SORD Pathfinder - System Operational Reference Digest.pdf

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This is Xorrem, Master of Records,
calling anyone . . .
Assist, Assist . . . our game is under attack . . .
our fun is gone . . .
players are not responding . . .
Assist . . . losing campaign fun
S ystem O perational R eference D igest
fast . . . calling anyone . . . please help . . .
For The Pathinder Role Playing Game
This is Xorrem, Master of Records . . .
Assist . . .
System Operational
Reference Digest
rev 1.0
Myth Merchant Press
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Art Direction and Production: Steve Muchow
Cover Illustration: Steve Muchow
Interior Illustrations: Steve Muchow
Cartography: Steve Muchow
Branding Design: Steve Muchow
SORD Plus 1.0 thanks: The guys on Paizo’s™ Message Boards, especially Pax Veritas, who
started the thread, and selios, who found that I messed up cover against large creatures. oops.
SORD PF thanks: All those who sent me emails begging for an update. Thank you very much for
your support
Pathinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathinder
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathf inder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick
Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
SORD PF v1.0 June 2010 rev. 1.0
What is SORD PF?
Ø SORD is an acronym for S ystem O perational R eference D igest,
originally, a re-tooling of the combat portion of the 3.5 SRD.
Ø SORD PF is speciically tuned to the rules found in the Pathinder
Role Playing Game.
Ø It is comprehensive, but not exhaustive.
Ø It puts nearly every combat rule into a logical place for quick access.
Do you need to ind out how Ready and Delay actions affect
Initiative ? Go to the Initiative page. Have a question about Banded
Mail or Heavy Armor? Go to the Armor Class page.
If you use SORD PF as a helper in combat, you will see
signiicant time savings in running
Compatibility with the Pathinder Roleplaying Game
requires the Pathinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See
for more information on the Pathinder Roleplaying
Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee com-
patibility, and does not endorse this product.
Dear Reader,
You don’t need this book! unless... you want to play your
Pathinder Role Playing Game faster - with more complexity than
ever before and STILL have fun. If you are a player, you will become
reckless using those strange rules like Overrun and Grapple . You will
gleefully Demoralize your opponents and deliver the Coup de Grace
they so richly deserve. If you are a Game Master, you will casually
take each new idea thrrown your way and run the combat as if you
were playing checkers. Nothing will scare you!
This is a dangerous book. It attempts to take the richness and
complexity of the Pathinder Role Playing Game combat and make it
easier to run in a session. That is a tall order and every gamer is sure
to have unique ideas on how it should be done. SORD’s success in the
marketplace is entirely dependent on how well I can communicate a
new shorthand to the Game Master and Player. That is what makes this
work so dangerous; my reputation is on the line. If I fail to communicate
clearly, this project is sunk.
Using SORD PF in play.
Ø This document is like a Game Master Screen. With a quick glance,
an important rule can be referenced and the resolution of combat is
secured in seconds rather than minutes.
Ø The Rule/Page Topic is shown in a BIG font. This makes it easier to
Ø Explanatory text is bulleted and usually contains one topic per bullet.
H Complex information may also have sub-bullets.
Ø Instructions and procedures are usually found on the left side of the
page and have a unique color scheme.
One-Page Rules Compendium
Ø Wherever possible, rules are completely contained on the page they
are found. This includes charts and tables that are important to the
Ø If color can help make a rule simpler to reference, then SORD PF
uses it. Look at the Armor Class page; when an action or situation
denies a Dexterity bonus to AC, the bonus data in the chart is backed
by a different hue. With one glance, you can tell the player he needs
to provide his lat-footed AC. .
Ø The charts that use color have also been tested on Black and White
printing. Special marks help clarify if needed.
Ø Actions are displayed on a page where it makes sense to put them. For
example, all the Spell-casting Actions are grouped together. They are
color-coded based on the action type ( standard, full-round, move )
for quick execution.
Page Numbers - Do I Need Them?
Ø This PDF uses layers. Page numbers are shown initially. Just turn off
the ‘PageNumbers’ layer to hide them.
My goal is simple:
Speed combat by at least 15 minutes per encounter.
If you read my earlier versions of this product, you know its history,
so I won’t go into the grapple issues and all that drove the formation of
the original work. Anyway, the authors of the Pathinder Role Playing
Game have addressed many of those frustrations in their expansion of
the 3.5 SRD. In fact, I personally wondered if SORD was even viable
after the release of the rules set, but quickly put my questions to rest
after seeing the inal product. There still is room for a concise help for
both players and game masters.
Now, after a thorough re-tooling for the Pathinder Role Playing
Game, this work represents a compendium of the rules that pulls in all
the special exceptions to the core combat rules and points them out as
a ‘reminder’ during play. It still resembles the old SORD editions, but I
have made every effort to make sure each page relects the signiicant
changes to the gaming experience from the original 3.5 SRD rules.
