Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E06 (30) Dead Wait.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 233.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2134}{2210}Welcome aboard, fright-seers.
{2212}{2280}Looking for a little hell-iday fun?
{2291}{2338}You've come to the right place.
{2340}{2436}We specialize in|all sorts of hack-age tours.
{2521}{2552}So what'll it be?
{2554}{2612}A few days in a scream park?
{2614}{2726}Or would you like me to book you|into a nice quiet dead and breakfast?
{2734}{2798}Or perhaps you'd like to go|treasure-haunting...
{2800}{2848}like my friend Red?
{2852}{2927}He wants to steal a priceless black pearl...
{2929}{2991}in a tasteless tidbit I call:
{3003}{3036}"Dead Wait. "
{4188}{4254}Hey, I've been waiting for you|for hours, Charlie.
{4256}{4293}Where the hell you been?
{4295}{4367}Where do you think?|I've been tracking Duval.
{4425}{4464}Took me all goddamn day...
{4466}{4521}to find someone|who'd talk to me about him.
{4523}{4598}Son of a bitch|practically owns the fucking island.
{4600}{4651}He's got a huge plantation|up in the mountains.
{4653}{4677}Well, hey.
{4691}{4748}That's where he keeps the pearl.
{4752}{4822}Bingo! We got him, Charlie.|That pearl's practically ours.
{4832}{4893}It ain't going to be that easy, Red.
{4935}{4983}Did you get the boat like I asked?
{4984}{5046}Yo, I've been thinking. I got a better idea.
{5048}{5087}- If we hijack a plane-|- Christ!
{5088}{5132}You're gonna fuck things up, aren't you?
{5134}{5209}If I tell you I want a boat,|I want a goddamn boat.
{5211}{5254}You know, I've got ideas, too.
{5256}{5293}Well, fuck your ideas!
{5298}{5371}I'm the one that's got to do|all the dirty work around here.
{5373}{5404}When they come running to the coast...
{5406}{5472}I want to make damn sure|I got a way off this stinking island.
{5474}{5520}Don't treat me like a fucking moron.
{5522}{5594}I will treat you the way I wanna treat you.
{5728}{5766}What's the matter with you?
{5768}{5851}You ought to be doing your job|instead of fucking with goddamn games.
{5853}{5952}I got news for you, Charlie.|Chess isn't just a game, man.
{6012}{6065}- It's a way to improve your mind.|- Yeah, well...
{6067}{6147}first you got to have a mind|in order to improve it.
{6183}{6286}Got to hand it to you, Charlie.|You're the one with the brains, all right.
{6288}{6346}But if you're so fucking smart...
{6384}{6426}how come you're the one that's dead?
{7045}{7141}Hey, that mec you were looking for.|That's him, Duval.
{7853}{7948}Mr. Duval, I'd like to introduce myself.|My name's Red Buckley.
{8092}{8159}I understand you're looking for some help|running your plantation.
{8160}{8195}Who told you of this?
{8205}{8276}It's a small island. Word gets around.
{8277}{8331}Yes, I would imagine it would.
{8379}{8415}Sit, monsieur.
{8435}{8478}Bring another glass.
{8704}{8797}Katrine, this is monsieur Buckley.
{8836}{8874}Pleasure's mine.
{8886}{8945}You have beautiful hair, monsieur.
{8951}{9015}Don't stare, Katrine. It's not polite.
{9040}{9095}You must excuse her, monsieur.
{9112}{9193}Even where you come from|hair like yours is rare.
{9204}{9271}On this island it is positively unique.
{9382}{9446}what do you know about|running a plantation?
{9448}{9539}- I grew up on a farm.|- You did? May I see your hands?
{9747}{9830}This does not look like the hand|of a farmer, monsieur.
{10025}{10063}I've been at sea for a lot of years.
{10114}{10148}In the Navy.
{10156}{10207}And now you want to get back to the land.
{10208}{10257}If I never see water again|it wouldn't break my heart.
{10259}{10293}That's rather an odd thing to say, isn't it?
{10295}{10361}Here in the middle of an island.|Especially this one?
{10363}{10427}You are aware of what is going on here?
{10528}{10576}I refer to the revolution.
{10588}{10645}Most people are trying to run away.
{10647}{10708}I've been in more dangerous places.
{10743}{10793}Well, I hope you're right.
{10820}{10899}Tell me, are you, by any chance,|a player of chess?
{10906}{10973}Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am.
{11032}{11148}- Well, my dear, shall I hire him?|- What the hell.
{11204}{11293}There you have your answer, monsieur:.|"What the hell. "
{11821}{11892}- Nice place you have here, Mr. Duval.|- Thank you, monsieur.
{11894}{11994}It's one of the few pleasures|that I have left on this earth.
{12082}{12127}Don't be alarmed, monsieur.
{12128}{12203}That's just the rebels|operating in the hills.
{12204}{12283}They're not very well-organized|on this side of the island.
{12285}{12324}Or not yet, anyway.
{12448}{12540}- Welcome back. We missed you.|- Thank you, Peligre.
{12567}{12648}This is Red. He will be running|the plantation from now on.
{12649}{12693}Red, this is Peligre...
{12695}{12755}who has worked with me for many years.
{12757}{12780}It's nice to meet you.
{12942}{13039}Peligre will escort you to your quarters.|If they're ready.
