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PII: S1360-1385(99)01445-4
trends in plant science
34 Tadege, M. et al. (1998) Activation of plant defense responses and sugar
efflux by expression of pyruvate decarboxylase in potato leaves, Plant J.
16, 661–671
35 Herbers, K. et al. (1997) Expression of a luteoviral movement protein in
transgenic plants leads to carbohydrate accumulation and reduced
photosynthetic capacity in source leaves, Plant J. 12, 1045–1056
36 Koch, K.E. (1996) Carbohydrate-modulated gene expression in plants, Annu.
Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 47, 509–540
37 Levings, C.S., III (1993) Thoughts on cytoplasmic male sterility, Plant Cell
5, 1285–1290
38 Flavell, R. (1974) A model for the mechanism of cytoplasmic male sterility in
plants, with special reference to maize, Plant Sci. Lett. 13, 259–263
39 Cui, X., Wise, R.P. and Schnable, P.S. (1996) The rf2 nuclear restorer gene of
male-sterile, T-cytoplasm maize encodes a putative aldehyde dehydrogenase,
Science 272, 1334–1336
40 Grafström, R.C. et al. (1994) Pathobiological effects of acetaldehyde
in cultured human epithelial cells and fibroblasts, Carcinogenesis 15,
41 He, S.M. and Lambert, B. (1990) Acetaldehyde-induced mutation at the hprt
locus in human lymphocytes in vitro , Environ. Mol. Mutagen 16, 57–63
42 Koivisto, T. and Salaspuro, M. (1998) Acetaldehyde alters proliferation,
differentiation and adhesion properties of human colon adenocarcinoma cell
line Caco-2, Carcinogenesis 19, 2031–2036
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yeast expressing the cytoplasmic male sterility T-urf13 gene from maize: analysis
at the population and individual cell level, Mol. Gen. Genet. 236, 299–308
Million Tadege, Isabelle Dupuis and Cris Kuhlemeier * are at the
Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Berne, Altenbergrain 21,
CH-3013 Berne, Switzerland.
* Author for correspondence
(tel 141 31 631 4913; fax 141 31 332 2059;
e-mail cris.kuhlemeier@pfp.unibe.ch).
Floral mimicry: a fascinating
yet poorly understood
incompletely address the last point – the critical
question of whether the similarity is actually
adaptive. Before we suggest the tests necessary
to assess the fitness consequences of similarity,
we would first like to further describe the basic
kinds of floral mimicry, because the type of
mimicry influences the kinds of tests performed.
There are two basic types of floral mimicry,
Batesian and Müllerian, which are governed
by different selection regimes (Fig. 1). In
Batesian floral mimicry, the mimic produces no
nectar reward, whereas the model does (Fig.
2). Hence the mimic’s chances of visitation
should be increased through its similarity to a
nectar-producing model. Further, because the
Batesian mimics do not have nectar, the more
frequent they are in the population, the lower
their pollination success becomes because
pollinators can learn to avoid flowers that look
a certain way, and indeed, both mimic and
model might be avoided 9 . Thus, new Batesian
mimic phenotypes that mimic a different
model will enjoy a pollination advantage and
this type of negative-frequency-dependent
selection should select for increased diversity
of model–mimic pairs (Fig. 1).
In Müllerian floral mimicry, two or more
rewarding flower species gain a collective
advantage as a result of convergence on a
‘common advertising display’ 4,7,10–15 . The
similarity of Müllerian mimics increases the
‘perceived’ density of rewarding flowers and,
thus, might increase the probability of polli-
nation (Fig. 3). When pollinator visitation is
positively density-dependent, greater similarity
among flower species implies higher pollina-
tion success. Thus, Müllerian mimics are
undergoing positive frequency-dependent
selection (Fig. 1), and are all converging on a
similar phenotype. In spite of selective pres-
sure towards similarity, variation in Müllerian
mimics probably exists because pollinators
Bitty A. Roy and Alex Widmer
Flowers of different species that resemble each other are not necessarily mimics.
For mimicry to be occurring, the similarity must be adaptive. Unfortunately, no
case of floral mimicry has ever been fully verified and it is important that we move
beyond these perceived similarities to testing whether they are truly adaptive.
