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3. Checking In
ANIA: – Good morning.
RECEPTIONIST: – Good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?
ANIA: – My name’s Anna Kowalska. I have a reservation.
RECEPTIONIST: – Just one moment… Could you spell your surname
ANIA: – K O W A L S K A. I confirmed by email two days ago.
RECEPTIONIST: – Here we are. You booked a single room with an en
suite bathroom.
ANIA: – That’s right.
RECEPTIONIST: – If you could just sign here please... thank you.
ANIA: – Anything else?
RECEPTIONIST: –No, that’s all, thank you. Here’s your key. Room
number three hundred three on the third floor.
ANIA: – Err, at what times is the hotel restaurant open?
RECEPTIONIST: –Breakfast is served from 7.15 until 11.15, and is
included in the price of the room; lunch is from
12.30 till 3.30 and dinner from 7.00 till around
ANIA: – And at other times?
RECEPTIONIST: –Well, you can ring for room service at any time of
the day or night.
ANIA: – Thank you very much.
RECEPTIONIST: – The lift is just behind you, to your right. If you
need anything at all, please call reception.
floor – pi´tro
at what times? – w jakich
be open – otwarte
serve – podawaç
until/til – do
included in the price of sth
– wliczone w cen´ czegoÊ
around midnight – oko∏o
and at other times
– a w innych porach dnia
ring for sb – dzwoniç po kogoÊ
room service – obs∏uga hotelowa
at any time – o jakiejkolwiek
lift – winda
just behind – tu˝ za
to your right – na prawo
anything at all – cokolwiek
Meldowanie si´. A: Dzieƒ dobry. R: Dzieƒ dobry pani. W czym mog´ pomóc? A:
Nazywam si´ Anna Kowalska. Mam rezerwacj´. R: Ju˝ sprawdzam. Czy mog∏aby
pani przeliterowaç nazwisko? A: K jak Katarzyna, O jak Olga... W, A, L, S, K, A.
Potwierdza∏am e-mailem 2 dni temu. R: O, jest! Rezerwacja na jedynk´ z ∏azienkà.
A: Zgadza si´. R: Czy mog∏aby pani tutaj podpisaç... dzi´kuj´. A: Czy coÊ jeszcze?
R: Nie, dzi´kuj´. Oto klucz. Pokój numer 303 na trzecim pi´trze. A: W jakich
godzinach jest czynna restauracja? R: Âniadanie jest podawane od 7.15 do 11.15
i jest wliczone w cen´ pokoju, obiad od 12.30 do 15.30, a kolacja od 19.00 do
oko∏o pó∏nocy. A: A w innych porach dnia? R: Mo˝na dzwoniç do obs∏ugi
hotelowej o dowolnej porze. A: Bardzo dzi´kuj´. R: Winda jest tu˝ za panià, na
prawo. JeÊli czegokolwiek by pani potrzebowa∏a, prosz´ dzwoniç do recepcji.
Wi´cej s∏ówek i zwrotów
Do you have any vacancies? – Czy sà wolne pokoje?
I’d like a double room for three nights. – Poprosz´ pokój
2-osobowy na 3 noce.
The key to room 303, please. – Prosz´, klucz do pokoju 303.
Are there any messages for me? – Czy sà dla mnie wiadomoÊci?
Please wake me at… – Prosz´ mnie obudziç o…
Could you call a cab for me, please? – Czy mog´ prosiç o taksówk´?
Could I have a pillow please? – Czy mog´ poprosiç o poduszk´?
There are no towels. – Nie ma r´czników.
I’ll see to it immediately. – Zajm´ si´ tym natychmiast.
The light doesn’t work. – Âwiat∏o nie dzia∏a.
Could you show me how this works? – Przepraszam, jak to dzia∏a?
receptionist – recepcjonista
spell your surname
– przeliterowaç nazwisko
confirm by email
– potwierdzaç e-mailem
here we are – o, jest!
book a single room – zarezer-
wowaç pokój 1-osobowy
with an en suite bathroom
– z ∏azienkà
that’s right – zgadza si´
sign – podpisaç si´
Anything else? – Czy coÊ
that’s all – to wszystko
key – klucz
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Checking In
Jak to dzia∏a?
Czasowniki: formy regularne i nieregularne
PAST SIMPLE: wyra˝anie przesz∏oÊci
Forma z koƒcówkà -s (3. osoba – he/she/it – w czasie Present Simple) jest
regularna we wszystkich czasownikach . Do formy podstawowej dodajemy:
Czasu Past Simple u˝ywamy do opisania faktów w okreÊlonym czasie
w przesz∏oÊci:
tylko s : czasami es : czasami ies :
meet – meets (spotykaç si´) wash – washes (myç) fly – flies
play – plays
I confirmed by email. (Potwierdzi∏em e-mailem.)
