Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E14 (38) Yellow.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 349.9 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2072}{2109}Firing squad...
{2119}{2173}present arms.
{2212}{2251}Hello, creeps.
{2255}{2354}I was just about to fire off|tonight's dead-time story.
{2370}{2416}It's about a young soldier...
{2417}{2485}who doesn't want to be|in the army anymore.
{2497}{2549}I can't imagine why not.
{2551}{2638}I mean,|war's a great equal-opportunity destroyer.
{2718}{2767}Now, where was I?
{2769}{2795}Oh, yes.
{2889}{2943}and here's my favorite part...
{3006}{3093}I call tonight's tale "Yellow. "
{6224}{6278}G Flank, hold your ground!
{6313}{6373}Soldier, you seen the Lieutenant?
{6593}{6637}where's the Lieutenant?
{6946}{6988}You seen the Lieutenant?
{6990}{7031}Back over there...
{7534}{7583}- Drink, Sergeant?|- Lieutenant, our orders are...
{7585}{7626}to take that hill.
{7628}{7667}The charge is stalled.
{7669}{7712}What are you doing here, sir?
{7714}{7781}What's that, Sgt. Ripper?|You'll have to speak up.
{7783}{7878}The Germans are shooting the crap|out of us. Or haven't you noticed?
{7880}{7928}We should climb the hill!
{7930}{7968}You want us to stop?
{7971}{8023}No, I do not want the men to just stop.
{8025}{8091}The Huns have us zeroed in.|They're cutting us to ribbons.
{8092}{8163}I want you to order the men to retreat.
{8166}{8213}I can't do that, sir.
{8215}{8274}The General ordered us to take that hill.
{8276}{8343}I'm telling you to retreat. Now do it!
{8344}{8414}Our orders are to take the goddamn hill.
{8416}{8473}Damn the orders and damn the General!
{8475}{8544}We're the ones being shot|and killed out here!
{8602}{8661}Come on, Sergeant. Fire the flare.
{8740}{8771}Thank you, Sergeant.
{8772}{8800}Take care of the wounded!
{9496}{9593}Looks like von Furstenberg is putting|all his resources in his left flank, General.
{9702}{9785}Spotters are reporting patrols|massing here, here, and here.
{9796}{9854}Of course, he may be stealing a page|from your book, sir...
{9856}{9924}- and feigning an attack.|- No, that's not von Furstenberg's style.
{9925}{10007}If he's showing an attack there,|that's where he intends to go.
{10010}{10071}The son of a bitch always does it|eins, zwei, drei.
{10093}{10149}I don't know if we're going to be able|to hold out, sir.
{10151}{10195}Already the Hun artillery positions...
{10196}{10237}are zeroing right in on our trenches.
{10239}{10276}Any word from the line yet?
{10278}{10307}No, sir.
{10323}{10402}They should be reaching the top|of Round Hill right about now.
{10404}{10459}You think von Furstenberg|will buy what we're selling him?
{10460}{10487}I hope so, Captain.
{10488}{10555}You see, if the Germans think|we're going on the offensive...
{10556}{10636}they may hesitate just long enough|for us to regroup.
{10651}{10723}Brilliant ploy, sir.|If we can stay on that hill.
{10829}{10883}Sergeant. What's the meaning of this?
{10885}{10916}Begging the Captain's pardon, sir.
{10918}{10979}I thought the General|should hear my report straightaway.
{10994}{11030}At ease, Sergeant.
{11078}{11115}Thank you, sir.
{11234}{11268}how'd it go?
{11300}{11383}I'm afraid the counterattack|up the hill failed, sir.
{11391}{11429}We never got there.
{11453}{11490}Never got there?
{11492}{11551}No, sir. We were forced to retreat.
{11553}{11609}- Retreat?|- Who ordered a retreat?
{11611}{11645}Well, Sergeant?
{11647}{11695}Lt. Kalthrob, sir.
{11732}{11767}Lt. Kalthrob?
{11802}{11866}Are you saying my son ordered a retreat?
{11868}{11898}Yes, sir.
{11957}{12032}My men, sir, what's left of them,|are exhausted.
{12085}{12137}General, if this is the case...
{12139}{12202}- we may have to concede this battle.|- Concede?
{12212}{12272}I have never given up my entire life.
{12274}{12359}Now, how would it look to the high|command if we don't take that hill?
{12361}{12407}Maybe we can try one more time.
{12408}{12468}Let's move B Company up here.
{12489}{12539}Get B Company on the line.
{12625}{12673}The line's dead, General.
{12804}{12873}Probably the Germans, sir.|They've been sending out patrols.
{12875}{12917}Probably cut the line.
{13000}{13056}have the Lieutenant take the Sergeant...
{13058}{13100}a couple of wiremen...
{13105}{13156}find the break and fix it.
{13189}{13230}General, with respect...
{13232}{13316}I don't think it's a good idea|to send your son on that mission.
{13330}{13369}And why is that?
{13374}{13470}- He's a section lieutenant, isn't he?|- I realize that, sir, but...
{13498}{13556}Sergeant, tell him.
{13560}{13647}Yes, sir. The Lieutenant, as you know,|is my superior officer, sir-
{13648}{13696}Get to the point, Sergeant.
