AD&D Accessory-FR-Vilhon reach.pdf

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The Vilhon Reach
The Vilhon Reach
Dungeon Masters Reference
by Jim Butler
Design: Jim Butler l Turmish Design by Ed Greenwood and Jim Butler
Editing: Rebecca Sukach l Project Coordinator: Thomas M. Reid
Art Coordinator: Bob Galica l Cover Art: Dana Knutson
Interior Art: Ken Daily and Bryon Wackwitz l Cartography: Dennis Kauth and Rob Lazzaretti
Typesetting: Gaye OKeefe
Special Thanks: Julia Martin, Leonard McGillis, Deneen Olsen, and Steven Schend.
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Introduction ............................................................................. 3
About This Book ..................................................................... 3
Climate .................................................................................... 4
History ...................................................................................... 4
Forces at Work ............................................................................ 13
The Emerald Enclave ............................................................. 14
The Harpers ........................................................................... 14
The Red Wizards .................................................................... 14
The Zhentarim ....................................................................... 14
Religion ....................................................................................... 14
Eldath (N) .............................................................................. 14
Helm (LN) ............................................................................. 15
Lliira (CG) ............................................................................. 15
Malar (CE) ............................................................................. 16
Nobanion (N) ........................................................................ 16
Silvanus (TN) ........................................................................ 17
Talos (CE) .............................................................................. 17
Tempus (CN) ......................................................................... 19
Tyr (LG) ................................................................................. 20
Nonhumans ................................................................................. 20
The Dwarves .......................................................................... 20
The Elves ............................................................................... 20
Gnomes, Halflings & Half-Elves ........................................... 21
The Eyes of Silvanus .............................................................. 22
Ilighôn ......................................................................................... 22
Sapra ...................................................................................... 23
House of Silvanus .................................................................. 23
Other Areas of Interest .......................................................... 24
The Emerald Enclave .................................................................. 26
Goals of the Enclave.. ........................................................... 26
Organization .......................................................................... 27
The Elder Circle ................................................................... 27
Shinthala Deepcrest.. ............................................................ 28
Lady Shadowmoon................................................................. 29
Ashenford Torinbow .............................................................. 30
New Spells .................................................................................. 31
Faith-Magic Zone ................................................................... 31
Re-Target ................................................................................ 31
Windlance .............................................................................. 32
Ixinos ........................................................................................... 32
Wavecrest ................................................................................... 32
Turmish .................................................................................. 33
Politics ....................................................................................... 33
Customs ....................................................................................... 34
Festivals ....................................................................................... 34
Feast of the Moon .................................................................. 34
Reign of Misrule ..................................................................... 34
Cities ........................................................................................... 35
Alaghôn ................................................................................. 35
Ironcloak ................................................................................ 36
Morningstar Hollows ............................................................. 36
Ravilars Cloak ....................................................................... 36
Gildenglade ............................................................................ 37
Centaur Bridge ............... ........................................................ 37
Nonthal .................................................................................. 38
Jathrins Jump ......................................................................... 39
Xorhun ................................................................................... 40
Geography ................................................................................... 41
Mtns. of the Alaoreum .......................................................... 41
Orsraun Mountains ................................................................ 41
The Orbrekh .......................................................................... 41
Aphrunn Mountains .............................................................. 41
The Shining Plains ................................................................. 43
Politics ......................................................................................... 44
Customs....................................................................................... 44
Women in Society ................................................................. 44
Festivals ....................................................................................... 44
Festival of the Hunt.. ............................................................ 44
Sun Festival ............................................................................ 45
Cities ........................................................................................... 45
Assam ..................................................................................... 45
Lheshayl ................................................................................. 46
Ormath ................................................................................... 46
Geography .................................................................................. 46
