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language TeST 2a
unit 2
Name: _________________________________________
Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Completethegapswiththewordsinthebox.There
aretwoextrawordsthatyoudonotneed. (6points)
4 Completetheindirectquestions.
When does the plane leave?
Could you tell me when the plane leaves?
1 How much does the flight cost?
I’d like to know ________________________.
2 Is there a bus to the hotel?
Could you tell me _______________________?
3 What time is breakfast?
I’d like to know ________________________.
4 Does the hotel have a swimming pool?
Could you tell me _______________________?
belt cards charger guidebook
l otion plug rucksack tablets tent
Things to take on holiday:
Playing cards for when we get bored.
An adaptor 1 ________ so we can use the
A battery 2 ________ so we don’t have to buy
new batteries.
A money 3 ________ to keep my money safe.
A 4 ________ so I know where to go and what
to see.
A 5 ________ to carry everything on my back.
A 6 ________ to sleep in.
A Where are you going (go) on holiday this year?
B I 1 _________________ (go) to Lausanne, in
Switzerland. Do you remember Sandra? She
lives there and I want to meet her and go
sightseeing. I’ve already bought my plane
ticket to Geneva.
A So when 2 _________________ (leave) for
B I 3 _________________ (fly) on July 21st.
A What 4 _________________ (do) in Lausanne?
B Lots of things. I 5 _________________ (visit)
museums and take lots of photos.
A 6 _________________ (travel) to any other
towns while you’re there?
B I’m not sure. I 7 _________________ (not/have)
much time so I think I’ll just stay in Lausanne.
Sandra promised to show me around the city
and take me to a shopping centre.
A What would you like to buy?
B I don’t know yet, but I know that I
8 _________________ (not/spend) so much
money this time! I decided to leave my credit
card at home!
2 Completethegapswiththecorrectprepositionor
We’re going to stay at a youth hostel.
1 Our plane is delayed _______ three hours.
2 I’m really looking forward _______ having two
weeks without work.
3 Are your parents travelling to France
________ plane?
4 How long does it take to get to school
________ foot?
5 You should visit ________ the cathedral.
6 On Tuesday, we are going to walk _______ the
coast from this beach to the next one.
3 Completethemissingwords.Thefirstletterofeach
We can dance at a c lub .
1 We can see the paintings at the a _______
g _______.
2 The f ______ from London to Rome takes
about two and a half hours.
3 Our train leaves from p ________ two.
4 John likes big cities but I prefer peace and
q ________ when I’m on holiday.
5 We can watch a football match at the local
s ________.
6 We can see a play at the t ________.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate
5 Readtheconversationandcompletethequestions
andanswers.UsethePresentContinuousor going to
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