You booked a single room. (Zarezerwowa∏ pan jedynk´.)
go – goes (iÊç)
try – tries
Operatorem w czasie Past Simple jest czasownik did :
Forma z koƒcówkà -ing (np. w czasie Present Continuous) jest tak˝e regu-
larna we wszystkich czasownikach .
Do formy podstawowej:
dodajemy tylko -ing :
flying, going, meeting, playing, washing
lub usuwamy koƒcowà liter´ e i dodajemy -ing :
leave – leaving, serve – serving
lub podwajamy ostatnià liter´ i dodajemy - ing :
stop – stopping, begin – beginning (zaczynaç)
we/they booked
didn’t book
Did we/they book
Strona bierna
Strony biernej u˝ywamy, kiedy nie jest wa˝ne lub nie ma potrzeby wskazy-
waç, kto wykonuje czynnoÊç:
Porównaj wymow´:
hope – hoping (mieç nadziej´) /hE*p, hE*p I n/
hop – hopping (skakaç na jednej nodze) /hAp, hAp I n/
Breakfast is served from 7.15 until 11.15, and is included in
the price of the room. (Âniadanie jest podawane od 7.15 do
11.15 i jest wliczone w cen´ pokoju.)
W tabelach czasowników nieregularnych podawane sà 3 formy :
1. forma (teraêniejsza – podstawowa/bezokolicznik)
2. forma (przesz∏a – forma -ed – Past Simple)
3. forma (forma -en/-ed – strona bierna/Perfect)
W czasie Present Simple, stron´ biernà tworzymy u˝ywajàc operatora be
i 3. formy czasownika g∏ównego .
1. forma
2. forma
3. forma
eat (jeÊç)
’m/am served ’m not/am not served Am I served
fly (lataç)
’re/are served aren’t/ served
Are you/ served
read (czytaç)
we/they/ ’re not/are not we/they
he/she/it ’s/is served
think (myÊleç)
isn’t/ served
Is he/she/it served
’s not/is not
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24. Sprawdê si´!
1. Rozumienie ze s∏uchu Po wys∏uchaniu dialogów zdecyduj, które zdania
sà prawdziwe (True – T), a które fa∏szywe (False – F).
7. We had to work ............ night
to finish on time.
a. of all
b. all the
12. They did their best ............
Ania up
a. cheer b. cheering
c. to cheer d. cheers
c. all
d. for all
Dialog 1
1. Dave’s going to a football
2. Harry’s brother’s playing.
3. He’s not a good player.
Dialog 4
1. Harry has fallen in love.
2. Dave introduced Harry
and Ania.
3. They met in England.
8. We usually go ..... on Thursdays.
a. to shops
b. shop
13. What’s the catch? There has
to be ............ .
a. mine b. one c. yours d. its
c. to shopping
d. shopping
Dialog 2
1. Ania has left Harry.
2. Ania’s gone to Poland.
3. She’s not coming back.
Dialog 5
1. Sometimes Ania would
like to be in Poland.
2. She can’t go back.
3. Harry wants to go to
9. What ............ you do if I say
I’m not coming?
a. will b. do c. shall d. would
14. You don’t work very hard.
I ............ work hard.
a. does b. very
c. very do d. do
10. It’s ............ small – try a
larger size.
a. too b. very c. much d. also
Dialog 3
1. Peter didn’t get in to
2. Peter failed the exam.
3. John failed his exam.
15. Harry wants ............ a new
job soon.
a. to get b. get
c. getting d. to got
11. Thank you ...... for your help.
a. in response b. to inform
c. in advance d. further to
2. Test Wybierz w∏aÊciwà odpowiedê.
3. Krzy˝ówka
1. Everything seems to be okay ... .
a. so far
4. My wife has a ............ - child
from her second marriage.
a. half
1. To be ..... to do
2. Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna.
3. prawie pó∏ litra.
4. Litera, list.
5. Wynik: 2 – …..[„zero”]
6. Obcy.
7. I dare ..... he’ll be there.
8. He’s staying ..... at
9. Single or ……………?
b. already
c. as yet
d. just
b. step
c. great
d. ex
2. She was wearing a ............ .
a. beautiful evening silk dress
b. silk evening beautiful dress
c. evening beautiful silk dress
d. beautiful silk evening dress
5. We’re getting used to ............
a. lived
b. live
c. living
d. lives
3. He was already there ............
I arrived.
a. whose
6. Let’s meet when I get back
............ Warsaw.
a. to
b. when
b. too
Klucz do çwiczeƒ
c. what
d. that
c. two
d. into
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