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Cole Crops and Other Brassicas: Organic Production
Cole Crops and Other Brassicas:
Organic Production
A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •
By Martin Guerena
NCAT Agriculture
©NCAT 2006
Cole crops and other brassicas are grown throughout the U.S. These crops are an excellent choice for
many organic farmers because of the variety of crops in this family, their nutritional qualities, health
benefits, compatibility in planting rotations, and pest-suppressive qualities. This publication covers
soils, fertility, planting, irrigation, pest management, harvesting and marketing.
to 65°F. (Maynard and Hochmuth, 1997)
An important fact to keep in mind is that
these plants are closely related and share
similar climatic requirements as well as pests
and diseases. However, though similar, they
are not identical. There may be larger dif-
ferences between varieties of broccoli than
between broccoli and cauliflower. Many
varieties from each group have been devel-
oped so that they vary in pest susceptibil-
ity, temperature tolerances, shape, color, and
length of growing season. Check with other
farmers in your area or your Extension agent
to see which varieties are adapted to your
local conditions.
The genus and species Brassica oleracea was
developed in western and central Europe
from wild species found in the Mediterranean
region. (Nieuwhof, 1969) Brassica rapa , a
similar species developed in Asia, consists of
turnips, Chinese cabbage, bok choi, rapini,
canola, and the mustards. Other plants in
Brassicaceae from other genera are: radishes
( Raphanus ), watercress ( Nasturtium ), and
horseradish ( Armoracia ). Nutritionally, bras-
sicas are high in carotenoids, vitamins C and
A, calcium, iron, magnesium, and dietary
fiber. Broccoli and broccoli-seed sprouts
in particular contain high levels of antioxi-
dant sulphoraphanes, which are anticarci-
nogenic compounds. The sulphoraphanes
are also thought to protect eyes from the
damage caused by UV light that can lead to
macular degeneration (Xiangqun and
Talalay, 2004) and to prevent high blood
pressure, heart disease, and stroke. (Lingyun
et al., 2004) Glucosinolates, chemical pre-
cursors to sulphoraphines, form isothio-
cyanates in the soil. Isothiocyanates are
Introduction .....................1
Organic Production .......2
Soil and Fertility ..............3
Planting and
Transplanting ...................3
Irrigation ............................4
Organic Integrated Pest
Management ...................5
Diseases ...........................11
Disorders .........................13
Weeds ...............................14
Harvesting ......................14
Postharvest .....................15
Economics and
Marketing .......................16
References ......................18
Cauliflower. Photo courtesy of USDA.
B rassicaceae (the mustard family, pre-
viously Cruciferae or the crucifers)
include many food, forage, ornamen-
tal, and weed plants. The brassicas are clas-
sified as “cool season,” meaning that they are
relatively resistant to frost and light freezes.
Throughout the U.S. they are grown in the
spring or fall, so that development takes place
when temperatures are cool. The northern
Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and New Eng-
land produce brassicas in the summer, while
winter production takes place in the South-
west and other Sunbelt states. California
is able to produce brassicas year-round
because of the moderating effect of the cold
Pacific current.
ATTRA — National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Service
is managed by the National Cen-
ter for Appropriate Technology
(NCAT) and is funded under a
grant from the United States
Department of Agriculture’s
Rural Business-Cooperative Ser-
vice. Visit the NCAT Web site
html) for more informa-
tion on our sustainable
agriculture projects. ����
Cole crops are a group in Brassicaceae that
includes varieties of the species Brassica
oleracea such as broccoli, cabbage, cauli-
flower, and Brussels sprouts. Optimal grow-
ing temperatures for most cole crops are 60
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Table 1: Brassicaceae Food Crops
Scientific Name Plant Part Eaten
biologically active compounds that are of
considerable interest to farmers because of
their ability to suppress some insects, dis-
eases, nematodes, and weeds in a process
known as biofumigation.
Horseradish Armoracia rustica
Root, leaf, sprouted seed
Upland cress Barbarea verna
Ornamental crops in the mustard family
make up about 50 genera, including Ara-
bis , Erysimum (Cheiranthus), Hesperis , Iberis ,
Lobularia , Lunaria , and Matthiola . (Watson
and Dallwitz, 1992) The number of crops
in this family, their nutritional qualities,
health benefits, compatibility in planting
rotations, and pest suppressive qualities
make these crops an excellent choice for
many organic farmers.
