(51 KB) Pobierz
                           LxPic V7.0
           (c)2002 Stefan Peichl, Heidelberg, Germany
                eMail: stefan.peichl@t-online.de

LxPic is a very small, powerful and fast DOS picture viewer.
It has just 19 KB code and runs in 64 KB of memory on any 8086
compatible computer. It supports all screen modes from early
CGA up to the latest 2048x1536 QXGA True Color (32bit) screens. 

This makes LxPic ideal for use on the HP Palmtops, for which
it was originally designed. On Windows systems, LxPic runs
perfectly in a full screen DOS box or in a DOS box window.

LxPic processes BMP, PCX, JPG and GIF files of any kind.
BMP and PCX files may have 2, 4, 256 or True Colors (16 Mio).
JPG files may have 256 gray scales or True Colors. GIF files
may have Version 87a or 89a (including multi images) with up
to 256 colors.

LxPic has a low, medium and high {JKL} resolution list mode,
to preview more than one picture as thumbnails on one screen.
Dependent on your selected display mode, up to 361 thumbnails
are displayed on one screen. See LIST MODE section for further
information about this feature.

LxPic needs no configuration. It's default startup mode should
work for most situations. However you may override every
default setting through an appropriate command line switch.
See the COMMAND LINE SWITCHES section of this documentation
for further information.

LxPic recognizes your display adapter and sets the display to
the best standard modes. Use {F2} to cycle through these VGA
modes. {Shift F2} cycles backwards.

If your computer is equipped with a VESA BIOS which supports
direct hardware access, LxPic starts in the 640x480x24 VGA
mode. Use {F3} to cycle through the higher resolution Super
VGA modes. {Shift F3} cycles backwards.

It is very likely, that your graphics card supports more screen
modes than your monitor does. Press F3 to skip these modes.

LxPic supports the following screen modes:

*HP95 |  240 x  128 x  1 |  4K |  20h |   2/ 4/ 6  | LXPIC /0
  CGA |  640 x  200 x  1 | 16K |  06h |   3/ 6/15  | LXPIC /1
  VGA |  320 x  200 x  8 | 64K |  13h |   4/ 9/12  | LXPIC /2
  EGA |  640 x  350 x  4 | 64K |  10h |   9/16/36  | LXPIC /3
  VGA |  640 x  480 x  4 |256K |  12h |   9/16/36  | LXPIC /4
  VGA |  800 x  600 x  4 |256K |  6Ah |   9/16/49  | LXPIC /5
  VGA |  640 x  480 x  8 | MB | 101h |   9/16/36  | LXPIC /6
  VGA |  640 x  480 x 16 | 1MB | 111h |   9/16/36  | LXPIC /7
  VGA |  640 x  480 x 24 | 1MB | 112h |   9/16/36  | LXPIC /8
 SVGA |  800 x  600 x  8 | MB | 103h |   9/16/49  | LXPIC /9
 SVGA |  800 x  600 x 16 | 1MB | 114h |   9/16/49  | LXPIC /10
 SVGA |  800 x  600 x 24 | 2MB | 115h |   9/16/49  | LXPIC /11
  XGA | 1024 x  768 x  8 | 1MB | 105h |   9/36/81  | LXPIC /12
  XGA | 1024 x  768 x 16 | 2MB | 117h |   9/36/81  | LXPIC /13
  XGA | 1024 x  768 x 24 | 4MB | 118h |   9/36/81  | LXPIC /14
 SXGA | 1280 x 1024 x  8 | 2MB | 107h |  25/56/144 | LXPIC /15
 SXGA | 1280 x 1024 x 16 | 4MB | 11Ah |  25/56/144 | LXPIC /16
 SXGA | 1280 x 1024 x 24 | 4MB | 11Bh |  25/56/144 | LXPIC /17
 UXGA | 1600 x 1200 x  8 | 2MB | var. |  36/81/225 | LXPIC /18
 UXGA | 1600 x 1200 x 16 | 4MB | var. |  36/81/225 | LXPIC /19
 UXGA | 1600 x 1200 x 32 | 8MB | var. |  36/81/225 | LXPIC /20
 QXGA | 2048 x 1536 x  8 | 3MB | var. | 36/144/361 | LXPIC /21
 QXGA | 2048 x 1536 x 16 | 6MB | var. | 36/144/361 | LXPIC /22
 QXGA | 2048 x 1536 x 32 |12MB | var. | 36/144/361 | LXPIC /23
*HP Palmtop only

Run LXPIC /* to get a list of all available LxPic screen modes
of your graphics card.

