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{1434}{1462}Order. Quiet!
{1463}{1492}Order. Order.|There's too much noise in here.
{1492}{1518}What? Never mind who's making the noise.
{1518}{1538}I want it quiet in here.
{1539}{1571}<i>And you down there�|stop that whispering!</i>
{1571}{1598}This is a court of law,|not a public library.
{1599}{1622}Oh, sorry, Your Honor.
{1622}{1647}Uh, are the parties present|in the matter...
{1648}{1668}of Mrs. Ellen Wagstaff Arden?
{1703}{1730}<i>Mr. Nicholas Arden?</i>
{1731}{1760}- Present.|- I don't want to bother with this.
{1761}{1786}It looks too complicated.|Let it wait.
{1787}{1809}Wasn't I supposed to marry|some people?
{1810}{1837}- Where are they? Wasn't that for today?|- If Your Honor please�
{1837}{1860}Just be still.
{1861}{1891}Aren't you the party that was doing|all that whispering down there?
{1892}{1915}- Well�|- Just be quiet.
{1915}{1946}What do you mean, "the same fellow"?|This is a petition.
{1946}{1971}- Well, his wife is the one that�|- Oh, really?
{1972}{1992}Where does it say that?
{2015}{2036}Well, what do you know about that?
{2037}{2071}- Are you, uh, Nicholas Arden?|- Yes, Your Honor.
{2071}{2103}- I am, Your Honor.|- Aren't you represented by counsel?
{2104}{2137}I'm a member of the bar, Your Honor.|I'm presenting my own case.
{2138}{2163}Oh, trying to save yourself|a buck or two, huh?
{2164}{2192}Here. "Airplane crash|in Pacific Ocean."
{2193}{2231}Uh, yes, sir. My wife was aboard the plane|that was forced down in the storm.
{2231}{2251}It's been five years, Your Honor.
{2251}{2274}This is a petition|to have her declared legally dead.
{2275}{2301}Is that what it says in here?
{2302}{2333}- Sorry, sir.|- Not at all. It was very nice of you to tell me.
{2334}{2360}<i>Now let's see what I can find.</i>
{2361}{2390}"Ellen Wagstaff Arden.
{2391}{2415}Two infant children."
{2416}{2442}Oh, how tragic.
{2443}{2475}That's sad. Very sad.
{2475}{2509}Two little babies, and you let her|fly off to a watery grave?
{2510}{2530}Well, we both flew off, Your Honor.
{2530}{2550}Uh, I had business in Australia.
{2551}{2594}She'd had so much trouble with the children�|the teething and all� that I took her with me.
{2595}{2614}Yes, it says so here.
{2615}{2653}Let's see.|"En route from refueling stop...
{2654}{2677}forced down in rough seas."
{2678}{2710}Let's see here. "Life raft."
{2732}{2755}Young woman...
{2755}{2790}<i>would you stop jangling those cowbells?</i>
{2791}{2811}You mean these, Your Honor?
{2812}{2851}If I hear one more jingle jangle,|I'll really get after you.
{2852}{2880}<i>There's such a thing|as contempt of court, you know.</i>
{2881}{2912}- Weren't you in the same life raft?|- Well, no, sir.
{2912}{2938}The women took the first rafts.|The men took what were left.
{2938}{2958}We were all separated|during a storm.
{2959}{2986}- It's all right here in the brief.|- Keep your hands out.
{3014}{3043}Is something wrong, Your Honor?
{3044}{3076}Yes, there's plenty wrong.|My arthritis is killing me.
{3076}{3109}And your jabbering isn't helping me|get out of here any faster.
{3109}{3137}- Now, just stick to the facts.|- They're in my brief.
{3138}{3160}Then stop interrupting|and let me read them!
{3161}{3187}Is there any proof of loss?
{3187}{3209}Uh, page seven, I believe.
{3210}{3236}I see.
{3237}{3267}Oh, that's page four, Your Honor.
{3267}{3302}I know it's page four.|It says "page four" right here.
{3333}{3367}Oh, yes. Here it is. It's page seven!
{3382}{3401}Any depositions?
{3402}{3422}Uh, they begin here on page�
{3435}{3466}Where'd you study law anyway?
{3466}{3494}- Harvard, sir.|- Yeah? Might have known.
{3495}{3514}A Yale man myself.
{3515}{3541}Well, let's see. "Husband"�
{3541}{3579}Your Honor will see that there is, uh,|no opposition to this petition.
{3579}{3599}And all survivors agreed that, uh�
{3600}{3630}- "Said Ellen Wagstaff Arden|had been swept overboard�|- Swept overboard...
{3630}{3650}"Before aid could reach her.
{3650}{3670}- Deposition appended."|- Quiet!
{3671}{3695}- Well, I'd like to explain, sir.|- There's nothing to explain.
{3696}{3718}Testimony is here. Sworn affidavits.
{3719}{3739}No evidence to the contrary.
{3740}{3759}The law is clear.
{3760}{3799}I hereby pronounce|Ellen Wagstaff Arden legally dead.
{3799}{3821}Wasn't I supposed to marry somebody?
{3821}{3841}Yes, Your Honor.
{3879}{3911}- Us.|- What? Already?
{3912}{3937}Well, it's been five years, Your Honor.
{3937}{3960}Five seconds in the eyes of the law.
{3961}{3990}Your wife wasn't dead|until I said she was dead.
{3990}{4018}Sure you don't want more time|to think about it?
{4019}{4053}- Oh, I'm sure he doesn't.|- I didn't ask you, young lady.
{4054}{4077}Your interruptions have been|prolonging this case...
{4078}{4110}and causing me extreme mental|and physical discomfort.