It has taken awhile to get to this release, but I hope it is well worth
the wait.
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Table of Contents (pages are hyperlinked by page title)
Combat Round, Attacks of Opportunity
Movement 13
Ø Measuring Distance, Moving Through a Square, Mount or Dismount
from a Steed
Ø Dificult Terrain, Obstacles, Squeezing, Move 5 Feet in Dificult
Terrain, Special Movement Rules
Attack Modiiers
Ø Starting Combat, Surprise Round, Normal Combat Rounds
Ø Actions within a Combat Round
H Standard Action, Move Action, Full-Round Action, Free Action,
Swift Action, Immediate Action, Not an Action, Rules for Restricted
Act ivit y.
Ø Attacks ot Opportunity, Provoking Attacks of Opportunity, Making
Attacks of Opportunity
Initiative, Ready and Delay Actions
Ø Attack Roll Modiiers, Melee Attack Bonus, Ranged Attack Bonus,
Combat Maneuver Bonus
Ø Other Modiiers, Special Materials
Ø Massive Damage, Damage Reduction
Ø Tables: Base Attack Bonus, Size Modiiers, Ability Modiiers
Armor Class
Ø Initiative Procedure
Ø Ready Action
Ø Readying to Counterspell, Distract Spellcaster, Ready Weapon Against
a Charge, Delay Action
Ø Base Armor Class, Touch Armor Class, Flat-footed Armor Class
Ø Dodge Bonuses, Special Materials
Ø Armor and Modiiers Tables
Ø Contains a listing of actions available in combat. This is a color-coded
page that helps to locate where speciic rules for actions may be found.
Attack Actions
Ø Damage Basics, Acid Effects, Cold Dangers, Falling, Heat Dangers,
Fire and Lava, Smoke Effects, Water Dangers, Drowning and
Suffocation Movement
Concealment, Flanking
Ø Attack Roll Basics, Resolving threatening Critical Hits
Ø Fighting Defensively, Attack of Opportunity, Unarmed Melee Attack,
Attacking the Helpless and Coup de Grace
Ø Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Touch Attack (non-spell), Full-Attack,
Throw Splash Weapon
Ø Attacking Concealed and Invisible Defenders
Spells & Spell-like Ability 7
Ø Spell Concentration Check, Spell Components, Provoking AoO/taking
damage from AoO, Casting on the Defensive
Ø Spell Casting, Standard Action, Spell Casting, 1 round, Spell Casting, 1
minute, Spellcasting, metamagic, Spellcasting, quickened
Ø Touch Attack (spell), Holding the Charge
Ø Direct or Redirect a Spell, Maintain or Dismiss a Spell, Use Spell-like
Ability, Use Supernatural Ability, Use Extraordinary Ability
Ø Activate Magic item
More Actions
Ø Flanking, Basic Flanking, Large Creatures and Reach, Flanking a
Large Creature, Concealment
Cover, Hiding 18
Ø Cover, Hide, Improved Evasion, Melee Cover, Ranged Cover, Improved
Cover - Underwater Combat
Saving Throws, Damage Reduction
Ø Saving Throws, Spell Saving Throws, Spell Resistance, Damage
Ø Contains all the conditions in the game and their effect on combat
Ø Ready Weapon Against a Charge, Ready Action, Start/Complete Full-
Round Action, Total Defense, Use Net, Shield Bash, Stand Up from
Ø Move, Draw or Sheathe a Weapon/Shield, Manipulatean Item, Mount
or Dismount from a Steed, Move 5 Feet in Dificult Terrain, Run,
Withdraw, A 5-foot Step
Special Attacks
Ø Contains details on items and how to break them
Weapons 1
Ø Single chart containing all weapons
Weapons 2
Ø Special information for many of the weapons
Carrying Capacity
Ø Aid Another, Charge, Feint
Ø Mounted Combat, Demoralize
Combat Maneuvers 1
Ø Encumbrance, Lifting and dragging, Bigger and Smaller creatures,
Tremendous Strength.
Unusual Terrain 1
Ø Combat Maneuver Bonus,Combat Maneuver Defense, Maneuver
Ø Bull Rush
Ø Disarm, Grapple
Ø Pinned and Grappled Conditions
Combat Maneuvers 2
Ø Water, Forest, Marsh, Underwater Combat
Unusual Terrain 2
Ø Hills, Mountains, Deserts, Plains, Darkness
Skills 1 - Acrobatics
Skills 2 - Appraise, Bluff, Sennse Motive
Ø Combat Maneuver Bonus,Combat Maneuver Defense, Maneuver
Ø Overrun, Sunder
Ø Trip
Ø Weapon/Armor Hardness, Item Hardness and Hit Points, Broken
Channel Energy
Skills 3 - Climb
Skills 4 - Diable Device, Disguise
Skills 5 - Escape Artist, Fly
Skills 6 - Heal
Skills 7 - intimidate, Perception
Skills 8 - Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand
Skills 9 - Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim
Ø Channel Positive Energy
Ø Channel Negative Energy, Selective Channeling, Channel Smite
Skills 10 - Use Magic Device
SORD PF v1.0 June 2010 rev. 1.0
Combat Round, Attacks of Opportunity
Starting Combat:
Ø Roll Initiative for all combatants.
