Ars Magica - Pax Dei.pdf

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Microsoft Word - PAX_DEI_CORREGIDO_5con numeros de pagina.DOC
Writing: Sam Chupp and Leigh Ann Hildebrand
Research: Leigh Ann Hildebrand
Development: Ken Cliffe
Editing: Robert Hatch
Layout: Sam Chupp
Art Direction: Richard Thomas
Cover Art: John Cobb
Back Cover : Chris McDonough
Logo: Richard Thomas
Interior Art: John Cobb and Joshua Gabriel Timbrook
Ars Magica was originally created by Jonathan Tweet and
Mark Rein»Hagen
Chris "Crack” McDonough, for offering sound effects for
every dramatic action.
Rob "Mister Gut" Hatch, for being able to undress just by
standing up.
Ken "Aquaman" Cliffe, for needing to get out of that
contained environment .
Josh "Slamation" Timbrook, for finally succumbing to
White Wolf culture.
Wes "GQ Hoover" Harris, for being the best-dressed
Vacuum Man ever.
Ren "She's Outta Control" Lilly, for putting a new ma-
chine to the test.
Mark "How do you get out of this thing?" Rein»Hagen, for
getting wrapped up in his own pipe puzzle.
Bill "Uh oh, they're looking my way" Bridges, for trying to
quietly hide from the office slamation squad.
BenjaminJ. "El Chico" Monk, Jr., for going for the whole
enchilada (or having it handed to him?).
Sam "Immanent Value” Chupp, for bringing that ethereal
value to an otherwise jaded office.
Richard "Thirtysomething" Thomas, for being the elder
among a bunch of pups.
Stewart "I don't remember anything about a vampire"
Wieck, for enjoying Dracula for reasons all his own.
Andrew "Nine" Greenberg, for being able to endure most
of the foulness, but not quite all.
Lyndi "Revenge" Hathaway, for delivering Four-Square
destruction, even at the least strategic of times.
William "Midnight Oil" Hale, for doing the work of ten
White Wolf employees and still crawling in every morning.
Cigarette William?
Travis "You Know" Williams, for making sure everyone
Pax Dei is dedicated to two exceptional teachers:
Dr. B.J. Fant, for her patient, gentle, guiding hand, her
unstinting loyalty, and her Michaeline guardianship over the
human right of freedom of imagination
and the memory of Dr. Anthony Nemitz.
Special Mention
Sam would like to thank Dean Lorey (for last-minute,
long-distance financial assistance), Sean Healy (for a won-
derful post-apocalyptic breakfast), Laurie Faye (for driving
me into a new job), James Locke (for a million reasons),
Lauren Pearcy (my first Seraph), Gary Nistler (for that far-
off Guidestones Equinox) and Martha and James Chupp
(for obvious reasons) . Thanks also to Katherine Kurtz for
teaching me about Archangels .
Leigh Ann would like to thank the following people for
facilitating her research at Carnegie-Mellon University:
Stephen and Martha Underwood, CMU's Boss Hall
Suitemates Bruce, Travis, Chris, and Todd, and her own
arch angel Michael Feely . Thanks also to Kevin Kinsey for
lending emotional, financial, moral, and academic support.
Introduction ............................................7
Chapter Two: Lands Claimed by God.................11
Chapter Three: The Clergy ............................29
Chapter Four: The Unseen World....................53
Chapter Five: Made Manifest on Earth ...............67
Chapter Six: Pax Dei and Ars Magica.............83
Appendix: Cestus Dei: The Mailed Fist of God .... 101
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