Here we explain the differences between Batesian and Müllerian floral mimicry,
illustrate what should be done to test mimicry hypotheses, and discuss how
interspecific pollen transfer influences the evolution of mimicry.
mimicry have been developed by zo-
ologists and are commonly associated
with protective mimicry in animal systems 1,2 .
However, these concepts also apply to plant
systems because the same evolutionary pro-
cesses that form them (negative and positive
frequency-dependent selection) occur whether
an animal is being warned away (protective
mimicry) or invited in (floral mimicry) (Fig. 1).
In animal Batesian mimicry, selection favors
resemblance of a palatable mimic to an un-
palatable model. Similarly, in Batesian floral
mimicry, selection favors resemblance of a
non-rewarding mimic to a rewarding model 3,4 .
In animal Müllerian mimicry, selection favors
convergence on a single, ‘aposematic’, warn-
ing pattern as a defense against predators, such
as the yellow and black striped pattern of bees,
wasps and hornets. Similarly, in floral Müllerian
mimicry, selection favors similar floral
appearance among rewarding plants for the
sake of attracting pollinators. The view that
some floral mimicry systems fall within the
concept of Batesian mimicry is now well
established 3–5 although experimental tests re-
main few. Floral Müllerian mimicry is both
less commonly accepted and less studied.
For floral mimicry to be established as
occurring between two or more similar
species, they must:
• Have strongly overlapping distributions,
and must have done so long enough for co-
evolution to have occurred.
• Require pollinators for seed set.
• Overlap substantially in flowering phenology.
• Share the same pollinator species and the
same individual pollinators must move
freely between the species.
• The similarity must be important for fitness 6–8 .
The majority of floral mimicry studies establish
the first four points, but either neglect or
1360 - 1385/99/$ Ï see front matter ¨ 1999 Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S1360-1385(99)01445-4
August 1999, Vol. 4, No. 8
T he concepts of Batesian and Müllerian
trends in plant science
Negative frequency-dependent selection
There are two alternative methods for test-
ing floral Müllerian mimicry hypotheses when
there is little or no phenotypic variation in the
putative mimics. First, one could create artificial
phenotypes that lack the features associated
with the mimicry, and test whether these indi-
viduals have lower fitness than those with greater
similarity to the model. Second, one could deter-
mine whether the putative mimics have the same
or even higher fitness when they co-occur in a
patch as they do in separate, same-density
patches of the individual species. In other words,
do insects treat all the members of a Müllerian
mimic ring as if they were the same, choosing
when to forage based on the number or density
of similar shaped, colored or scented flowers,
rather than on the specific species composi-
tion of the patch? Some preference by polli-
nators might occur, but, on average, patch
density, not patch composition should determine
the fitness of flowers of similar appearance.
Phenotype frequency (%)
Positive frequency-dependent selection
Phenotype frequency (%)
Interspecific pollen transfer
and evolution of mimicry
There is a limit to how similar co-flowering,
sympatric species can be to each other, because
individuals need to be able to mate with the
proper species. If two flower species look too
much alike, visitors might transfer their pollen
to the wrong species, a phenomenon called
improper pollen transfer. Improper pollen
transfer, which is a form of competition, will
tend to select for differences among species 21–23 .
A plant’s success will be enhanced if a polli-
nator transfers its pollen directly to another of
the same species. Thus, improper pollen trans-
fer could reduce selection for mimicry unless
it is ameliorated in some way.
Because there are examples of floral mim-
icry, we can look at those species to learn how
improper pollen transfer can be decreased.