Mustards Brassica juncea
Leaf, stems and seeds
Rutabaga Brassica napus var. napobrassica Root, leaf
Rape Brassica napus var. napus Leaf, flower stalk
Kale and collards Brassica oleracea var. acephala Leaf
Chinese kale or
Chinese broccoli
Brassica oleracea var.
Leaf, flower stalk
Cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Immature flower stalk
Cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata Leaf
Brassica oleracea var. costata
Leaf and
Table 1 includes the scientific and common
names of members of the mustard family and
lists the plant part eaten.
Brussels sprouts
Brassica oleracea var.
Axillary bud
Brassica oleracea var.
Enlarged stem
Organic Production
Organic production of brassica crops, or any
commodity, relies on management techniques
that replenish and maintain long-term soil
fertility by optimizing the soil’s biological
activity. This is achieved through crop rota-
tion, cover cropping, composting, and by
using organically accepted fertilizer products
that feed the soil while providing plants with
nutrients. Besides producing high quality
crops, a healthy, well-balanced soil can help
plants develop natural resistance to insect
pests and diseases. When pest controls are
needed, organic farmers manage insects,
diseases, weeds, and other pests with cul-
tural, mechanical, biological, and—as a last
resort—organically accepted biorational and
chemical controls.
Broccoli Brassica oleracea var. italica Immature flower stalk
Savoy cabbage Brassica oleracea var. sabauda Leaf
Bok choi, Pak choi Brassica rapa var . chinensis Leaf
Mizuma Brassica rapa var . japonica Leaf
Kotasuma Brassica rapa var komatsuma Leaf
Rosette pak choi Brassica rapa var . narinosa Leaf
Choi sum, Mock
pak choi
Brassica rapa var . parachinensis Leaf
cabbage, nappa
Brassica rapa var. pekinensis Leaf
Brassica rapa var. rapa Enlarged root, leaf
Broccoli-raap Brassica rapa var. ruvo Leaf and young flower
Arugula Eruca vesicaria Leaf
Garden cress Lepidium sativum Leaf
Watercress Nasturtium officinale Leaf
Raphanus sativus Radicula
Daikon Raphanus sativus Daikon group Root
White mustard Sinapis alba Leaf and young flower
Wasabi Wasabia japonica Rhizome, shoots
adapted from: Maynard and Hochmuth, 1997 and Larkcom, 1991.
In 2002, the USDA implemented the National
Organic Standards regulating organic produc-
tion nationwide. All farmers and ranchers
wishing to market their products as organic
must be certified. An exception to this
requirement is made for farmers who sell less
than $5,000 annually. For more information
on organic crop production and organic farm
certification, see ATTRA’s Organic Crop Pro-
duction Overview and Organic Farm Certifica-
tion and the National Organic Program .
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Cole Crops and Other Brassicas: Organic Production
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Soil and Fertility
The brassicas are heavy feeders that can grow
on a variety of soils as long as the soils pro-
vide adequate nutrients and moisture and are
well drained. The soil is where plant health
begins and ends. A healthy soil will have a
greater capacity to moderate the uptake of
fertilizers and will allow a more balanced
uptake of nutrients, creating a healthy plant
that is less attractive to pests and more resis-
tant to pest damage.
succeeding crops may also need a nitrogen
boost. Organic sources of supplemental
nitrogen include guano, pelleted compost,
fish emulsion, blood meal, feather meal, cot-
tonseed meal, alfalfa meal, and kelp, and
they should be applied as soon as the plants
are strong enough (usually about 6 inches
tall) to withstand the side-dressing operation.
The mineralization of nitrogen and its avail-
ability to plants varies greatly, depending on
the nitrogen source, the temperature, humid-
ity, texture of the material, and microbial
activity. In a transitional or newly certified
operation, growers should keep records of
the materials they used and how the crops
responded to them. Once growers learn how
each material reacts to specific conditions,
and as the soil’s organic matter builds, fer-
tility management usually improves.
Composted manure and cover crop residues
usually provide enough phosphorus for bras-
sicas. If additional phosphorus is needed,
rock phosphate may be an option.
Soil components—minerals, air, water, and
organic matter—vary widely depending on
geography and climate. The challenge on
farmland is to maintain healthy soils with
adequate levels of organic matter. Healthy
soils will demonstrate the following charac-
teristics: good tilth, good habitat for numer-
ous and diverse microorganisms, absorption
and retention of water, the ability to buffer
salts and pH, an “earthy smell,” resistance
to erosion by either wind or water, and pro-
duction of healthy crops.