{4110}{4151}I'm sorry, Your Honor.|I know how painful arthritis can be.
{4152}{4182}Oh, you do?|Do you know the kind I've got?
{4183}{4214}Where your bones begin to crumble|like old peanut brittle?
{4215}{4245}Has Your Honor|ever considered psychotherapy?
{4245}{4271}Are you one of those couch nuts?
{4272}{4301}Well, if you mean psychoanalysis...
{4302}{4334}surely Your Honor doesn't discount|the contributions Freud has made...
{4335}{4357}to the relief of human suffering.
{4358}{4389}Freud's dead,|probably from arthritis.
{4390}{4424}Now, just be quiet, if that's possible.
{4425}{4445}Well, are you gonna|answer the question...
{4446}{4478}or is she going to talk for you|the rest of your life?
{4497}{4524}- I've forgotten the question, Your Honor.|- Darling, he asked you�
{4547}{4569}I asked if you wanted|to marry this woman.
{4570}{4593}Why, certainly, Your Honor.
{4604}{4624}Harvard man.
{4681}{4708}Can we have some pictures, Captain?|This is front-page news.
{4709}{4736}- Five years on a desert island.|- Mrs. Arden! Mrs. Arden!
{4737}{4767}- Where you going?|- I've got to call my family.|Where's the nearest phone?
{4768}{4798}- Oh, the booth's over there, Mrs. Arden.|- Thank you.
{4798}{4829}- Oh! Does anybody have a nickel?|- Phone calls are a dime now.
{4829}{4853}- A dime? Why?|- Stamps are a nickel.
{4853}{4877}- Oh.|- Would you like for me to make the call?
{4877}{4902}- Break the news to them for you?|- Oh. Uh�
{4903}{4928}Five years.|It may be a bit of a shock to them.
{4929}{4966}Thank you very much, Captain,|but if you don't mind, I'd like to.
{5021}{5059}This is the greatest Navy rescue since we|fished Gordon Cooper out of the drink.
{5121}{5152}- You have dialed an incorrect number.|- Oh, Operator, are you sure�
{5153}{5190}Please be sure that you are calling|the right number and are dialing correctly.
{5190}{5214}- I know it's right, Operator.|- This is a recording.
{5214}{5242}- I-It's my home.|- You have dialed an incorrect number.
{5243}{5262}Crestview 5-4699 in�
{5263}{5288}Be sure you are calling the right number|and are dialing correctly.
{5289}{5320}- But it is the right number. It's always been our�|- This is a recording.
{5321}{5343}You have dialed an incorrect�
{5419}{5462}- Operator.|- Operator, I'm dialing Crestview 5-4699...
{5463}{5493}and a recording said that|I have dialed an incorrect number.
{5493}{5530}I know it's the correct number because for the|past eight years we have had the same number.
{5531}{5554}Crestview 5-4699...
{5555}{5581}is now 275-4699.
{5582}{5612}275-46� Oh! Whatever it is,|would you please get it for me?
{5613}{5662}- Thank you.|- You may dial 275-4699 direct.
{5663}{5691}- 275�|- 4699.
{5692}{5732}- Thank you.|- The area code is 213.
{5733}{5756}- What's the area code?|- 213.
{5777}{5806}- You may dial 275-4699�|- Wait.
{5807}{5832}By first dialing 213.
{5899}{5953}- No. 213-275-4699.|- Oh!
{5953}{5992}- Oh!|- Would you care to make a note of that?
{5992}{6017}Operator, would you just|wait a minute, please?
{6018}{6038}Does anyone have a pencil?
{6038}{6072}We can drive you home a lot faster|than you can get that call through, ma'am.
{6072}{6093}- Would you? Thank you.|- The navy's pleasure.
{6094}{6125}- Oh, but first we'd like to get some pictures.|- Pictures?
{6126}{6159}For the newspapers. Mrs. Arden,|you're a real public interest story.
{6160}{6200}Oh, no. Please don't.|No, I'd like to see my children first.
{6201}{6235}- Uh, y-you do understand that.|- Well, of course.
{6235}{6273}It'll be enough of an adjustment they'll|have to make without the worid looking on.
{6273}{6299}You take all the time you need,|Mrs. Arden.
{6300}{6323}- After all, this is the silent service.|- Thank you.
{6323}{6356}<i>- We have a car waiting for you,|Mrs. Arden, right this way.|- Oh, good. Excuse me.</i>
{6398}{6432}Oh, Dr. Schlick was so right.
{6432}{6476}I'm really ready for a ripe,|mature relationship now.
{6476}{6496}Is that why you married me?
{6497}{6534}- Just a prescription from your analyst?|- Don't be silly, darling.
{6534}{6559}I can hardly wait to get to Monterey.
{6560}{6580}Uh, you'll have to.
{6580}{6617}The State Highway Commission frowns|on commencing a honeymoon in a vehicle.
{6618}{6638}- Hmm?|- It's a moving violation.
{6780}{6800}Thank you very much.
{6811}{6841}Thank the whole United States Navy!
{7046}{7068}<i>- It's your turn.|- I can beat you!</i>
{7069}{7088}<i>- No, you can't!|- Yes, I can!</i>
{7089}{7119}- You missed! You missed!|- I did not.
{7119}{7149}<i>You did too.|You stepped right on the crack.</i>
{7150}{7174}I did not. Anyway, you made me.
{7174}{7197}<i>You have to start over again.</i>
{7197}{7241}<i>You splashed water in my eyes.|No fair!</i>
{7358}{7378}Stop splashing.
{7378}{7398}<i>That's no fair.</i>
{7539}{7558}- Hello.|- Hello.
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