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Storm Riders
by Troy Denning
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................... .2
New Monsters .................................... ...6
Part I, A Fabled Land ................................. 8
Part II, The Rainbow Falls ............................ .24
Rainbow Falls Map ............................... .29
Part III, To Ra-Khatis Frontier ......................... 42
Part IV, Kushk and the Sixfold Path ..................... 49
Rainbow Falls Interiors Map ................. inside panel
Deserted City of Kushk Map .................. inside panel
NPC Cards ................................... gatefold
Design: Troy Denning
Editing: Timothy B. Brown
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Paul Abrams
Graphic Design: Roy E. Parker
Cartography: Diesel
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by
Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu-
tors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.
IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
©1990 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
ISBN 0-88038-834-X
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In all the unex-
plored vastness of
Toril, it would be
pleasant to believe
that one small cor-
ner was free from
the strife spawned by warring lords and the suf-
fering begot by power-hungry potentates. It
would be comforting to know that in some dis-
tant land, roguish knaves and remorseless mis-
creants did not prey upon honest men, that in
some distant place thieves found no profit in
stealing and murderers had no call to lift their
bloody weapons.
In fact, though few know of its existence, there
is such a place within the Realms. It lies deep
within the Katakoro, an enormous range of
mountains situated along the southern edge of
the wilderness separating the lands of Faerun
from those of Kara-Tur. Located south of the cara-
van routes connecting the east and west, the fa-
bled nation of Ra-Khati is hidden from view on
three sides by the Katakoros lofty peaks. On the
fourth it is protected by a deep river gorge.
The dominion of Ra-Khati is a fertile land with
an abundance of mineral resources. By anyones
standards it is a rich and bountiful country. Food
and building materials are plentiful, so no man,
however modest his station in life, goes hungry
or lacks a roof over his head. Gold and jewels are
so common that they have lost their value as jew-
elry and money. Among the Ra-Khatians, greed
has become an all but forgotten human emotion.
Ra-Khatis wealth is a mixed blessing, however.
It is a tiny country that could easily be conquered
by almost any large nationwhich would cer-
tainly happen if her wealth were common knowl-
edge. Ra-Khatis leaders have responded to this
danger with subtlety rather than force: they have
closed its borders, hiding its very existence from
all who might wish to bring it harm.
Ra-Khatis ruse has protected it from harm for
centuries, blanketing the land in shrouds of se-
crecy. But Toril is a wild place, driven by the enor-
mous aspirations of rapacious men. The time has
come when the Hidden Kingdom can hide no
longer, when it must meet the brutal world of
which it is part.
Oddly, Ra-Khatis fate will fall to a small group
of explorersyour player characterswho must
make sure that this meeting does not destroy the
worlds one peaceful corner.
Black Courser and Blood Charge adventures.
The Empires Adventure Trilogy is a series of
AD&D® game adventures set in the
FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. They
concern events derived from the Empires Novel
Trilogy: Horselords, Dragonwall, and Crusade,
also published by TSR.
Storm Riders contains a 64-page adventure
book (youre reading it now), a color mapsheet,
and a cover gatefold. The gatefold contains de-
scriptions of three important non-player charac-
ters. If you wish, carefully use scissors to cut the
gatefold off the cover, then cut along the dark
lines to separate each character onto an individ-
ual card.
The color mapsheet shows Ra-Khati, Solon, and
the surrounding rugged country. For this adven-
ture, only Ra-Khati is important, but the sur-
rounding terrain will prove important should your
party venture outside the Hidden Kingdoms bor-
ders. This map also shows in greater detail some
of the terrain discussed in The Horde campaign
The 64-page booklet is the heart of Storm
Riders. Before beginning play, read this book to
familiarize yourself with the plot of the adven-
ture. Dont try to memorize the entire thing, how-
ever. Simply familiarizing yourself with the story
and organization of the book will insure an enjoy-
able adventure. If you dont have enough time to
read the entire adventure, read at least the intro-
ductory material and, before each session, the
encounters you plan to use.
Portions of the adventure are made up of a se-
ries of encounters. Each encounter is divided into
sections: boxed text, GMs notes, and statistics
(when needed). As an encounter begins, read the
boxed text aloud. This sets the scene for the
The GMs notes detail the action of the encoun-
ter, describing such things as combat tactics,
non-player character personalities, and treasure
to be found. Often, the GMs notes are divided
into subsections by bold subtitles.
