Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E13 (37) Spoiled.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 233.9 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2050}{2156}Hello, golfing fiends,|and welcome to the Crypt.
{2167}{2268}Oh, don't mind him.|That's just my caddie, Juan.
{2276}{2352}He got me teed off|while I was playing a round...
{2355}{2418}so I shot a hole in Juan.
{2520}{2603}Which brings to mind|the young woman in tonight's tale.
{2617}{2732}She's also playing around,|except that her game isn't golf.
{2740}{2776}It's love.
{2783}{2879}I call this disgusting drama "Spoiled. "
{3140}{3178}Hold his calls.
{3214}{3281}And so, if all parties agree...
{3288}{3363}only decisive action on your part...
{3364}{3454}will effectuate a successful merger...
{3463}{3505}of our two companies.
{3604}{3631}Well, what are you doing?
{3633}{3730}I am trying to effectuate|a successful merger...
{3732}{3761}with my husband.
{3763}{3808}Fuchsia, I don't have time for this.
{3810}{3881}I've been trying to make this deal work|for the last six weeks.
{3883}{3932}And totally ignoring me.
{3934}{4022}You care more about this agency|than you do your own wife.
{4084}{4135}Well, one thing's for certain, Evian.
{4136}{4210}It's time for decisive action.
{4592}{4642}Come into my office, will you?
{4931}{4988}I've been keeping an eye on you, Quebec.
{5016}{5060}On my work? Really?
{5070}{5152}No. On you. Have a seat.
{5178}{5253}- This isn't about business, is it?|- No.
{5282}{5385}It's about you.|You're like me, Quebec. I can tell.
{5396}{5469}You've got an empty void|in your lonely life.
{5476}{5529}- I do?|- Yes, you do.
{5541}{5576}You and I...
{5583}{5672}we are like two lost travelers...
{5674}{5773}in a loveless, dark, frozen world.
{5852}{5902}What do you want, Mrs. Monroe?
{5923}{5985}- I want you.|- But your husband...
{5987}{6014}Forget him.
{6016}{6097}In my life, I see something I want, I take it.|Do you understand?
{6099}{6135}Rules aren't for me.
{6194}{6254}You are for me.
{6813}{6873}Oh, God, Louise.
{6881}{6931}Fuchsia is awesome.
{6952}{7020}- She has her moments.|- Moments?
{7022}{7097}Her moments?|That's the way you should live life, Louise.
{7100}{7211}You go for it. You don't waste it|like we do, sorting laundry.
{7213}{7289}But, Janet, you have to sort laundry.
{7294}{7368}You can't mix your delicates|with your permanent press...
{7370}{7407}and if you're using heavy detergent...
{7409}{7450}you have to mix your colors|and your whites-
{7452}{7525}Are you nuts? I'm talking,|when you see something you want...
{7527}{7555}you take it.
{7561}{7617}You lose your head in romance.
{7619}{7696}Oh, come on, Janet,|you've got the American dream.
{7699}{7751}You're married to a doctor.
{7753}{7826}Yeah, but he's married to his work.
{7835}{7926}His stupid research,|his fancy-pants operations.
{7928}{7979}Well, I want Fuchsia's life.
{7991}{8028}Hot passion...
{8054}{8103}steamy romance...
{8110}{8161}- Danger?|- Yes. That, too.
{8340}{8372}Oh, well.
{8400}{8429}All done.
{8558}{8618}- Was the operation a success?|- Yes...
{8635}{8686}but the patient died. Damn.
{8712}{8769}If only my new anesthetic were ready...
{8772}{8830}we could have done|the impossible last night, Janet.
{8832}{8942}We could have frozen the brain and|performed the most difficult transplant.
{8958}{8989}- Damn.|- Damn.
{8996}{9037}I've got work in the lab.
{9048}{9101}- Hello, Louise.|- Hello, Doctor.
{9229}{9294}Hospital call|in the middle of the night again?
{9340}{9395}Well, have a nice day.
{9827}{9897}What a fool I've been,|exploring medical science...
{9912}{9987}when I could be exploring you.
{10000}{10106}Well, Christopher Columbus,|welcome to the New World.
{10237}{10275}Earth to Janet.
{10309}{10344}Are you okay, hon?
{10404}{10500}These must be Leon's.|They're definitely not Jim Palmer's.
{10628}{10684}This is extraordinary.
{10721}{10771}If my calculations are correct...
{10782}{10899}my new anesthetic will work|far beyond anyone's imagination.
{10914}{10967}Three and...
{11107}{11140}What are you doing?
{11142}{11212}I told you not to come in here|when the red light is on.
{11213}{11301}I am trying to effectuate|a successful merger with my husband.
{11303}{11379}Well, I'm trying to make medical history.|Which is more important?
{11381}{11444}Janet, let me pour this in here right now.
{11481}{11510}Don't you see?
{11512}{11565}Organ transplants|of undreamed complexity...
{11567}{11610}could actually become reality.
{11612}{11671}You could actually operate|for weeks at a time...
{11672}{11723}because the brain would still be alive.
{11724}{11780}- You would love that, wouldn't you?|- Absolutely.
{11782}{11866}Here, hold this. Janet. Janet!
{11924}{11962}My new anesthetic.
{12042}{12106}Now, to Mr. Cottontail's house.
{12170}{12247}We have a very special lunch prepared.