Deepwing Mountains.. .......................................................... 46
Gulthmere Forest .................................................................. 47
Rushing Hills ......................................................................... 47
The Tenpaw Tribe .................................................................. 47
The Wetwoods ....................................................................... 48
Free Cities .............................................................................. 49
Politics ......................................................................................... 49
Customs....................................................................................... 50
Festivals ....................................................................................... 50
Cities ........................................................................................... 50
Hlondeth ................................................................................ 50
Lachom ................................................................................. 50
Nimpeth ................................................................................. 52
Nun ........................................................................................ 53
Reth ....................................................................................... 53
Surkh ...................................................................................... 53
Elupar ..................................................................................... 53
Geography ................................................................................... 54
Cloven Mountains ................................................................. 54
The Deepwash ....................................................................... 54
The Nunwood ........................................................................ 54
The Winterwood.. .................................................................. 54
Sespech .................................................................................. 55
Politics ......................................................................................... 55
Customs ....................................................................................... 55
Festivals ....................................................................................... 56
Cities ........................................................................................... 56
Elbulder ................................................................................. 56
Fort Arran .............................................................................. 57
Mimph ................................................................................... 57
Ormpetarr .............................................................................. 57
Geography ................................................................................... 58
Golden Plains......................................................................... 58
Naga Plains ............................................................................ 58
The Nagaflow ......................................................................... 58
Nagawater .............................................................................. 59
Serpents Holding .................................................................. 59
Chondath ............................................................................... 60
Politics ........................................................................................ 60
Customs ....................................................................................... 60
Festivals ....................................................................................... 61
Cities .......................................................................................... 61
Arrabar ................................................................................... 62
Hlath ...................................................................................... 62
Iljak ........................................................................................ 62
Samra ..................................................................................... 63
Shamph .................................................................................. 63
Geography ................................................................................... 64
The Chondalwood ................................................................ 64
All that is good and just in the world comes from the Reach, or at least so they teach at the Acad-
emy. Of course, they leave out the parts about the evil and wickedness that reside here. Were a
literal paradise with pitfalls here.
Dameron Keel, Merchant of HIondeth
he Vilhon Reach is a large area just south of the Sea of Fallen Stars.
While most citizens of Faerûn know it as the home of mercenaries
and massed armies, there is much more to this humid land. It is rich
with varied customs and beliefs.
The area gets its name from the sea that surrounds it, an immense
body of water with cities nestled against its borders. These citiesand their warlike reputa-
tionsare what most northerners know about the Reach. For some, it is no more than a
storehouse for mercenaries; for others, it is a place to sell their wares and make their living.
But the Reach is as rich and diverse as any area of Faerûn. It has its petty politicians
and powerful wizards, but the heart of the Reach is its people. Nature is a powerful force,
much more powerful than that wielded by power-seeking wizards or the strength of arms
of the most renowned adventuring company.
Nature is more respected in the Reach than in other areas of Faerûn. This respect
probably stems from the suffering felt by its residents. During the growth of its commu-
nities, the Reach felt the hand of the plague caress its lands on more than one occasion.
The treachings learned were harsh but remembered. These lessons are reinforced from
time to time by the Emerald Enclave, a powerful force of druids that maintain balance in
the area.
That is not to say that the well-known forces of evil from the norththe Zhentarim
and Red Wizards, for example are unheard of in the Vilhon, it is just that their ability
to interfere is drastically reduced by the activity of Enclave. How do your actions aid
nature? is a common question to newcomers with grand ideas of expansion. Those with
personal agendas to make fast money at natures expense are warned to look elsewhere.
About This Book
he Vilhon Reach is designed for the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting. The
product is divided into two parts. This booklet is intended for the eyes of the DM
only. If youre a player, your information is found in the Players Guide to the Vilhon
Some of the information presented in the Players Guide is not detailed in this sup-
plement. This information details the some of the customs, festivals and rumors of the
area, presented to the players by a knowledgeable scholar. The DM should read both
the Players Guide and this supplement to gain a thorough knowledge of the Vilhon
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to spring up along the trade route, and the population of
future Turmish swelled.