The statistics are located at the end of the
encounter, where you can find them easily. Note
that the statistics sections do not include infor-
mation on the monsters morale. Unless indicated
otherwise, all monsters in Storm Riders attack
until destroyedor until the party is destroyed!
Some special magical items are also described in
the statistics sections. These items have unusual
properties and it may be necessary to consult
their descriptions at a later point in the adven-
Finally, two special creatures, Gaumahavi the
Purple Dragon and Sandiraksiva the Black
Courser, are described following this introduc-
How to Use This Book
Storm Riders is the first installment in the Em-
pires Adventure Trilogy, which also includes the
Because the territory in which Storm Riders
occurs is closer to Kara-Tur than to Faerun, many
of the characters and monsters the party meets
will be of an oriental nature. In many instances,
you will find it useful, but not necessary, to refer
to the Oriental Adventures reference book. Some
spells listed for the NPCs in Storm Riders are from
Oriental Adventures if necessary use spells you
feel are appropriate from the Players Handbook
A few terms that might be confusing if you
have not read Oriental Adventures are defined
Sohei: Sohei are warrior priests, though more
warrior than priest. They protect monasteries
and sometimes have limited magical ability.
Wu-jen: Wu-jen are sorcerers and magicians.
Shukenja: Shukenja are holy men or priests.
Lamellar armor: This is a form of armor made
of successive layers of protective material,
such as hardened leather and small metal
plates. A person wearing lamellar armor usually
has an AC between 7 and 4.
Dalai Lama into
yielding his daugh-
ter and the Black
Courser. With Prin-
cess Bhrokiti in his
control, the Raja
feels he will be in a
position to black-
mail the Dalai Lama into making concessions
that will result in the eventual capture of the Hid-
den Kingdom.
Unfortunately, however, the Dalai Lama does
not realize that the Raja is lying. With great reluc-
tance, the Dalai Lama agrees to send the tribute.
He loves his daughter, and is not anxious to part
with the Black Courser, but Ra-Khatis feeble
forces cannot defeat 40,000 warriors-especially
with the purple dragon ready to reinforce them.
At this point, the Dalai Lama makes a proposal
to the player characters. In return for delivering
his daughter and the Black Courser safely to Am-
buchar Devayam (or, alternatively, destroying the
Raja), the Dalai Lama will grant them their
The rest of the adventure concerns the partys
journey to the deserted city of Kushk, where they
are to meet the Rajas emissaries. Along the way,
they meet a group of humanoid deserters from
the barbarian horde and may learn that the army
does not belong to the Raja. They also meet
Gaumahavi, who tries to convince them to re-
lease the Black Courser. (There is a special rela-
tionship between Gaumahavi and the Black
Courser, described in New Monsters.)
When the party finally reaches the deserted city
of Kushk, they find the Rajas emissaries slain.
They have been killed by the barbarian army,
which, until recently, was camped outside Kushk.
Upon investigating the deaths, the party learns
that the emissaries were carrying a small trea-
sure in magical items that were to be given to the
princess as bridal gifts. When the Tuigan army
appeared, the emissaries hid these gifts in a red
tower that overlooks the city. Bhrokiti insists
upon recovering her gifts. Forced to leave the
Black Courser behind (if they still have him), the
player characters begin a perilous trip through
the deserted city.
What the party finds in the tower is much more
important than the gifts, however. As it turns out,
the city was destroyed by Gaumahavi over 50
years ago. At the last minute, the abbot devel-
oped a powerful magical item, the Prism of
Kushk, which he believed was capable of captur-
ing the purple dragon. Unfortunately, he perished
before testing his theory, leaving the prism be-
hind. The party now possesses that potent
weapon which they can employ in defending
DMs Synopsis
Read through this synopsis before beginning
play of Storm Riders. It gives a complete overview
of the flow of events for this adventure.
As the adventure begins, the player characters
are chased into the Hidden Kingdom by an army
of barbaric horsemen. They are rescued by a
band of monks and taken to see the Dalai Lama
of Ra-Khati, who assumes the army belongs to his
archenemy, the Raja Ambuchar Devayam of So-
lon. The Dalai Lama thanks the party profusely
for alerting him to this danger, then promises to
repay them with many fabulous gifts.
Before the party receives its reward, however,
they learn that the Dalai Lama has decreed they
can never leave Ra-Khati. When they attempt to
confront the Dalai Lama over this issue, however,
they are interrupted by a messenger from Solon.
