G-Force (2009) DVDRip.XviD-JUMANJi napisy ANG..txt

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{919}{954}Hey, slow down!
{1006}{1057}Whoa! That is not cool!
{1429}{1475}Thank you for coming tonight, Darwin.
{1511}{1576}This room is secure,|so we can speak freely.
{1577}{1613}Why the secrecy?
{1614}{1699}Because the Feds are coming|tomorrow... to shut us down.
{1790}{1859}Shut us down?|Without even giving us a chance?
{1898}{1961}And there's only one way|we can save this department,
{1962}{2028}and that's prove ourselves,|in the field.
{2338}{2386}Our target is Leonard Saber.
{2386}{2507}As you know, he is a former arms dealer|and current CEO of Saberling Industries.
{2542}{2619}The Bureau's intel shows Saber|has developed a new microchip
{2620}{2691}with possible military applications.
{2692}{2791}They suspect he has sold his technology|to the Far East under the code name...
{2850}{2942}Now, Darwin, we need to find out|how Saber plans to use this technology.
{2943}{3002}Your mission is to download|the Clusterstorm files
{3002}{3097}from Saber's personal computer|located in his library, right here.
{3247}{3326}Ben, we're gonna get you that evidence.
{3327}{3386}We'll prove, once and for all,|what we can do.
{3386}{3427}We'll give 'em no choice.
{3428}{3500}They'll have to keep the program|and make us special agents.
{3501}{3588}Look, I believe in you,|but if we fail...
{3589}{3655}...we blow a case they've been|trying to crack for two years.
{3678}{3748}Hey, I'm nine inches tall.|I only see the upside.
{4212}{4240}Right this way, sir.
{4263}{4288}Thank you.
{4634}{4722}Ticktock, we're on the clock.|Speckles, do you copy?
{4773}{4853}{y:i}Ten-four.|I read you, Darwin. Five-by-five.
{4854}{4914}All communication systems are online.
{4959}{4989}Status report.
{5124}{5153}I have a visual on Saber.
{5154}{5236}He's wearing a $6,000 suit,|$50,000 watch,
{5237}{5332}and, according to my infrared scope,|Hanes size 36 tighty whiteys.
{5333}{5432}Saber's about to start his speech.|Remember, the clock is ticking, dude.
{5450}{5513}{y:i}Blaster, Juarez, what's your twenty?
{5514}{5579}Juarez here.|Approaching first objective.
{5580}{5665}We're ten seconds ahead of schedule|because Blaster is a little hyped-up.
{5666}{5744}Of course I am. This is what I live for.
{5745}{5801}Time to get this party started.
{5863}{5942}{y:i}- Have any activity?|- Southbound is secure.
{5949}{5989}OK, we're clear.
{6013}{6079}{y:i}Darwin,|you're behind schedule. You all right?
{6080}{6165}- First mission jitters, I guess.|- Do you want to abort?
{6177}{6234}No, no, it's OK.|I've been trained to do this.
{6235}{6322}I'd follow you|into a snarling pack of Dobermans!
{6323}{6377}Oh, wait. I already have.
{6378}{6429}{y:i}Now, get your fuzzy hind end moving.
{6430}{6494}Hold on. There's a civilian|passing through the perimeter.
{6514}{6577}What are you looking at?|Move along, pal.
{6622}{6665}Don't worry. I just spotted my way in.
{7274}{7352}- Blaster, don't drop a pellet.|- Too late.
{7400}{7458}Whoa, whoa, whoa.
{7491}{7550}Whoa! Whoo!
{7551}{7583}I'm cool.
{7584}{7639}Speckles to Mooch. Getting no visual.
{7877}{7967}The fly is in the ointment.|Darwin, do you copy?
{7981}{8025}Yeah, you're right.
{8065}{8100}Holy foxes.
{8101}{8167}{y:i}- What's your twenty?|- I'm in the morgue.
{8480}{8563}{y:i}# Don't you wish your blowtorch|was hot like mine #
{8632}{8669}Good thing I took shop.
{8825}{8857}Welcome to my home.
{8858}{8938}I want you to know how grateful I am|to all of you for, once again, making us
{8939}{9029}the number one consumer|electronics brand in the world!
{9030}{9086}Yeah, yeah.
{9119}{9189}These things are so popular,|I can't get one.
{9256}{9300}{y:i}Mooch, focus.|Come on, honey.
{9301}{9373}{y:i}You're not here for the sweets.|Get back on mission.
{9374}{9452}For years,|we've been putting a secret...
{9470}{9561}...into the heart of every member|of the Saberling family,
{9562}{9692}be it the cryogenic refrigerator or|the new microwave-heated coffeemaker.
{9693}{9832}A secret which is at the core of|any successful family: Communication.
{9983}{10114}- Hey, Juarez. Race you to the top!|- OK. On your mark, get set, go!
{10115}{10150}That's cold.
{10154}{10243}Darwin, the table's set. You are clear|to infiltrate Saber's study.
{10262}{10306}OK, I'm in.
{10432}{10473}Clearing exfil route.
{10497}{10543}{y:i}- Hey, it worked!|- Of course it worked.
{10544}{10640}Nothing happens in this house|that I don't know about. Trust me.
{10671}{10762}In 48 hours, when I press this button,
{10763}{10877}it will activate a wireless system|we call "Sabersense,"
{10878}{10949}which will awaken the chips|already in the logic boards
{10950}{11000}of all Saberling appliances,
{11001}{11089}allowing this coffee machine|to know how much coffee's been used,
{11090}{11217}communicate with your home computer,|and add coffee to your shopping list.
