Głód - Sult - Henning Carlsen (1966) - english.txt

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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (http://alfa.icis.pcz.czest.pl/~subedit)/
00:00:07:based on a novel by|KNUT HAMSUN
00:00:31:adaptation: PETER SEEBERG|screenplay: HENNING CARLSEN
00:00:35:director of photography: HENNING KRISTLANSENdff|art director costumes: ERIK AAES ADA SKOLMEN
00:00:39:sound: ERIK JENSEN|music: KRZYSZTOF KOMEDA
00:00:44:directed by HENNING CARLSEN
00:01:09:KRISTIANIA 1890
00:02:53:I'll come and buy up the lot|at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
00:02:58:A little treat|for a couple of children I know.
00:04:40:No, I've no time to talk to you.|Talk to each other instead.
00:04:49:Are you here?
00:04:54:Did they take you on?
00:04:59:They only want people|who have passed exams.
00:05:02:As long as you're a master of this|and a bachelor of that -
00:05:06:- it doesn't matter a damn|whether you've got talent or not.
00:05:19:Bookkeeper at a grocer's.|Why not?
00:05:36:- Coming to have something to eat?|- No, I'm not really hungry.
00:05:42:But I'll keep you company.
00:06:32:Listen, I'll come round one day|and Iook at your painting, eh?
00:07:15:Do you have to sit on this bench?
00:07:18:What do you say?
00:07:20:I'm accustomed to being alone|on this bench when I'm working -
00:07:24:- so I would prefer you to Ieave.|I don't wish to be disturbed.
00:07:28:You needn't go straight away!
00:07:39:What are you doing here?
00:07:42:Would you be so kind|as to tell me the time?
00:07:45:Two o'clock.
00:07:48:It's ten!
00:07:50:- It's two!|- You're wrong, it's ten!
00:07:53:You'd better re-set your watch,|my good man!
00:08:35:No glasses!
00:11:21:Mr. Christie's Grocery. Wiith|reference to your advertisement...
00:11:57:Hii, there! Boy! Come here!
00:12:02:Run into the grocer's with this!|I'll give you a tip another day!
00:12:09:Off you go!
00:12:34:Excuse me...|What's the time?
00:12:37:- Half past three.|- Fine! I can hear you know your job.
00:14:33:You're dropping your book, miss.
00:15:49:You're dropping your book, miss.
00:15:54:What book is he talking about?|I haven't got a book!
00:15:58:Never mind him, he's drunk.|You can see he's drunk!
00:19:18:At last!
00:19:22:Come in!
00:19:25:My Darling!
00:19:29:How heavily she's breathing!
00:19:33:As you see...|Rubies everywhere!
00:19:38:Her eyes are like ambre.
00:19:43:Come to me. Come!
00:19:49:That red, soft silken Divan!
00:19:53:Kiss me!
00:19:56:Kiss me!
00:19:59:Her lips are glowing.
00:20:07:Up you get!
00:20:10:I'm sorry.
00:20:24:Wait!|Don't forget your hat!
00:20:29:Of course. I'm sorry.|I thought I'd forgotten something.
00:20:41:Move along then!
00:21:23:No, I don't talk to shoes, I said.
00:21:27:Talk to one another instead.
00:21:52:You must leave tomorrow.|Cordially yours, Mrs. Gundersen.
00:24:10:Five... five crowns.
00:24:15:Ten... ten!|A bargain at the price!
00:24:25:If you're thanking God,|then thank him from me as well!
00:24:44:I wrote my first masterpiece|here. 28th Oct. 1890. K.P.
00:24:53:Then you move in the course|of the morning!
00:24:56:I place my future in your hands!
00:24:59:And I shall put it down again.
00:25:04:Why don't you go home to the|country. You've no need to stay here.
00:25:16:- AIl right, I'll go.|- Yes, please.
00:27:11:Would you be so kind as|to wrap this up for me?
00:27:16:Thank you ever so much.
00:27:29:Be careful! There are a couple|of valuable vases inside.
00:27:40:I've inherited them.
00:27:44:I'm sending them to Smyrna.
00:27:49:Thank you, thank you! I'm most|grateful to you for your kindness!
00:28:09:Perhaps he'II come|this afternoon?
00:28:12:No fixed hours here. Certainly not|for the editor. Try again at 3 o'clock.
00:28:18:Could I put it|on the editor's desk myself?
00:28:24:- Or will you take it?|- Put it on the pile over there.
00:28:34:Are these manuscripts?|AII of them?
00:28:36:Yes.|What's come in today.
00:28:40:- And you get this many every day?|- We do.
00:28:49:How can I be sure the editor|will read my article?
00:28:54:Excuse me. I said, how can I be sure|the editor will read it?
00:28:59:He reads everything.|Come back at 3 o'clock!
00:30:26:You here?
00:30:28:Yes, I always have a little walk|iin the mornings...
00:30:35:How are things?
00:30:37:I'm working for Christie's,|the wholesale people. Bookkeeping!
00:30:43:It's alright, you know.
00:30:46:What have you got here?
00:30:49:Some cloth bought at Semb's.|Can't neglect one's looks completely!
00:30:57:I beg your pardon.
00:31:04:- Do you know him?|- Barely.