Orchids, the group with the most mimetic
species (up to a third of the known orchids, or
~10 000 species according to some esti-
mates 24,25 ), package their pollen in saddlebag-
like structures called pollinia. It is suggested
that pollinia are less likely to be improperly
transferred than pollen because pollinia tend to
be like keys, fitting only into flowers with the
proper shape 26 . However, in spite of pollinia,
hybridization is thought to be common in
orchids 24 . Another trait that might be important
for co-flowering species is flower
longevity 27,28 . As long as the likelihood of
hybridization is low, and the presence of for-
eign pollen on a stigma is not in itself harmful,
mimetic flowers that can wait until the proper
pollen arrives will have an advantage. The evo-
lution of the Costus allenii–C. laevis mimicry
system (Fig. 3) might have been favored by a
combination of Costus flower longevity and
strong barriers against hybridization 7 . The
pseudoflowers produced by flower-mimic
fungi are also long-lived, producing nectar for
Trends in Plant Science
Fig. 1. Frequency-dependent selection. (a) Batesian mimicry is molded by negative
frequency-dependent selection. The rarer a phenotype, the higher its fitness. As a rare pheno-
type becomes more common, its fitness will decline, leading to a decrease in frequency.
(b) Thus, in negative frequency-dependent selection, the frequency of a phenotype will vary
over time. (c) Müllerian mimicry is molded by positive frequency-dependent selection. The
more common a phenotype is, the higher its fitness. This means that over time, the more com-
mon phenotype is favored by selection and eventually becomes fixed in the population
(d). Therefore, little or no variation is expected in Müllerian mimics. (b) and (d) represent
‘idealized’ states. It is not known whether negative frequency-dependent selection by polli-
nators will lead to limit cycles of the exact form depicted, and positive frequency-dependent
selection is unlikely to be consistent enough to lead to a straight-line function.
vary across the range of a species, and might
change from one part of the season to
another 16–18 .
Several differences between the two basic
types of floral mimicry should now be clear.
In Batesian mimicry, only the model is re-
warding, whereas in Müllerian mimicry, all
the species present pollinators with rewards.
In Batesian mimicry, the model does not gain
from the interaction, whereas in Müllerian
mimicry, all the species gain an advantage as
a result of their similarity. In Batesian mim-
icry, there is an obvious model on which the
mimic is based, whereas in Müllerian mim-
icry, there is not always an obvious model or
mimic – all the taxa involved are converging
towards one another. However, the commonest
species (or phenotype) should have the highest
fitness, and is thus the model for all of the rest.
A species that starts out as a Müllerian mimic
can itself become the model if it becomes
more abundant than the original model 19 .
To test whether resemblance is adaptive in
a Batesian system, one needs to establish that
the mimic receives more visits and has higher
fitness when the rewarding model is present
than when it is absent 6,20 . Both patch density
and composition probably influence pollinator
behavior. When the patch is dense, or when
the mimic is common, it is predicted that the
pollinators will encounter unrewarding mimetic
flowers more often, and fitness will thus
decrease 6,20 . There are only a few studies of
Batesian mimicry that have measured fitness
in the manner described here (Fig. 2).
To test whether resemblance is adaptive in
a Müllerian system, one should test whether
individuals of the rarer species (which are thus
termed the mimics) have higher fitness when
they are most similar to the more common spe-
cies (the model). However, these tests rely on
there being phenotypic variation in the mimic,
and there might not be variation if positive fre-
quency-dependent selection has run its course
and, thus, all of the mimics have the same
characteristics. For example, it is impossible to
test the Müllerian mimicry hypothesis that bees,
wasps and hornets gain a collective advantage
from their stripes warning away predators
when all of the individuals have stripes.
