither - żaden (z dwóch)

stand a chance - mieć szansę

though - jednak

senior class - ostatnia klasa

All the events led up to the big game, played on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon, always a home game for the school celebrating their homecoming. In my school, we had a pep rally the day before the game, where the cheerleaders and dance team would do their thing on the stage. We also had a small parade before the game, where all the homecoming royalty and the marching band would go around the track of the stadium where the game was held, cheered on by alumni, parents, and students. Then we would watch the football game, which at my school, we usually lost.

lead up to - prowadzić do

big game - wielki mecz

home game - mecz u siebie (w przeciwieństwie do meczu na wyjeździe - away game)

pep rally - impreza dopingująca przed meczem

dance team - grupa taneczna

do their thing - zrobić, co do nich należało

stage - scena

parade - parada, defilada

royalty - członkowie rodziny królewskiej (tu: wybrani król i królowa imprezy)

marching band - orkiestra dęta

track - bieżnia

where the game was held - gdzie odbywał się mecz

cheered on by - dopingowany przez

alumnus, alumni - absolwent, absolwenci

alumna, alumnae - absolwentka, absolwentki


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