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Player Manual
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Section I
Table of Contents
Section I Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section II Interface Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Main Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Adventure Map .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
H eroes and the H ero Screen ................................................................................................................................ 23
Skills .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Combat ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Towns ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Magic System ......................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Kingdom Overview ................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Multiplayer ............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Section III World Reference ............................................................................................................................................ 63
Spell Reference .................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Town and Creature Reference ............................................................................................................................ 81
Individual H eroes .............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Section IV Appendices .......................................................................................................................................................... 134
Keyboard Shortcuts ...................................................................................................................................................... 134
Mplayer.com ........................................................................................................................................................................ 135
H EAT ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Customer Support .......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 142
90-Day Limited Warranty .................................................................................................................................. 144
© 1999 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved. Heroes of Might and Magic, Heroes, Might and Magic, New World Computing,
3DO, and their respective logos, are trademarks and/or service marks of The 3DO Company in the U.S. and other countries. All
other trademarks belong to their respective owners. New World Computing is a division of The 3DO Company.
The software and related manual for this 3DO product are copyrighted. No portion of this product may be photocopied, scanned,
translated, reproduced, copied or reduced to any tangible or electronic medium or machine-readable form, or publicly performed
or displayed, without the prior written consent of The 3DO Company. The owner of this product is entitled to use the software
and related manual for his or her own use, but is not entitled to reproduce and distribute any copies of the software or manual
to any other individual or entity; nor to rent or lease this product or any copy thereof to any third party.
Uses Bink Video Technology. © 1997-1998 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Uses Miles Sound System. © 1991-1998 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Windows, the Windows logo and DirectX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Edwin E. Steussy, Publisher.
Tom Ono, Author. Amy Yancey, Coordinator.
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Dear Heroes of Might and Magic ® fans,
When I sat down to create King’s Bounty ® , the precursor to Heroes of Might and Magic ,
never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would grow into the phenomenon the series has
become. I had just finished Might and Magic ® II . At the time, King’s Bounty was state of
the art: 16 colors and used up both sides of the floppy disk. I had one programmer and one
artist to make my design real, and it took us about a year to finish.
Nine years later, the Heroes III game is state of the art. The Heroes III game has 65,000
colors and fills an entire CD. I had over 30 people work on the project: programmers, artists,
voice actors, and level designers, and it took us about 18 months to finish.
King’s Bounty , although crude by today’s standards, was a lot of fun to play. Players
recruited troops, maintained armies, and fought battles on tactical maps with a variety of
fantastic monsters. The Heroes III game does the same, only the graphics are much fancier
and the animations are far smoother. In addition, some fundamental game play changes have
happened since then, giving the player options and tactics magnifying the scope of the game
The leap from King’s Bounty to the Heroes I game was the single largest change, both in
terms of technology and game play. I looked at what I thought had gone right with King’s
Bounty , mixed in our fans’ wish lists and the capabilities of more modern computers, and got
down to work. After a seemingly endless series of false starts, dead ends, and programming
troubles, we shipped the game and held our breath.
The Heroes I game shipped quietly enough, but enthusiasm for the game was strong and grew
stronger as time passed. It took us a while to realize we had a genuine hit on our hands, but
when we did, we started work on the Heroes II game immediately. This time, we were armed
with a ton of fan mail suggestions and an existing game that we could build from.
Nevertheless, what seemed to be a simple improvement to a finished game was fraught with
complications, and I agonized over design decisions and game balance considerations.
After a year’s worth of design wrangling, we got down to business and the Heroes II game
shipped in time for Christmas. I noticed that everyone in the office was playing the game -
even people working on different projects - and knew from past experience what a good sign
this was. The Heroes II game turned out to be one of our most popular games ever.
Now we’ve shipped the Heroes III game. We’ve had a lot of fun designing and making this game,
and once again, everyone in the office is playing it. I’m confident the Heroes III game is going
to be a smashing success! We hope you have as much fun playing it as we’ve had making it!
Jon Van Caneghem
Creator and Designer
Heroes of Might and Magic I-III
Might and Magic I-VII
King’s Bounty
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Section I
I hope this letter finds you well and has reached you before you
set sail with Queen Catherine to Erathia. I regret these trying
times. The duties forced upon me have made it impossible for me
to see you off in person.
First, let me congratulate you on your commission. I am glad
— no, thankful — Catherine has someone of your character
and abilities among her entourage. I do not hold such an
unqualified opinion of some who travel with you. I know you are
more at home on the battlefield than in the company of the
royal court, but let me remind you, the strategies and tactics
employed there are every bit as complex and potentially
deadly, as any found in military conflict. No, I don’t have any
real proof of any particular disloyalty or treachery — just
a feeling.
It is unfortunate your first visit to Erathia could not be made
in happier times — it is a land of beauty and stability. Or at
least it has been, under Nicolas Gryphonheart’s rule. H e was a
great king and a dedicated ally. I will remember him best as a
man of strength and fairness, both qualities have bred
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true in our dear Catherine. You know she has not ruled out the
possibility foul play was involved in his death. Do not be too quick
to dismiss her thoughts as those of a grieving daughter. True, she
is saddened but has not lost hold of her wisdom.
H ah! Listen to me and my gloominess! Just watch your back as
a favor to a friend made cynical and suspicious by age. I’m sure
I’m just seeing things in the worst possible light. A
vocational habit. Perhaps I have been at this job too long.
Farewell, friend. I look forward to your return, to a good cup
of tea by the fire, and to the recounting of your journey’s tale.
May the seas be calm and the wind steady in your sails.
Best Regards,
Wilbur H umphrey, Regent of Enroth
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