August 1999, Vol. 4, No. 8
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trends in plant science
Fig. 2. Possible examples of Batesian floral mimicry. (a) Evidence for the existence of Batesian floral mimicry in orchids was found for the
orchids Orchis israelitica , which mimics (b) the lily Bellevalia flexuosa 20 , and Disa ferruginea (not shown), which mimics either Tritoniopsis
triticea (Iridaceae) or Kniphofia uvaria (Asphodelaceae, not shown) 3 . In both of these systems most of the conditions for mimicry have been
established. The putative mimics overlap in distribution and flowering time with the model, they require visitation for full seed set, and they share
pollinators with the model. However, evidence for the condition that similarity must increase fitness is only circumstantial. Higher reproductive
success (i.e. pollination and pollinia removal 3 as well as capsule production 3,20 ) in the presence of the model, compared with situations where the
model is absent, suggests that the resemblance of the mimic to the model does indeed account for the increased reproductive success. However,
a similar result might also be observed in cases where non-rewarding, non-mimic flowers grow together with rewarding flowers, such as in
Orchis caspia 52 . Therefore, to prove that O. israelitica or D. ferruginea are indeed Batesian mimics, experimental evidence is needed to
demonstrate that mimics with greater similarity to the models have higher fitness than those that are less similar. Photographs (a) and (b) by
Alex Widmer. (c) Epidendrum radicans (Orchidaceae), a non-rewarding orchid, was thought to be a Batesian mimic of the rewarding neotropi-
cal weeds (d) Asclepias curassavica (Asclepiadaceae) and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae, not shown) based on their similar floral appearance
and pollinator sharing. However, contrary to expectations, a detailed study 6 revealed that flowers of Epidendrum growing interspersed with its
presumed models were not visited more often than when growing alone, suggesting that the floral similarity between the presumed mimic and its
models is not adaptive. Possible explanations might be that (1) the importance of floral mimicry changes with time and was not picked up
during the restricted time-frame of the study; (2) that co-evolution has not yet occurred because the two rewarding species are not native to
Central America; or (3) that the floral similarity is indeed not adaptive and these species are not mimics 6 . Photographs (c) and (d) by
Paulette Bierzychudek. (e) Flowers of the orchid genus Ophrys represent a special type of floral Batesian mimicry. The flowers of Ophrys mimic
female Hymenopterans and are pollinated by the deceived males when they attempt to copulate with the labellum (pseudocopulation) 53 . This type
of pollination is known as pollination by sexual deceit. The interaction is presumed to be highly specific because Ophrys flowers need to provide
the key stimuli to elicit male mating behavior. These stimuli involve optical cues, but also tactile and olfactory stimuli. Floral volatiles imitate
the species-specific female pheromones of the Hymenoptera and are thought to be crucial because they directly act on the innate behavior of
the pollinators (Ref. 5 and references therein). Pollination in Ophrys differs in one important aspect from other examples of floral Batesian
mimicry: the phenologies of the mimics and the model only partly overlap and pollination success might drop dramatically after the
emergence of female Hymenoptera. Ophrys flowers are most attractive during the short time window after the emergence of males and before
the emergence of female Hymenoptera. Photograph (e) by Alex Widmer.
up to six weeks 29 . (M. Pfunder and B.A. Roy,
unpublished), and many orchid species also
have long-lived flowers 30,31 .
The spatial distribution of species also
influences competition for visitors and the
likelihood of pollen transfer between them 14 .
Plants that grow in intermingled clumps could
attract more visitors as a result of their com-
bined density, and the fact that each of the
individual species grows in clusters might also
increase the likelihood of proper pollen trans-
fer 13,14 . However, it is also possible that
clumped distributions might increase the
ability of the pollinators to distinguish mimic
from model and choose one over the other 32 .
Experiments are needed to determine the
relative importance of clustering in influenc-
ing pollinator behavior and to determine
whether improper pollen transfer is reduced.
Competition favors character divergence
and has thus sometimes been thought to be
antithetical to the evolution of mimicry 2,8,32 .
However, competition for visitors can lead
directly to selection favoring similarity, if one
species is favored over another, and if morphs
that have greater similarity to the preferred
species receive more visits and have higher
pollination success and fitness (positive fre-
quency-dependent selection, Fig. 1). Of course,
selection can operate independently of pheno-
typic similarity for pollinator attraction and
improper pollen transfer. For example, if vis-
itation is density-dependent, and pollinators
use visual cues for deciding where to forage,
then selection will favor the convergence of
flowers towards similar coloration, shape and
size. Simultaneously, there might also be
selection to decrease the degree of improper
pollen transfer, and, thus, differences in the
shape and length of anthers would be favored
if they contacted pollinators’ bodies in differ-
ent places 33 , or if pollen is scraped off on non-
reproductive flower parts 34 . The outcome of
simultaneous selection for visual similarity
and differential pollen placement might yield
something like the red, tubular-flowered guild
that attract hummingbirds in the southwestern
USA, in which the different species place the
pollen on hummingbirds in different places.
