Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E07 (31) The Reluctant Vampire.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 233.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2158}{2221}"I want to suck your blood. "
{2242}{2275}That's not right.
{2278}{2338}"I want to suck your blood. "
{2340}{2412}No, that's not it. "I want to suck-"
{2436}{2468}Hello, kiddies.
{2470}{2535}You caught me|in the middle of my homework.
{2537}{2627}Your old pal, the Crypt Keeper,|is a real believer in continuing...
{2726}{2802}Which brings us|to tonight's murderous morsel.
{2804}{2881}It's a juicy little tale|about a real bloodsucker...
{2883}{2943}who never learned to go for the jugular.
{2954}{3012}I call this plasma play...
{3021}{3079}The Reluctant Vampire.
{4609}{4656}Oh, God.
{4734}{4807}How I hate Mondays.
{5221}{5287}Leopold? Come on, Leopold.
{5385}{5462}Now, while most of us make a point|ofnot looking for trouble...
{5464}{5535}my next guest has made a career ofit.
{5537}{5608}He has a job that's definitely not|for the squeamish.
{5609}{5724}For the past 50 years, Rupert Van Helsing|has been hunting vampires.
{5751}{5844}Hunting vampires?|Mr. Van Helsing, is that for real?
{5846}{5907}Of course it's for real, Miss Jones.
{5909}{5979}I assure you, vampires are quite real.
{6001}{6062}And they really turn into bats|and fly around?
{6064}{6182}No. That's just in the movies,|but they must drink blood to stay alive.
{6184}{6245}And it must be human blood.
{6247}{6285}It is for them an addiction.
{6287}{6371}An addiction for which|they ha ve to kill nightly.
{6380}{6479}I don't know about you, but I'm wearing|an extra scarf to bed tonight.
{6568}{6624}Come on, Leopold. Come on.
{6636}{6736}We've got to go to work.|Come on. Good boy.
{7208}{7269}I don't want excuses. I want answers!
{7271}{7316}Our blood supply is at a record low.
{7318}{7364}We are tottering|on the brink of bankruptcy.
{7366}{7443}And all you can say is, "There are|irregularities in the bookkeeping. "
{7445}{7503}We've been meeting|all our donation quotas, Mr. Crosswhite.
{7504}{7562}What's happening, Sally?|Is blood evaporating?
{7564}{7637}I wanna know why there's not as much|blood available as we're taking in.
{7639}{7677}I don't know why.
{7679}{7713}You better find out why, sweetheart...
{7715}{7763}or your little butt's gonna be out|on the sidewalk.
{7764}{7825}Oh, no. Mr. Crosswhite, I need this job.
{7827}{7872}Honey, you're dead weight|on a sinking ship.
{7874}{7944}Please, Mr. Crosswhite,|I'll get to the bottom of it.
{7956}{8023}It's interesting that you put it|that way, Sally...
{8024}{8099}because I'd like to keep you on here.
{8100}{8162}You see, I like you, Sally, a lot.
{8187}{8268}And perhaps we could get|to the bottom of that?
{8299}{8363}- Mr. Crosswhite-|- Leave her alone.
{8499}{8535}Nice try, hero.
{8541}{8591}But before you go|sticking your nose in anywhere...
{8593}{8646}remember you're just a night watchman.
{8648}{8735}- If you want to stay night watchman...|- Yes, sir.
{8791}{8843}Think about what I said, sweetheart.
{8854}{8937}It's an awfully cruel world out there|in the unemployment line.
{8979}{9033}Maybe you both better think about it.
{9432}{9455}Well, then.
{9475}{9522}I'll be going now.
{9532}{9580}Oh, yes. Goodbye, then.
{9589}{9665}Don't worry.|I'm sure everything will turn out just fine.
{9696}{9767}Thanks for standing up for me today,|Mr. Longtooth.
{9807}{9866}- It was nothing.|- No, I mean it.
{9868}{9923}It was a brave thing to do.
{9940}{10011}- Nobody's ever called me that before.|- What?
{10072}{10159}When my family used to go out hunting,|I used to stay in the house.
{10192}{10238}I couldn't kill anyone.
{10363}{10418}That doesn't mean you're a coward.
{10436}{10488}You're sensitive, that's all.
{10524}{10563}- I am?|- Yeah.
{10618}{10668}And I think sensitive is...
{10828}{10857}You do?
{11131}{11191}Sally, I've got to go now...
{11224}{11285}'cause I'm supposed to be|watching things.
{11288}{11351}Would you like some company for a while?
{11432}{11482}- Is everything all right?|- Yes.
{11496}{11547}Just got a little toothache.
{11655}{11706}Guess I better let you go.
{11772}{11821}Good night, Mr. Longtooth.
{11879}{11912}Good night.
{12647}{12740}Over the lips, over the fangs,|say goodbye to hunger pangs!
{12787}{12852}Yes, lovely.
{12947}{12975}Oh, yes.
{13009}{13077}Leopold, my dear friend, up you go.
{13095}{13150}Yes. Oh, good.
{13232}{13304}A little AB or a little type O
{13336}{13416}Twist oflime and away we go
{13607}{13644}Oh, nectar of the gods.
{13676}{13727}Here's blood in your eye, Leopold.
{14073}{14164}I think we'd better go|and alter that record book, don't you?