00:31:07:She's his latest conquest.|She's married.
00:31:11:Let me recommend you my tailor,|Isaksen. Nobody like him!
00:31:16:Just say I sent you.
00:31:18:May I remind you that you|owe me 10 crowns? Good-bye!
00:32:36:Just a few coppers...|To buy some milk.
00:32:49:Money is a little hard to come by,|and I don't know if you're deserving.
00:32:54:I haven't eaten since yesterday|in Drammen, and I'm broke.
00:33:00:I haven't found work yet.
00:33:03:- Are you an artisan?|- Yes, a welt binder.
00:33:06:A welt binder.|I can make shoes too.
00:33:10:I see.|Well, that's different.
00:33:13:It's rather an unfortunate moment|of the day to ask.
00:33:17:It would have been better|after 3 o'clock -
00:33:20:- but just a moment|and I'll see what I can do.
00:33:39:- One crown.|- I'd counted on one and a half.
00:33:49:If it hadn't been getting a bit small|for me, I shouldn't have parted with it.
00:33:54:Of course not.
00:34:13:There you are.|I'm glad you applied to me first.
00:34:33:You've acquired the unpleasant|habit of staring at people's knees -
00:34:37:- when they give you a coin.
00:34:39:Take the blasted money, now|I've had all the trouble getting it!
00:34:44:Perhaps I owe you this sum|for all I know.
00:34:48:PIease realize you are talking|to a thoroughly honest person.
00:34:56:Pick it up, before somebody|more deserving than you does!
00:35:51:There you are.
00:36:00:Excuse me.|I had a pencil in my pocket -
00:36:04:- in the waistcoat|I left with you this morning.
00:36:12:You'd better look yourself.
00:36:23:Here we are.|Thanks!
00:36:35:Of course it would never occur|to me to go to all this trouble -
00:36:40:- for the sake of any old pencil.|But this one had a story attached to it.
00:36:47:It has helped me make a name|for myself in the world.
00:36:53:It's the pencil I wrote my thesis|on philosophy with. In 3 volumes.
00:36:58:- Perhaps you know it?|- I know of it.
00:37:01:Well, I'm the author, so don't be|surprised at my being fond of it.
00:37:06:I almost regard it as a little person.|Thank you so much!
00:37:11:I shall remember you!|I'm that sort of person, see?
00:37:16:Thank you.
00:37:35:The Morning Post will start|a course in French lip-reading.
00:37:40:You will now see a number|of photographs of the mouth -
00:37:45:- when saying|the passionate words:
00:37:47:Je vous aime.|I love you.
00:39:00:Excuse me.|Mr. Christie?
00:39:05:I sent a message|with a letter -
00:39:09:- about a vacancy|for a bookkeeper.
00:39:13:I don't know whether it will|have served any purpose?
00:39:23:Well now, your handwriting|is nice enough -
00:39:26:- but you seem to be|a bit careless with figures.
00:39:30:You've dated your letter 1848.
00:39:35:Even you aren't that old!
00:39:38:Oh, have I? A slight error,|a moment's distraction...
00:39:46:But I need a man who never|makes mistakes with figures.
00:39:50:Your handwriting is very clear.|And it's a good letter, but...
00:39:55:Yes, a pity.|Of course it won't recur.
00:40:00:A tiny slip like this doesn't prove|I'm not a good bookkeeper.
00:40:04:I'm not saying it does.
00:40:06:But it means so much to me|that I've decided on somebody else.
00:40:11:You mean the job is taken?
00:40:14:Then there's nothing more|to be said!
00:40:16:- I'm sorry.|- Bye.
00:40:56:- Yes?|- Excuse me, my carriage is waiting.
00:41:01:- Colonel Schinkel?|- No. Why?
00:41:04:Doesn't Colonel Schinkel live here?|Sorry! I had a small cannon for him.
00:41:21:I was to fetch a parcel|for a young musician named Grieg.
00:41:30:But I don't understand...|It must be here, I'm certain of it.
00:41:45:We've got nothing today!
00:41:47:I'm sorry I rang so loudly,|I don't know the bell here...
00:41:51:An invalid gentleman advertised|for a man to push his chair.
00:41:58:A Mr. Hojbjerg.
00:42:00:There's no Mr. Hojbjerg here.
00:42:03:An elderly gentleman? 2 hours'|wheeling a day at 40 cents per hour.
00:42:07:Then it must be on the first floor.|I'm sorry. I only wanted -
00:42:12:- to recommend a man I know|who has a philanthropic outlook.
00:42:18:My name is Wedel-Jarlsberg.|I beg your pardon.
00:42:57:Excuse me, I wonder if I could|have a small bone for my dog?
00:43:01:There doesn't have to be|any meat on it.
00:43:33:Where would we be?
00:43:35:Have you seen that fellow?
00:44:11:Damnation! Is there nothing|one may keep for oneself?
00:44:42:Excuse me.|May I help you?
00:44:45:Yes...|What's the time?
00:44:48:Five to three.
00:44:50:Five to three?
00:44:52:I should have known!|This is really too silly.
00:44:59:- Do you thank your God?|- That I do.
00:45:02:Then thank him warmly|from me too.
00:45:09:In 5 minutes|I'll be a happy man.
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