{13041}{13112}Yes, they are.|I've just finished cleansing them.
{13114}{13188}- So you're the housekeeper?|- Oh, no, no, no.
{13208}{13255}Peligre is a Mundunugu.
{13275}{13373}Her cleansing|is of an entirely spiritual nature.
{13435}{13491}Come and talk to me|when you've settled in.
{13492}{13542}Perhaps we can play chess.
{13627}{13708}If there is ever anything|that you need, monsieur...
{13858}{13893}Nice place.
{14004}{14070}So you're a voodoo priestess|or something?
{14111}{14147}Or something.
{14255}{14367}- Is that your real hair color?|- Yeah. What is all this shit about my hair?
{14369}{14451}Our culture believes that the color red|symbolizes life.
{14452}{14500}So you should feel very blessed.
{14501}{14540}I'm working on it.
{14544}{14587}Say, what's wrong with Duval?
{14588}{14618}What do you mean?
{14620}{14653}Well, you know, the limp.
{14655}{14724}The lines on his hand.|What the hell is that?
{14728}{14763}Evil spirits.
{14781}{14838}- What?|- He conjures them.
{14858}{14927}Didn't he tell you he was a witch doctor?
{15005}{15049}You're much too easy.
{15140}{15203}Really, what's wrong with him?
{15204}{15286}Schistosomiasis. Water worms.
{15292}{15364}They mature in the blood|and destroy the liver and spleen.
{15366}{15451}Sometimes they migrate out to the skin|and burrow there.
{15453}{15533}- I'm told they're very painful.|- I'll bet.
{15657}{15709}Not exactly the Ritz, is it?
{16065}{16103}You don't need to be afraid.
{16105}{16188}The spirit of the ram|is here to protect the hut for you.
{16189}{16257}I want you to get that fucking thing|out of here.
{16288}{16337}You should be more careful.
{16339}{16409}Especially about things|you don't understand.
{16414}{16508}Can you imagine how odd|some of your beliefs must be to others?
{17131}{17159}Hello, Duval?
{17184}{17215}You home?
{18116}{18152}Holy shit.
{18253}{18326}Don't get too close.|You'll set off the alarm.
{18344}{18419}And I don't think|the local army commandant...
{18431}{18511}will appreciate being dragged here|from his bed at this time of night.
{18513}{18556}- The army?|- Oh, yes.
{18558}{18621}Far more reliable than the island's police.
{18639}{18721}One of the benefits|of having friends in high places.
{18761}{18824}That's some pearl, Mr. Duval.|I've never seen anything like it.
{18826}{18891}Yes, and you never will.
{18938}{18980}It's one of a kind.
{18988}{19099}Oh, there are other black pearls,|but none like this.
{19119}{19212}- It must be worth a lot of money.|- Oh, yes, if I wished to sell it.
{19230}{19310}But some things|are worth more than money, Red.
{19325}{19381}You don't mind me calling you Red?
{19383}{19415}Fine with me, Mr. Duval.
{19417}{19469}Then you shall call me Emil.
{19508}{19622}You know, I want you to know|that I'm really glad that you're here.
{19640}{19705}I hope we become friends. Good friends.
{19729}{19785}- I'd like that, Emil.|- Good.
{19820}{19911}And now, my friend, you must excuse me.|I have to go to bed.
{19940}{19985}A word of advice, Red:
{20026}{20069}Don't get old.
{20074}{20118}There's no fun in it.
{20172}{20207}Night, Emil.
{20448}{20503}It's quite beautiful, isn't it?
{20603}{20642}The black pearl?
{20691}{20730}Yeah, it's something.
{20801}{20877}Except I was under the impression|that you were Duval's black pearl.
{20879}{20938}No. I'm his black diamond.
{21057}{21106}Or maybe his black queen.
{21124}{21155}It doesn't seem right.
{21176}{21262}An incredible-looking woman like you|with a sick old man like him.
{21283}{21323}Emil is very good to me.
{21324}{21365}Emil or Emil's money?
{21393}{21428}You are one to talk.
{21437}{21486}All I'm saying is maybe Duval's right.
{21513}{21563}Maybe there is more to life than money.
{21564}{21618}Ah, oui? And what might that be?
{22099}{22153}Red king takes black queen.
{22896}{22951}Baby, you were something.
{22992}{23075}I shouldn't stay too long.|Emil will be looking for me.
{23120}{23174}He doesn't sleep much anymore.
{23269}{23344}Sounds like the rebels are operating|on this side of the hill tonight.
{23346}{23429}- You mean they're getting closer?|- Well, they might be.
{23547}{23618}Do you know how to turn off|Duval's security system?
{23626}{23686}You're not exactly subtle, are you?
{23714}{23788}I don't have time for subtle. Come on.
{23804}{23872}You want that damn pearl as much as I do.|Why wait for it?
{23874}{23941}If you want something,|you might as well take it.
{23950}{24017}I don't know|how the security system works.
{24021}{24061}I bet you'll find out.
{24120}{24171}I don't think you understand something.
{24173}{24235}Stealing the pearl, that's the easy part.
{24241}{24298}But getting away,|between the rebels and the army-
{24300}{24337}Let me handle that.
{24359}{24427}Is it a deal? Partners?
{25217}{25255}Are you crazy?
{25257}{25335}Bringing that woman here. She's...|She's dangerous.
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