{11272}{11349}Now, in addition, Sabersense will link
{11350}{11447}every old and new Saberling|appliance in existence,
{11448}{11583}and create one big family!|And nothing will be the same.
{11666}{11725}Why did they put the Q|so far away from the O?
{11798}{11860}- OK, I'm in.|- Roger. I'm tracking it.
{11894}{11962}So what about it, Juarez?|You and me, I mean, you know...
{11963}{12046}Sorry, Blaster. You know|I've got my eye on someone else.
{12046}{12143}- No. In fact, I didn't know. Who?|- Darwin.
{12144}{12169}Why Darwin?
{12170}{12258}Because he's so...|so not interested in me.
{12259}{12292}{y:i}Copy that, Juarez.
{12303}{12367}{y:i}- Oh, shoot!|- Keep the comm line clear.
{12456}{12550}{y:i}- OK, Speckles, I think I found it.|- Thank you, and good night.
{12551}{12619}Saber wrapped his speech.|Mooch, give me an eyeball.
{12695}{12748}{y:i}Christa,|I'm going upstairs for a drink.
{12749}{12790}Darwin, Saber's heading up.
{12820}{12854}About 50 seconds.
{12855}{12920}Copy that.|I'm into the Clusterstorm file.
{13002}{13086}- Speckles, are you seeing this?|- I see it.
{13107}{13209}This isn't about selling weapons.|It's about global extermination.
{13210}{13238}I'm downloading now.
{13270}{13306}Whoa! What just happened?
{13307}{13361}Encryption. Hands off the keys.
{13362}{13418}- I'm setting up a worm to decipher.|- Mooch.
{13419}{13505}{y:i}You have to stop Saber.|Execute delay strategy B.
{13911}{13975}I'm back in. Commencing download.
{14020}{14117}- Speckles, you're a genius!|- I'm a mole. I got a thing for worms.
{14238}{14285}Switching to wireless download.
{14312}{14356}Come on. Come on!
{14688}{14741}Darwin. Get out of there, now!
{14742}{14791}I can't.|The chimney will block the signal.
{14792}{14841}Come on, baby, come on.
{14842}{14900}If he doesn't make it,|are you free Thursday night?
{14901}{14934}He'll make it.
{15150}{15193}{y:i}- OK, drop the line.|- Here we go.
{15410}{15466}Whoa! Now, Blaster!
{15685}{15709}Ooh! Ouch!
{15766}{15821}Darwin! Your butt's on fire!
{15846}{15873}Stop, drop and roll!
{15954}{16054}- We got it. Speckles, exfil.|- Way ahead of you.
{16071}{16152}I'll be waiting at the entrance|of the... Whoa! Oh, no!
{16176}{16225}Oh, my God!
{16226}{16281}{y:i}Speckles reports|a large canine at exfil.
{16282}{16348}No escape. Repeat: No escape.
{16349}{16418}Hang on, Speckles.|We leave no rodent behind.
{16564}{16644}- I'm going after the dog!|- Wait, Blaster! Think it through!
{16645}{16707}There's no time for thinking.
{16708}{16749}Juarez, Blaster's gonna need backup.
{16750}{16798}- Got it.|- I'll rescue Speckles.
{16880}{16931}Hey, meathead!
{16932}{16971}Oh, did you see that? Whoa!
{16972}{17024}Whoa! Whoa!
{17130}{17162}Let's go, old buddy.
{17237}{17304}- Mayday! Mayday!|- Heads up, boys!
{17358}{17402}Yeah, Juarez! You get him, girl!
{17442}{17495}We're out of here. Let's go.
{17510}{17567}Something spooked the dog.|Let's check it out.
{17568}{17609}{y:i}Blaster, Juarez, exfil.
{17610}{17714}By the way, in case you missed it,|I just saved your fuzzy behind.
{17714}{17763}We should celebrate over dinner.
{17764}{17827}Hang on, Speckles. We're going off-road.
{17914}{17959}- Whoa!|- Whoa!
{18302}{18365}Whew! OK. We're clear.
{18366}{18436}That was a little heavy|on the smoke, Ben.
{18494}{18577}Yo, Juarez, did you catch the little|leg twitch at the end of my "death"?
{18578}{18661}Ah! That was acting, baby.|I was feeling it!
{18662}{18740}Yes, amazing.|Tell me you are not part possum.
{18741}{18834}OK, you can laugh now, but some of|those people back there were crying.
{18834}{18878}{y:i}It was like the end of Old Yeller.
{18910}{18990}Mooch! You made it. Good.|How'd it go in there, guys?
{18991}{19082}The game's over for Saber. It's all|there. Clusterstorm, everything.
{19083}{19130}Our training finally paid off.
{19146}{19197}I knew you could do this.|This is great.
{19198}{19253}- G-Force!|- G-Force?
{19254}{19346}I figured we need a name. Like,|you know, Green Berets or Navy SEALs.
{19346}{19395}Come on. G-Force!
{19396}{19465}- Um, no.|- The pose is cute.
{19551}{19613}- Is everything ready?|- Yeah, it's getting there.
{19614}{19674}Good. Feds won't be able to|shut us down with this evidence.
{19734}{19773}Does this make me look fatter?
{19807}{19884}- No. I think you look nice.|- How much longer, Speckles?
{19885}{19957}Just a few more touches to decode|Saber's crypto-system.
{19958}{20015}To access the information|on Darwin's PDA,
{20016}{20116}I have to factor a univariate|polynomial over a finite field.
{20117}{20204}OK. Hey, do I look fat in this?|I haven't worn a jacket since the prom.
{20244}{20309}You look very... sharp.
{20398}{20458}Whoo! Oh, yeah!
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