Indeed, this guild has been suggested to be a
Müllerian mimicry ring 12 , although not all of
August 1999, Vol. 4, No. 8
trends in plant science
Fig. 3. Possible examples of Müllerian mimicry. (a) Costus allenii and (b) Costus laevis (Zingiberaceae) co-flower in central Panama. These
species require visitation for full seed set, and share the same pollinator ( Euglossa imperialis ), which flies indiscriminately between flowers of
the two species 7 . The flowers are nearly identical in color, morphology and nectar production, but they are nonetheless different species; the
plants differ in vegetative characters and no hybrids form between them. Furthermore, recent molecular work has established that these are not
closely related species, and thus their similarity is not the result of a close relationship (D. Schemske, pers. commun.). It is hypothesized that
low flower density, which is compounded by high levels of flower predation, combined with a density-sensitive pollinator, selected for simi-
larity between these species 7 . Unfortunately, seed set in single species versus mixed species plots has not been measured, so it is not known
whether the similarity between these species facilitates reproduction. Equal visitation rates in mixtures might not always add up to the fitness
achieved by individuals in pure patches because improper pollen transfer between species can reduce seed set 21–23,54 . Photographs (a) and (b) by
Doug Schemske. (c) Senecio integerrimus and (d) Helenium hoopesii (Asteraceae) co-flower in the Rocky mountains along with numerous other
yellow-flowered Asteraceae. The same insects visit all of these species and fly freely between them, visiting individuals in mixtures at the same
rates as they visit individuals in monospecific patches 13 . A similar pattern has also been found for two species of Potentilla ( P. fruticosa and
P. gracilis ) 13 . Unfortunately, seed set was not measured in single species and mixed species plots, so it is not known whether the similar
visitation rates in mixtures led to a similar fitness as for the single species plots. Photographs (c) and (d) by Bitty A. Roy. (e) Anemone
coronaria (Ranunculaceae) and (f) Ranunculus asiaticus (Ranunculaceae) co-flower in Israel along with red-flowered Papaver rhoeas
(Papaveraceae) and Tulipa agenensis (Liliaceae). These species might form a Müllerian mimicry ring. These taxa are primarily pollinated by
scarabaeid beetles 41 . All of the flowers in the red-flowered ‘poppy guild’ are bowl-shaped, have nearly identical color reflectance and a dark spot
at the center. Interestingly, many of the species in this guild come from families and genera in which red is not a common color. Although there
are differences in flowering phenology and in species of beetle visitors, there is considerable overlap of flowering time, and beetles do fly
between plant species. It has not been experimentally determined whether the beetles forage in a density-dependent fashion, and no one has
looked at seed set in mixed versus monospecific plots. Photographs (e) by Alex Widmer, (f) by Alexander Kocyan.
the critical tests of Müllerian mimicry sug-
gested here have been performed. Another
incompletely tested hypothesis suggests that
flowers (and fungi) might sometimes attract
visitors with visual cues, which allows the
evolution of visual similarity, but simulta-
neously produce different fragrances that
might influence insect constancy at close
range 35,36 . This fragrance mechanism, if found
to function, would be similar to mimetic but-
terfly species that converge on similar warn-
ing patterns, but which use species-specific
pheromones for mate finding.
Competition is commonly cited for causing
differences in flowering phenologies 21,37,38
(but see Ref. 39 for an alternative view).
Although species that flower at different times
will partition the available pollinators among
them, species pairs that are similar to one
another might gain an advantage early in their
flowering seasons when they overlap because
there will be no ‘lag’ period as pollinators
adjust to a new morphology 40 . This mechanism
might operate in the red-flowered, beetle-
pollinated guild in Israel 41 and in co-occurring
yellow-flowered composites 40 (Fig. 3).
Areas for future research
Although Müllerian mimicry has been sug-
gested for several species of similar appear-
ance that share pollinators, no one has performed
the crucial tests to determine whether the simi-
larity is adaptive (Fig. 3). If none of the puta-
tive cases of Müllerian mimicry is a true
example, then this suggests that improper
pollen transfer is a severe constraint on the
evolution of floral mimicry. However, we
suspect that experimental evidence will soon
establish Müllerian mimicry as a fact in the
plant world.