The messenger demands that the Dalai Lama pay
tribute to the Raja in the form of the Dalai Lamas
daughter, Princess Bhrokiti, and his favorite
horse, the fabled Black Courser. Otherwise, the
messenger threatens, the Raja will invade Ra-
Khati with the mighty army assembled on. the
border. To add more weight to his threat, the mes-
senger also reports that his master has awakened
the purple dragon, Gaumahavi.
The Raja is bluffing. Though he has awakened
the purple dragon, the army on Ra-Khatis border
does not belong to him. It is actually the south-
ern flank of an immense horde of barbaric horse-
men moving to attack Ra-Khatis northern
neighbor, Khazari. When the Raja heard of the
armys presence, he decided to try bluffing the
Ra-Khati and them-
selves, as neces-
Unfortunately, as
they leave the city,
the barbarian army
returns. The bar-
barian general,
Hubadai, conscripts the player characters as
guides, for he wishes to pass through Ra-Khati
with his army undetected. To accomplish this, he
needs to make use of the Princess knowledge.
As the general explains his plan, the party dis-
covers that he is ultimately Gaumahavis master.
When he claims the Black Courser for himself as
well, Gaumahavi turns on her captors and, mad
with rage, begins slaying all humans within sight.
The party must use the Prism of Kushk to capture
The adventure ends with the barbarian general
offering his gratitude to the party-but still in-
sisting that they lead him through Ra-Khati, the
subject of the next adventure in the Empires Ad-
ventures Trilogy, The Black Courser.
Karma Curse (Charm)
(7th Level Priest)
Range: 1 yard/ level
Components: V,S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person/ level
Saving Throw: None
A karma curse gives the caster a tangible guar-
antee that the person affected will not commit a
breach of ethics against him.
Specifically, the caster must decide when cast-
ing the spell which of these areas of ethics it will
secure: truth, theft, murder, or the breaking of a
promise. A person affected by a karma curse in-
suring truth cannot lie to the caster. If the karma
curse insures against theft, he cannot steal from
the caster. If it insures against murder, he cannot
murder the caster. If a karma curse is placed on a
person who has made a promise to the caster, he
cannot break that promise. If the person af-
fected by a karma curse violates its conditions, he
will suffer an experience point loss of 100 points
per round until he stops violating it. If the action
committed cannot be reversed, he will lose only
enough points to drop one experience level. The
curse still exists, however, and future losses of
experience points will still be possible. While los-
ing experience points, the victim will be aware of
what is happening, but perhaps not why unless
he is aware of the curse. Experience points can
only be regained by performing an act of contri-
tion equivalent, in the DMs judgement, to the act
which resulted in the activation of the curse in
the first place.
The caster is not required to tell the target
about the spell, but must inform him that he is
expected to behave in a manner that will not acti-
vate the spell (example: I expect you to keep
your word, my friend).
Karma curses cannot be removed by remove
curse spells. Due to the personal nature of the
spell, a karma curse cannot be cast for anyone
but the caster.
Karma curses can only be cast by non-evil cler-
ics. On Toril, only followers of the Padhran faith
utilize this spell, though other deities may grant
it to followers demonstrating a genuine need for
its peculiar properties.
New Spells
Ra-Khati is a strange and mystical land with its
own gods and magic. Two new priest spells are
introduced in this adventure. Since they are de-
rived from ancient traditions unique to Ra-Khati,
you may not wish to allow common use of them
in your campaign.
Smoke Bridge (Elemental, Fire)
(5th Level Priest)
Range: 300 Yards
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1d4 turns
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
To create a smoke bridge, a priest (usually a
shaman) calls upon the elemental spirits of fire.
The material component of this spell is the
smoke of a burning fire, which the priest shapes
into a bridge of the desired shape and length (but
no more than 300 yards long). Once the bridge is
shaped, it becomes as solid as a comparable
bridge of stone, and stays that way for the dura-
tion of the spell. Note that the spell can also be
used to create a similar staircase or ladder of
equal length and stability.
When the spell ends, the smoke returns to its
original gaseous form and slowly drifts away.
Beginning the Adventure
Ra-Khati is located in the middle of the unex-
plored mountainous wilderness between Faerun
and Kara-Tur. In order to begin the adventure,
your player characters party must somehow be
moved from their present location to the middle
of this mountainous region.
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