The success of Alaghôn in establishing itself as a port
city convinced other sea traders to create a trade center
within the Vilhon Reach itself. This center permitted
them to establish trade with the elves of the Chondal-
wood and, eventually, allowed them easier access to the
lands south.
he weather of the Vilhon Reach is sub-tropical
and humid. While the temperature may fall as low
as 35° F in the winter months, snowfalls are rare. The
Turmish are fond of calling the climate one with the
Reach, a not-so-subtle hint as to the humidity of the
Spring visits the Reach in early Mirtul. Springs ar-
rival is heralded by the opening of the mierngras blos-
soms. These flowery shrubs of violet and gold bloom
once during the spring and are known as natures water-
clocks by the denizens of Chondalwood. The tempera-
ture may reach 80° F during the spring. Evening and
early morning temperatures rarely drop below 60° F.
During early Eleasius, the druids of the Reach hold
the Long Night, a festival of love and betrothal. The fes-
tival is typically held for two consecutive nights. Its con-
clusion signifies the beginning of summer. Temperatures
can rise to as high as 110° F during these humid months,
making full and field-plate armor virtually unheard of.
Late Marpenoth heralds the approach of fall. Crops
are harvested and stored for the coming winter, and win-
ter crops are planted in late Uktar. The high tempera-
tures range from 80° F to 50°.
Winter brings heavy rains and slightly colder temper-
atures. Highs typically range from 50° F to 65°. It can get
as cold as 35° F, and on rare occasions, snow descends
upon the Reach.
20 DRYear of the Fallen Fury
Iljak was the first major city established for the purpose
of trade. The villages that had dotted the surrounding
countryside quickly merged with the port in the hopes of
raising their quality of life. Farmers who decided to raise
crops outside of the city found themselves constantly
pushed back by the ever-expanding population of Iljak.
By the Year of the Fallen Fury, in 20 DR, few villages re-
mained outside a 50-mile radius of Iljak.
50 DRThe Reach Grows
By 50 DR, other cities had grown up along the trade
routes through the Reach. Hlondeth established itself
as both a port city and a major landmark along the
Turmway, a road built between Hlondeth and Alaghôn.
The cities of Mussum, Samra, and Arrabar sprang up
along the southeastern shores of the Vilhon. Daroush,
Torl, and Asple were established on the northwestern
shores of the Vilhon Reach.
75 DRYear of the Clinging Death
The sudden increase in population created problems of
its own, however. In the Year of the Clinging Death (75
DR), a plague tore through the Vilhon Reach, killing
more than 50% of the total population in as little as 10
years. Sweeping changes were called for if the human
population of the Reach was to survive.
Sages speculated that the disease was carried by rats and
other vermin that infested the larger cities. Priests claimed
it was divine wrath brought down on the people by their
worship of gold. Fishermen claimed that the water of the
Vilhon itself was to blame. Everyone, it seemed, had a dif-
ferent cause for the calamity that befell them.
Whatever the reason, the plague finally passed. Im-
provements in the cities water supplies by the druids of
Eldath undoubtedly helped. Measures were taken to re-
move garbage and other waste from the cities. The
plague now forgotten, the people of the Vilhon Reach
went back to trade.
he history of the Reach is a story of mans struggle
to coexist with nature. From early on in the story,
nature had the upper hand.
-37 DRAlaghôn Settled
The first recorded settlement in Alaghôn is registered in
a trade journal dating back some 1,400 years ago, in -37
Dale Reckoning (DR). Long before there was a country
of Turmish, the city of Alaghôn stood upon the shores of
the Sea of Fallen Stars. It quickly became a trade center
for the Inner Sea.
What was initially little more than a stopping point
for ships on their way farther south suddenly became a
major port that allowed goods to be sent inland to the
nomadic tribes of the Shining Plains and the dwarves
who resided in the Orsraun Mountains. Villages began
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