{12294}{12335}Well, look who's here.
{12356}{12399}Now, come on, Mr. Cottontail.
{12408}{12508}We want you to eat and sleep|for medical science.
{12519}{12575}You're gonna be a very famous bunny.
{12585}{12643}- Who cares?|- But your husband?
{12644}{12677}Who cares?
{12687}{12733}No, don't worry about him.
{12735}{12803}He never comes home|in the middle of the day.
{12804}{12843}- We should stop.|- No.
{12862}{12920}Can you stop an avalanche once it starts...
{12922}{13004}to thunder wildly down the mountain?
{13013}{13055}Can you stop a waterfall...
{13088}{13127}from crashing...
{13145}{13213}steamily over...
{13239}{13284}- a cliff?|- No.
{13333}{13373}Yes, you can.
{13393}{13448}- Evian.|- Like this.
{13456}{13526}No, baby. You can't. Don't shoot!
{13533}{13580}Just watch me.
{13648}{13743}What? Oh, God. Come back. Don't shoot.
{13745}{13785}Oh, God! Oh, God!
{13787}{13823}No. Oh, no. Stop.
{13824}{13891}Oh, God. Oh. Shit. Shit.
{13893}{13936}Don't shoot.|Don't shoot.
{13953}{14036}And that concludes another episode|ofThere's Always Tomorrow.
{14038}{14062}No! Shit, shit, shit!
{14108}{14165}Louise. Louise, the door's open.
{14181}{14207}- Tell me the plan.|- Did you see it?
{14209}{14253}- It was unbelievable.|- He didn't shoot Fuchsia...
{14255}{14279}did he? Tell me what happened.
{14281}{14306}- He shot...|- Who?
{14308}{14356}-... Quebec.|- No!
{14361}{14411}- Below the belt.|- No!
{14413}{14472}- Weren't you watching?|- Of course, I was watching upstairs...
{14474}{14546}on the television|until the damn picture went out.
{14548}{14612}Janet, when are you going|to join the rest of us...
{14614}{14659}in the 20th century and get cable?
{14660}{14707}The picture is so much better.
{14708}{14761}Plus, you get HBO and everything.
{14768}{14841}It would really improve|the quality of your life.
{14949}{15031}No. Leon thinks cable is frivolous.
{15072}{15166}CNN, frivolous? C-Span, frivolous?
{15172}{15264}The Weather Channel, frivolous?|I think not.
{15291}{15356}And furthermore, would Fuchsia hesitate...
{15358}{15412}because Evian thought|something was frivolous?
{15459}{15495}Or would she take...
{15516}{15573}- decisive action?|- Decisive action?
{15794}{15888}Hi. I'm Abel, with the cable.
{15927}{15961}I'm sure you are.
{16013}{16085}I mean, hi. Come in. I'm glad you're here.
{16117}{16168}- Tomorrow starts in an hour.|- What?
{16171}{16253}My story, There's Always Tomorrow.|It's a soap opera.
{16320}{16367}So where do you want it?
{16452}{16511}- Your box.|- Excuse me?
{16540}{16588}Your cable box. Where do you want it?
{16603}{16658}Well, I need it more than once.
{16668}{16723}I mean, I need it in different rooms.
{16739}{16820}I mean, can you do it in the bedroom, too?
{16907}{16937}No problem.
{17117}{17164}- Will it take long?|- No.
{17183}{17237}I'll run a line in from the street...
{17241}{17306}do the first installation,|and bing, bang, boom.
{17324}{17380}The second one usually takes longer...
{17401}{17463}but it's more fun,|if you know what I mean.
{17559}{17583}Right this way.
{17585}{17644}Now, male...
{17678}{17708}into female.
{17732}{17793}- Input.|- Output.
{17908}{17943}You're all hooked up.
{17970}{18019}Got quite a tool there.
{18033}{18059}It's huge.
{18065}{18120}It's not the size of the tool, ma'am.
{18153}{18189}It's how you use it.
{18195}{18245}You certainly know how to use it.
{18316}{18381}How many installations|have you done in one day?
{18440}{18522}My Phillips did so much screwing,|I thought the tip would fall off.
{18524}{18552}Oh, God.
{18668}{18714}- Damn.|- Duty calls.
{18738}{18795}- Oh, well.|- If you have any problems...
{18811}{18884}you can get immediate service|by beeping me directly...
{18913}{18960}- day or night.|- Thanks.
{18976}{19029}And remember, it's Abel.
{19043}{19131}As in "ready, willing, and... "
{19132}{19162}You bet.
{19463}{19545}Fuchsia, what are you doing here?
{19579}{19613}I shot your lover.
{19615}{19715}Quebec meant nothing to me.|I was just trying to stir you up.
{19731}{19800}Evian, remember this?
{19812}{19864}I wore it on our wedding night.
{19871}{19916}How could I forget?
{19931}{19993}My husband, take me.
{20019}{20050}Oh, Evian.
{20220}{20273}Day four, Mr. Cottontail.
{20279}{20363}Vital signs stable, brain waves normal...
{20380}{20418}heart functioning.
{20435}{20497}What did I tell you about coming in here|when the light is on?
{20499}{20539}Only emergencies.
{20557}{20637}Oh, this is an emergency.
{20687}{20769}Remember this, Leon?|I wore it on our wedding night.
{20820}{20849}You did?
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