If you don't want LxPic to autodetect the video mode, you may
use the above listed command line switches to force LxPic to
use the desired mode at startup. This is important, if you want
to run LxPic in a window under Windows. All non VESA modes
should work in Win95 windows but only CGA works under Win3.11
Indeed you may use all modes in full screen DOS boxes.

If your screen remains blank after startup or displays
unexpected results, press {F2} to access the standard VGA
modes. See TECHNICAL for further information about VESA.

If a picture has more colors than the actual screen mode
allows, the colors are reduced and dithered. If you don't
want to see colors, you may always switch colors off with
the {C}olor toggle key. If you don't want to see grayscales,
you may always enable B&W display using the {W} toggle key.

LxPic does not support printing, but you may use the DOS Print
Screen function to copy the actual screen to a printer if you
have the DOS graphics driver GRAPHICS.COM installed.

The special HP Palmtop resize command {H} corrects the dispro-
portion of the Palmtops pixel ratio and of the colorful VGA
320x200x8 mode.

LxPic has an interface to use it as a 'subroutine' in other
programs. See PROGRAMMERS INTERFACE section of this document-
ation for further information.

     *The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright
      property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a
      Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.

                        REVISION HISTORY

Version 7.0  -High (64K) and True color (16.7M) screen modes
(02-FEB-02)  -VBE3 (Vesa Bios Extension 3.0) compatible
             -Improved JPEG display quality
             -Improved JPEG VESA auto zoom (100% screen fit)
             -All JPEG subsamlings supported in VESA modes
             -16 bit dither for true color JPEG in 64K modes  
             -Multi image GIF improved and running endless 
             -GIF transparent color supported
             -New 800x600x4 VGA mode (Command line switch /5)
             -F5 scans all drives from Z-A for available images
              (Command line switch /!)
             -Shift F5 scans all drives from A-Z
             -ESC skips one drive during drive scans
             -Ctrl-C exits LxPic immediately from drive scans
             -{A} autozooms only images bigger than the screen
             -{a} autozooms all images
             -{#} toggles between best and startup screen mode
             -/# starts LxPic in the best available screen mode
             -/* displays all available screen modes   
             -TAB shells into the directory of the actual image
             -Alt-B inverts screen background color
              (Command line switch /b)
             -Save screen as B&W PCX moved from F5 to Shift F4
             -Alt F4 saves the image as B&W Palmtop ICN file
             -BS key displays previous image (same as {P} key)
             -Load time displayed in the File Info Box
             -Picture date displayed in the File Info Box
             -BitBlt support on the HP Palmtop
             -Build in Vesa character generator
             -Alt-6 toggles between 1024x768 and 1024x600 pixel
              resolution (useful for Toshiba Portege 300CT) 
             -Alt-A (Art) omits resetting the VESA screen
             -Alt-R Raster zoom in for JPEG in VESA modes
             -Alt-G multi image GIF background toggle
             -F9 UXGA VESA mode enable/disable toggle
             -Rename {N} works now under Windows
             -No more Casio CAM and Kodak IMG support
Version 6.4  -Support of lynx *.JPE files 

Version 6.3  -JPEG bug fixed concerning Kodak DC260

Version 6.2  -Omnibook DEL key bug fixed
(08-MAR-99)  -Limited support of Casio CAM and Kodak IMG format

Version 6.1  -Complete command line control of LxPic
(15-APR-98)  -Command line conversion to B&W PCX with /O or /@
             -{S}ubdirectory Scan available from within LxPic...
             -...therefore Slide Show key replacement {Y} 
             -Scan indicator '' in front of the filename
             -{Q}uit now leaves picture on the screen
             -Default palmtop startup mode reset to B&W
             -Programmers Interface improvements for HV

Version 6.0  -Low, medium, high resolution list modes {J,K,L}
(06-DEC-97)  -640x200x4 grayscale CGA mode (Palmtop only)
             -Grayscale/B&W toggle key {W} added on the Palmtop
             -Save CGA thumbnail screen as B&W PCX file {F5}
             -Gamma correction added {6,9}
             -Better text color selection
             -Low resolution VESA startup mode

Version 5.1  -Multi image (animated) GIF support
(06-OCT-97)  -Space bar acts as 'single step' in animated GIFs
             -File name toggle key {X} added
             -Pixel aspect ratio now from 0.5 - 1.4
              (useful for converted CAM files)
             -Zoom factors 16 and 32 added
             -Compression and Frame entry in file info box
             -Correct display of SONY JPEG files
             -F4 (Save as B&W PCX) dither bug fixed

Version 5.0  -Color reduction and color dither
(14-SEP-97)  -JPEG 'extended sequent...
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