Organic matter is the soil component pri-
marily responsible for these traits. Organic
matter is broken down by soil organisms,
creating humus. Humus in turn provides
nutrients to crop plants. Sustainable soil
management maintains soil health and pro-
ductivity by taking care of and increasing
the soil’s organic matter. Cultural practices,
such as the application of manures and com-
post, using cover crops, and rotating crops
are methods to achieve this. Healthy soil
can be considered a living organism that
must be nurtured in order to sustain its life
and productivity.
Throughout their life cycles, brassica crops
require particular nutrients in varying quan-
tities to support optimal growth and repro-
duction. Nitrogen is the nutritional element
that most cultivated crops need in the great-
est amounts. Plants use it to form proteins,
chlorophyll, protoplasm, and enzymes. In
cole crops, it’s most important for overall
growth, and adequate amounts are neces-
sary for best yields. Usually the initial nitro-
gen available from green manure or com-
post is enough, but as the plant develops it
may need supplemental nitrogen, and
soil manage-
ment main-
tains soil health
and productivity by
taking care of and
increasing the soil’s
organic matter.
Potassium (potash) requirements for cole
crops are high. Composted manures, com-
posted straw and hay (especially animal bed-
ding), granite dust, material derived from
langbeinite, kelp meal, and wood ash (if not
contaminated with colored paper, plastic, or
other synthetic substances) are acceptable
sources of potash.
The macronutrients calcium and micronutri-
ents boron, manganese, molybdenum, and
iron are important for cole crop develop-
ment. Biologically active soils with adequate
organic matter usually supply enough of these
nutrients. Compost and seaweed products
are sources of supplemental micronutrients.
For more information on soils and fertiliz-
ers see the ATTRA publications Sustainable
Soil Management , Alternative Soil Amend-
ments , and Sources of Organic Fertilizers
and Amendments .
Planting and Transplanting
Most brassicas are direct-seeded into pre-
pared seedbeds. The optimal time to plant
is when soil temperatures are between
65 and 75°F, though some varieties can
germinate in soils with temperatures as low
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as 45°F and as high as 85°F. (Lorenz and
Maynard, 1980) The seedbed should be
pre-irrigated or solarized to reduce potential
weed problems. Seeding machines such as
the ICS vegetable precision planter, Earthway
planter, Planet Junior, and Stanhay planters
are suitable for both small and larger scale
operations and can place seed at any desired
space. If the bed is seeded too closely, thin-
ning is necessary to achieve proper spacing.
Good quality seed with a high germination
percentage is important when establishing a
direct-seeded stand.
Some crops that have high seed costs,
long growing seasons, and special growing
requirements, such as cauliflower and Brus-
sels sprouts, are usually transplanted from
greenhouses to the field. Crops like cabbage
and broccoli can either be direct-seeded or
transplanted, depending on conditions such
as season and costs. Direct-seeding broc-
coli during mid-summer for a fall crop is less
expensive than using transplants. During late
winter, using transplanted broccoli may open
a marketing window for spring production
that could be economically advantageous.
Transplanting can overcome some problems,
such as soil crusting and high or low soil
temperatures, that can cause uneven seed-
ling emergence. Factors like these should be
taken into consideration when choosing the
type of plant establishment.
Growing transplants requires great expe-
rience and skill. Transplants can be
purchased commercially and must be certi-
fied organic if they are used in a certified
organic operation. For more information on
transplant production, see the ATTRA pub-
lication Plug and Transplant Production for
Organic Systems .
Advantages in using transplants are uni-
form stand and quality, efficient use of
seed, season extension, reduced weeding
costs, reduced irrigation, shortened crop-
ping period in the field, and less exposure
to pests. Transplants should be free of pests,
weather hardened, and not be long or leggy.
Hardening is the process of gradually accli-
mating young greenhouse plants to the
outside environment. Most transplants are
hardened two weeks before planting in the field.
Transplants should also be well irrigated
prior to planting, so that the plants can sur-
vive until they are irrigated in the field. Also,
transplanting should be done during cool
weather and with minimal root disturbance to
reduce transplant shock. Transplant shock is
the stress every transplant experiences while
adjusting to its new environment.
In California most cole crops are grown on
raised beds, making cultivation and irrigation
easier. Broccoli and cabbage are planted in
2 rows per 40-inch bed. Broccoli is spaced
at 8 inches and cabbage at 12 inches apart
within the row. Cauliflower is usually grown
on a single, narrower row (36 to 38 inches),
off center along one side. As irrigation water
evaporates, salts accumulate on the ridge of
the mounded row. The seedlings are planted
below the ridge to avoid salt accumulation
in the root zone. Depending on the variety,
cauliflower can also be grown on 2 rows per
40-inch bed, 12 to 14 inches apart.