August 1999, Vol. 4, No. 8
trends in plant science
The two major kinds of mimicry are
governed by different types of selection –
negative or positive frequency-dependent
selection (Fig. 1). These two kinds of selec-
tion allow us to make predictions about the
degree of morphological variation that one
should expect to see in different kinds of
mimicry systems. In Batesian floral mimicry,
where no reward is offered by the mimic, a
large amount of phenotypic variation is to
be expected because the more common
a mimetic phenotype is, the more it will
be actively avoided by pollinators 9,42 . For
Müllerian floral mimicry, the opposite is true.
Little variation in the mimetic phenotype is to
be expected because the commoner the phe-
notype is, the higher its fitness is, and this
kind of positive frequency-dependent selec-
tion ultimately leads to fixation of the most
common phenotype (Fig. 1). Although these
statements about polymorphism under the
two kinds of selection are generally expected
to be true, research on mimicry in butterflies
has found the patterns of variation to be the
opposite of expectations (reviewed in Ref. 19).
We currently have too little information on
the degree of phenotypic variation in flower
mimics to make any general statements about
patterns, although it appears that orchids
might support the predicted pattern for
Batesian mimics. Considerable morphologi-
cal variation has been reported in orchid
species that have been suggested to be
Batesian mimics (reviewed in Ref. 9). Again,
this variation is expected to be adaptive,
because variation in the mimic will reduce the
ability of pollinators to learn to avoid non-
rewarding flowers 43,44 .
Botanists lag far behind their zoological
counterparts in terms of understanding the
genetics of mimicry. We have no solid under-
standing of any traits involved in floral mim-
icry systems, and thus cannot test models
suggesting that the evolution of mimicry is a
two-step process 45 . Furthermore, there are no
tests of basic phylogenetic hypotheses con-
cerning mimicry. For example, does deceptive
pollination always evolve from reward polli-
nation systems 25,43 ? Another obvious phylo-
genetic question, as yet untested in floral
mimicry, is do species in Müllerian rings show
evidence of co-evolution?
Finally, the importance of the ‘signal per-
ceiver’ or ‘operator’ should not be forgotten in
the evolution of mimicry because the habits and
perceptual biases of the pollinators are crucial.
It is intriguing to note that many of the
pollinators implicated in potential Müllerian
mimicry systems are trapline-pollinating
euglossine bees or hummingbirds 7,12,46 . Trap-
liners (pollinators that visit the same plants
daily) frequently include many species in
a foraging bout 25 , and are sensitive to floral
density 7,46 . On the other hand, most flower
visitors of deceptive Batesian mimics in the
Mediterranean region are solitary bees 5,20,47,48 .
The more we understand about what polli-
nators perceive, the better we will be able to
identify the causes and consequences of mim-
icry. A critical issue is the degree of pattern
recognition and resolution by pollinators.
Flowers appear differently to insects than they
do to us 49,50 and different pollinators might
react to different stimuli 50,51 . We have con-
centrated on visual mimicry here, and because
we are a visually oriented species we are more
likely to observe visual mimicry. However,
we should remain aware of the possibility for
other characters, such as fragrances, to show
Floral mimicry is a dynamic evolutionary
process involving the perception of pollinators
and the signaling capabilities of plants and
some fungi. There is no reason to expect that
selection for mimicry will be the same from
one season to the next, or from one geographic
area to another. Experimental approaches
replicated throughout the flowering season
and across geographic ranges are required to
study floral mimicry, yet they have almost
never been applied. Thus our understanding of
floral mimicry remains in its infancy.
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We appreciate the constructive comments
made by J. Shykoff, A. Dafni and the anony-
mous reviewers. This paper was supported by
a Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) internal grant to A.W., B.A.R. and A.
1 Wickler, W. (1968) Mimicry in Plants and
Animals , Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, UK
2 Vane-Wright, R.I. (1976) A unified classification
of mimetic resemblances, Biol. J. Linn. Soc . 8,
3 Johnson, S.D. (1994) Evidence for Batesian
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