Ø All combatants are lat-footed until their irst action..
H Lose Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)
Z ignored if character has uncanny dodge
extraordinary ability.
H Cannot make Attacks of Opportunity (AoO) .
Z ignored if character has Combat Relexes feat
Surprise Round
Ø Run this if some combatants could be surprised.
H Roll Perception or other checks to determine
Awareness .
H Do not run if everyone or no one is surprised.
H In Initiative order, each Aware combatant may take one
standard or move action.
H Only Aware characters get Free actions.
Normal Combat Rounds
Ø Starting with the highest Initiative count, each character
performs his actions on his Initiative.
Ø Each round of a combat uses the same Initiative order. A
round in this sense is a full cycle of all Initiative counts. The
beginning of the next round starts at the highest count.
Ø A character’s actions are executed on his Initiative count,
unless he uses a Delay or Ready action See Initiative for
details on Delay and Ready actions.
Ø A Full-Round is a span of time from the Initiative count of
one round to the same count in the next round.
Attacks of Opportunity (AoO)
Ø You can’t make an AoO when you are lat-footed .
Ø Yo u THREATEN all squares (including diagonals) into which you can
make a melee attack , even when it is not your action.
Ø Enemies taking certain actions in a threatened square provoke AoO .
Ø If you’re unarmed, you can’t make attacks of opportunity.
Ø Most creatures Medium or smaller make melee attacks up to 5 feet away.
Ø Small and Medium creatures with reach weapons threaten 10 feet..
Ø Large or bigger creatures may have a natural reach of 10 feet or more.
Provoking Attacks of Opportunity ( n or o )
Ø Moving out of a threatened square usually provokes an AoO.
H 5-foot-steps and the withdraw action avoids drawing an AoO .
Ø Distracting actions performed in a threatened square, usually provoke
AoO . Consult the Actions page for actions that provoke AoO .
Ø Moving out of more than one square threatened by a single opponent in
the same round is counted as a single AoO .
Making an Attack of Opportunity
Ø Make an optional single melee attack at your normal attack bonus.
Ø It ‘interrupts’ the normal low of actions in the round. You immediately
resolve it, then continue just after the interruption.
Ø You can only make one AoO per round unless you have the Combat
Relexes feat, granting additional AoO s equal to your Dexterity modiier.
Ø You can only react once to a given opportunity. You may react freely to
any new opportunity, even if it provoked by a character that provoked one
Actions within a Combat Round
Ø An action’s type tells you how long the action takes to perform (in a
6-second combat round) and how movement is treated.
Normal Round Activities
Ø In a normal round, you can perform:
H a Standard Action AND a Move Action OR
H two Move Actions OR
H a Full-Round action.
Ø You can also perform one or more Free Actions .
Ø Some situations (such as in a surprise round), may limit actions to
taking only a single Move Action or Standard Action .
Ø Actions are described on the Actions Sheet in SORD.
Standard Action
Ø Allows you to do something, most commonly make an attack or cast
a spell.
Move Action
Ø Move up to your speed or perform actions taking a similar amount
of time.
Ø You can take a Move Action in place of a Standard Action .
Ø If you have swapped your move for one or more equivalent actions,
you can take one 5-foot step either before, during, or after the action.
Full-Round Action
Ø Consumes all your effort in a round.
Ø A 5-foot step can be made before, during, or after the action. You
can perform Free Actions and Swift Actions .
Ø Some Full-Round actions do not allow a 5-foot step.
Ø Some Full-Round actions can be taken as Standard Actions ,
but only in situations when you are limited to performing only a
Standard Action during your round.
Free Action
Ø Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort.
Ø You can perform one or more Free Actions while taking another
action normally, within reasonable limits (GM decision).
Swift Action
Ø Similar to a Free Action , but slightly more time-consuming.
Ø You can ON LY perform one in round.
Immediate Action
Ø Similar to a Swift Action , but can be performed ANY time.
Not an Action
Ø Very minor activities are not even considered Free Actions . They
are an inherent part of doing something else.
Restricted Activity
Ø Some situations, may restrict a full round’s worth of actions.
H You are restricted to taking only a single Standard Action or a
single Move Action (plus Free Actions as normal).
H You can’t take a Full-Round action (though you can start or
complete a Full-Round action by using a Standard Action).
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