Soil texture, environmental conditions, and
crop age are factors to consider when irri-
gating any crop. Cole crops are generally
shallow-rooted, with roots ranging from 18
to 24 inches long. Some exceptions to this
are mustard, rutabaga, and turnips, whose
roots range from 36 to 48 inches. (Doneen
and MacGillivray, 1943) Chinese cabbage
and pak choi have shallow root systems that
respond well to light, frequent irrigations.
(Larkcom, 1991) Essentially, the art of
irrigation is applying the right amount of
Linear or lateral move irrigation system in broccoli.
NCAT photo by Martin Guerena.
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water to the plants so that they produce an
economically viable crop. Too much water
is wasteful and can cause problems with dis-
eases and weeds. Too little water causes
plants to slow their development, eventually
causing stress, pest susceptibility, and lower
yields. So, how much is enough?
A rule of thumb is that vegetables will need
about 1 inch of water per week from rain
or supplemental irrigation in order to grow
vigorously. In arid regions about 2 inches
are required. (Lorenz and Maynard, 1980)
Sprinkler irrigation should be used for ger-
minating seeds and establishing transplants.
Once the plants are established, furrow or
drip irrigation is recommended.
healthy plants that are more productive and
resistant to pests.
Larry Phelan and his colleagues from Ohio
State University found that fewer corn borer
eggs were laid on corn grown in organic
soil. The researchers took soil from an
organic farm and from a conventional farm
and repeated the experiment in a green-
house. They treated each soil with organic
or chemical fertilizers to determine whether
the results were due to short-term nutrient
uptake. Again, corn grown in organic soil
had fewer eggs on it, regardless of the fertil-
izer that was applied. Modern agricultural
methods are not conducive to maintaining
ecological equilibrium because of constant
tilling and synthetic inputs to the soil. Dur-
ing their evolution, plants obtained nutrients
solely from the soil food web. According to
Phelan, it is the slow release of nitrogen in
this system that ultimately causes the corn
borer to lay fewer eggs. The plants in the
conventional system were nutritionally out-of-
balance, receiving too much nitrogen. The
extra nitrogen formed free amino acids that
were not tied up in proteins, stimulating the
insects to feed and deposit eggs.
Another plant protection phenomena attrib-
uted to soil microbial activity is induced and
acquired systemic resistance, in which the
plant’s immune system is stimulated to resist
pest attack. In one study, the soil fungus
Trichoderma hamatum induced systemic
resistance in cucumber against Phytophthora
crown rot and leaf blight. (Khan et al., 2004)
The concept of healthy soils being respon-
sible for plant health has long been known
to organic farmers, and scientists are just
starting to document it.
IPM is based on the following components:
pest identification, monitoring, mechani-
cal and physical controls, cultural con-
trols, biological controls, and chemical
controls. For a detailed description of inte-
grated pest management concepts, see the
ATTRA publication Biointensive Integrated
Pest Management .
T he biological
Organic Integrated
Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a broad
ecological approach to pest management
using a variety of pest control techniques
that target the entire pest complex of a crop
ecosystem. Integrated management of pests
ensures high-quality agricultural production
in a sustainable, environmentally safe, and
economically sound manner. (Bajwa and
Kogan, 2002.)
and cultural
insect con-
trols for cole crops
involve understand-
ing the ecology of
Soil health is based on soil biology, which
is responsible for the cycling of nutrients.
The complex interactions of this biological
community are known as the soil food web.
The soil ecosystem is composed of bacteria,
fungi, protozoa, nematodes, algae, arthro-
pods (insects and mites), and large soil-
dwelling mammals like moles, ground squir-
rels, and gophers. The photosynthesizers
or primary producers in this system use the
sun’s energy to convert atmospheric carbon
into sugars. Other organisms feed off these
primary producers. Dead organisms and
their byproducts decompose, becoming the
soil’s organic matter that stores nutrients
and energy. Plants use these nutrients, pre-
venting them from accumulating in soil and
water. The life cycle of all these organisms
improves the condition of soils by enhancing
structure, water-infiltration and water-hold-
ing capacity, and aeration. This results in
The biological and cultural insect controls
for cole crops involve understanding the ecol-
ogy of agricultural systems. We invite pest
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