{14521}{14596}Crosswhite, you goddamn son of a...
{14598}{14635}He's taken it home with him.
{14637}{14726}I should go around to his house|and rip his goddamn throat out.
{14767}{14831}I've got to do something|to solve this problem...
{14833}{14891}even if I hate myself in the morning.
{14942}{14999}I wish you could wait|until the morning, Cuddles.
{15000}{15085}I mean, it's not safe here.|I didn't mean to scare you.
{15088}{15143}You are shaking all over the street, huh?
{15241}{15302}You darling. You look just darling.
{15304}{15390}Now if you could just piddle and get it|over with, and we'll go home. All right?
{15392}{15427}I can't do it.
{15460}{15537}I just can't do it.
{15539}{15599}Okay, Granny, hand over your purse.
{15600}{15632}I said, hand-
{15640}{15709}A body isn't safe|to walk the streets anymore.
{15809}{15865}- Who the hell are you?|- Hello.
{15867}{15913}Have you ever had|any blood-borne diseases?
{15915}{15939}No, man.
{15940}{15997}Are you currently taking any drugs,|or any other medication?
{15999}{16060}Have you had dental surgery|in the last 72 hours?
{16062}{16089}- Have I what?|- Have you?
{16091}{16178}- No! Oh, God, you're killing me.|- This is music to my ears.
{16307}{16422}Come on, my little beauty.|This is good. This is very good.
{17024}{17069}You win some, you lose some.
{17151}{17195}Thanks for your business.
{17865}{17931}Sally, hello. How are you?
{18016}{18095}You're early.|It's not even light outside yet.
{18156}{18208}I was worried about the blood.
{18248}{18306}Well, that's nothing to worry about.
{18312}{18382}I'm sure there's more than enough|for everyone.
{18406}{18444}Mr. Longtooth...
{18617}{18676}is there something wrong with me?
{18756}{18788}What do you mean?
{18811}{18873}Do you think I'm unattractive?
{18952}{19033}No. Not at all. Quite the contrary...
{19139}{19186}I think you're very beautiful.
{19249}{19320}Then is there something wrong with you?
{19394}{19433}What do you mean?
{19463}{19503}Don't you know?
{19856}{19896}Sally, I...
{19949}{19986}I have to...
{20019}{20066}I have to go.
{20093}{20138}I'll see you tomorrow.
{20324}{20357}This is a weird one all right.
{20359}{20471}What kind of a sicko would drain all the|blood out of some nickel-and-dime bum?
{20473}{20512}I've got nothing to go on here.
{20514}{20577}I got no fingerprints.|I got no murder weapon.
{20581}{20649}The only eyewitness|to the whole thing is some...
{20657}{20714}little old lady who says|she kicked him in the balls.
{20716}{20773}Perhaps I can help you.
{20817}{20859}Who the hell are you?
{20861}{20903}Rupert Van Helsing.
{20933}{21011}- What do you want, Rupert?|- I want to help you, Lieutenant.
{21023}{21094}Though, at first, you're not going|to believe anything I tell you.
{21096}{21146}You're going to think I'm strange...
{21219}{21302}But in three to four days,|when the city is awash in blood...
{21322}{21377}you're going to beg me for my help.
{21386}{21468}Well, so far you're right on the money,|Rupert. You are strange...
{21469}{21555}and I don't believe you,|but thank you anyway.
{21572}{21640}- Goodbye.|- Any similarities?
{21814}{21899}Wait a minute, now.|You're the guy on the radio, right?
{21901}{21961}- The Dracula chaser?|- Lieutenant...
{21964}{22033}I assure you,|I can prove everything I'm telling you.
{22035}{22085}Well, how are you gonna do that, Rupert?
{22087}{22180}Perhaps, if I might see the body.
{22212}{22256}Just as I thought.
{22260}{22319}A puncture mark|directly above the jugular.
{22320}{22415}Yeah, but there's only one of them there,|Rupert. Shouldn't there be two?
{22425}{22519}Perhaps one of his teeth is decayed.
{22541}{22597}Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
{22608}{22681}Now, let me ask you something else.|This guy was empty.
{22683}{22719}Not a drop of blood in him.
{22721}{22797}That's nine whole pints.|How do you explain that?
{22816}{22920}- Do vampires usually drink that much?|- Perhaps, if they're quite large.
{22956}{23060}So we're looking for a 300-pound refugee|from Castle Dracula...
{23065}{23135}with bad teeth and a taste for muggers.
{23145}{23173}Is that it?
{23180}{23249}- That's what we're looking for, Lieutenant.|- Good.
{23251}{23306}Okay, you let me know|when you find him, Sherlock.
{23308}{23377}And meantime,|I'm due back in the 20th century.
{23580}{23628}I'm afraid I have some bad news.
{23630}{23713}Due to the problems we've been having|in maintaining our blood supply...
{23715}{23765}I've decided to scale back.
{23774}{23805}Now, what this means is...
{23807}{23888}most of you will no longer be with us|at the end of the month.
{23889}{23955}Sorry, I know how you all must feel...
{23956}{24008}but for us to continue current operations...
{24010}{24097}there would have to be|a stunning improvement in our business.
{24122}{24193}I'm talking,|at least twice our current daily intake.
{24195}{24270}Goodnight, everyone.|We'll see you all in the morning.
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