{13702}{13766}Begging the General's pardon, sir,|I don't know how to put this-
{13768}{13836}- Just spit it out, man!|- He's yellow, sir.
{13926}{13963}Get him in here.
{14072}{14107}You wanted to see me?
{14109}{14167}Have you forgotten how to report?
{14202}{14233}I see.
{14366}{14425}Lt. Martin Kalthrob|reporting as ordered, sir.
{14511}{14541}At ease.
{14574}{14615}Is it true what the men are saying|about you?
{14617}{14673}It depends, sir. What are the men saying?
{14675}{14732}They're saying, Lieutenant,|that you're yellow.
{14734}{14770}That you're a coward.
{14772}{14835}The men can say what they like, sir.|I don't really give a damn.
{14837}{14911}- I give a damn.|- That is your prerogative, sir.
{14958}{15070}Is it true that you ordered Sgt. Ripper|to signal a retreat this afternoon?
{15072}{15135}Yes, sir. I saved the company.
{15145}{15190}If we had continued up that hill...
{15192}{15246}none of us would be alive now.
{15248}{15295}There's no way|we could have reached the objective.
{15296}{15339}Lieutenant, the purpose of that attack...
{15341}{15430}was to pin the Germans down,|while the rest of the division fell back.
{15432}{15482}Well, we fell back anyway.|What's the difference?
{15484}{15522}What's the difference?
{15533}{15620}The difference is a lot of my men|died with bullets in their backs.
{15622}{15701}Would you have been happier|if I'd been one of them?
{15808}{15856}You know that isn't true.
{15884}{15919}I don't know.
{15954}{16013}But I do know I can't kill anyone...
{16017}{16083}and I certainly don't want to be killed.
{16089}{16142}But you've got a job to do.
{16254}{16297}I don't want to be in the army anymore.
{16299}{16341}I want a discharge.
{16344}{16380}- A discharge?|- Yes, sir.
{16381}{16420}I can't do that!
{16422}{16481}You can't do anything for me, can you?
{16483}{16511}You never could.
{16512}{16592}Don't you understand? What you're asking|would seriously undermine my command.
{16594}{16676}- What's that got to do with me?|- I'll tell you what it's got to do with you.
{16717}{16785}you're going to assemble a patrol|and lead it to the German lines.
{16787}{16825}- But I just-|- Don't interrupt.
{16854}{16928}there's a break in that|communication cable out there.
{16932}{16988}I want you to locate it and repair it.
{17051}{17102}Sir, with all due respect...
{17111}{17166}I will put together that patrol for you...
{17168}{17217}but I am not going out there.
{17220}{17275}I don't have to. I'm an officer.
{17276}{17359}God damn it, it's because you're an officer|that you must go!
{17361}{17393}I can't!
{17419}{17450}I won't.
{17647}{17701}Martin, listen to me.
{17754}{17810}I can't give you a discharge.
{17860}{17896}But if you do this for me...
{17898}{17945}if you lead this patrol...
{17975}{18028}I'll transfer you to the rear...
{18036}{18094}to get you off the front lines.
{18112}{18163}You're going to transfer me?
{18173}{18227}If you do this one thing for me.
{19201}{19249}Any sign of Cpl. Meade?
{19360}{19405}Corporal, did you find|the break in the line?
{19407}{19460}Yes, sir. About 100 yards out.
{19462}{19511}Just where that fence doglegs to the left.
{19512}{19539}Did you see any Germans?
{19541}{19584}They're all over the goddamn place,|Lieutenant.
{19586}{19649}You want my opinion?|The Huns are up to something.
{19651}{19745}I wouldn't be a bit surprised|if the sons of bitches came at us tonight.
{19747}{19789}Good work, Corporal.
{19824}{19862}Good luck, sir.
{19876}{19924}Okay, men. Let's move out.
{21172}{21204}We all right?
{21808}{21853}Can you see the break?
{21896}{21930}Over there...
{21950}{22021}where that sergeant is crucified|on the wire.
{22115}{22170}Christ! The Germans have moved|their lines forward.
{22172}{22238}What? How do you know?
{22240}{22280}I can smell them.
{22347}{22422}Sergeant, I don't see the point|of going on now.
{22427}{22487}I mean, the break is obviously|too close to the German line.
{22488}{22529}I think we should go back.
{22531}{22565}It's only about 50 yards ahead, sir.
{22567}{22622}It's too close to the German lines,|God damn it.
{22624}{22664}We're going back.
{22692}{22733}We got to do this.
{22736}{22776}You've got to do this.
{22780}{22813}We need you.
{22858}{22903}why don't you stay here...
{22904}{22952}guard the rear, sir?
{22954}{23060}Let the men and me go fix the cable.|Someone's got to cover us, all right?
{23176}{23247}If you see any Huns, blow this.
{23283}{23366}Yeah, but this thing|is gonna give away my position. I...
{23494}{23556}Okay. How long is this thing gonna take?
{23558}{23626}Not more than a few minutes, sir,|once we find the break.
{23628}{23672}Right. Make it quick.
{23909}{23963}Blow the whistle. I'll hear it.
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