Voice Coil 2011 08.pdf

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In ThIs Issue
A Message from Ed Dell
InDusTRY neWs
By Vance Dickason
By Vance Dickason
By James Croft
New D-fend for
Loudspeakers, p. 10
Motor Ring Dome
Tweeter, p. 21
TesT BenCh
SB Acoustics and Parts Express
Home Audio Applications
By Vance Dickason
Products & Services Index
plans and enthusiasm the Elektor group is bringing to our
One of the privileges I will miss the most is my ongoing
relationship with the more than 900 authors who have
made our publications possible. Of these, more than a
third is from countries outside of the United States. From
the beginning, more than 40 years ago, authors have
offered us outstanding fare. Just recently, I received a new
manuscript from our star performer, Nelson Pass. I take
this as a good omen that the quality of these periodicals
will continue.
I am pleased to report that Vance Dickason, whose tal-
ents have been a very significant factor in our success, will
continue as editor of Voice Coil . We are all working hard in
this transition hoping that all will go smoothly. We ask for
your patience during this period.
Please accept my thanks for the pleasure of being pub-
lisher for an audience who have responded in all sorts of
wonderful ways over our years together.
A Message from Ed Dell
Dear Friends,
Audio Amateur, Inc. is in a wonderful transition. All of
our assets will have been acquired by the Elektor group by
the time you read this. The Elektor group publishes Circuit
Cellar magazine and the North American version of Elektor
magazine. This ensures a more firm, well-funded publish-
ing organization behind our periodical and book publish-
ing activities. The buyers have major plans to strengthen
and expand audioXpress, Voice Coil , our two annuals— The
Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook and The World Tube
Directory— and our list of books and CDs.
On a personal note, some of you know that I founded
the company in 1970 and that we are now in our 41 st year
of operation. Birthdays pile up.
Next February, I will be 89. I am in fine health and still
active. But it is time to hand the reins to others. I have been
a publisher for a long time and my love for the profession
continues undiminished. I am deeply pleased about the
Ed T. Dell
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by 40%, effective July 1. According to Business China , it
is only a matter of time before the move trickles down to
U.S. manufacturers. Business China says the price for both
neodymium and dysprosium ‘continues to rise steeply due
to mining restrictions and the cutting of export quotas for
rare-earth minerals by China.’”
China exports more than 90% of the world’s rare-earth
metals and houses more than one third of the world’s
reserves, according to Business China . The market is con-
trolled by the Chinese government, which in recent years
has limited export quotas.
Industry News and Developments
By Vance Dickason
Neodymium Prices “Skyrocket”
Voice Coil magazine has featured news about the continu-
ally rising price of China-sourced Neodymium for several
years. The consequences of this are obvious; however, the
news is now showing up in other industry market-oriented
publications such as CE Pro . Here is an excerpt from the
July 13 article in CE Pro , written by James Knott titled,
“Why Loudspeaker Prices Will Skyrocket”:
Neodymium Price Up 1,400%
The price of neodymium has risen to RMB 1.4 million
per ton from RMB 100,000 per ton since the end of 2008,
when China issued a series of tightening measures for the
country’s rare-earth industry, according to a survey by the
21 st   Century Business Herald. On June 3, 2010, Japan
enacted a series of emergency measures to prevent the
country’s consumer electronics manufacturing companies
from being held hostage by the price increase by China. The
Japanese government used 8.7 billion yen to buy rare-earth
metals in 2010.”
“Neodymium magnets used in low-profile loudspeakers
are set to increase in price by 40% on July 1. The cost for
the rare earth metal has risen by 1,400% since 2008. In
addition to  skyrocketing prices for petroleum and copper
that have affected the cost of cabling, there is another loom-
ing crisis for the custom electronics industry: the increasing
price of neodymium, a rare-earth metal.
The magnets are instrumental in the manufacturing of
some low-profile loudspeakers from Definitive Technology,
Earthquake, Wisdom Audio, Totem Acoustic, BG Radia,
and Martin Logan. Not all manufacturers use neodymium
drivers, some use magnets made of ferrite, which has the
same properties as neodymium but requires a larger magnet.
Due to the rising prices of neodymium, Shin-Etsu
Chemical Co. Ltd., a neodymium supplier, raised its price
While Mr. Knott’s article focused on home audio loud-
speaker manufacturers, even harder hit will be pro sound
manufacturers which have been incorporating Neodymium
into large pro sound woofers and compression drivers for
Liaison Between Materials,
Suppliers, & Audio Manufacturers
Engineering Consulting
for the Audio Community
Technical Support for Headset,
Mic, Speaker & Manufacturers
Product Development
Test & Measurement
USA tel 510.758.9014
Michael Klasco
Sourcing Guidance
sponsors of “The Loudspeaker University” seminars
voice coil
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AUGUST 2011 5
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