Personal Power II - Tony Robbins - Journal (Share Me) (Self Help).pdf

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Welcome to Personal Power! ................................................................... 2
DAY 1 o The Key to Personal Power....................................................... 4
DAY 2 o The Controlling Force That Directs Your Life........................... B
DAY 3 o Taking Control: The First Step.................................................14
DAY 4 o The Science of Success Conditioning:
Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC)....................................18
DAYS 5-7 o What Everyone Wants and How You Can Get It!................22
DAY 8 o The Power of Focus.................................................................28
DAY 9 o Values and Beliefs: The Source of Success or Failure...............32
DAY 10 o How to Take Complete Control of Your Life .........................42
DAY 11 o The Power of “Why” .............................................................46
DAYS 12-14 o Creating Your Future:
The Goal Setting Workshop ......................................................50
DAY 15 o Success Conditioning: The Power of Rituals ..........................54
DAY 16 o Anchoring Yourself to Success ..............................................58
DAY 17 o How to Condition Yourself for Wealth...................................64
DAY 18 o Ending Financial Self-Sabotage .............................................70
DAYS 19-2 1 o Overcoming Fears of Failure and Success
and Overcoming Fear of Rejection ............................................74
DAY 22 o Eliminating Self-Sabotage
and Creating Unstoppable Self-Confidence ...............................82
DAY 23 o How to Increase Your Energy ................................................88
DAY 24 o The Power of Successful Relationships ..................................02
DAY 25 o How to Solve Problems Quickly and Effectively ....................96
DAYS 26-30 o My Personal Challenge to You .....................................100
SUBLIMINAL o Total Self-Confidence
and Vibrant Health and Energy.. .............................................106
SUBLIMINAL o Unlimited Financial Success
and Getting into Action!..........................................................108
BONUS o P0WER TALK!’s The Driving Force:
The Six Human Needs ............................................................110
BONUS o P0 WER TALK!’s Meetings With Masters...........................122
Welcome to Personal Power, and congratulations on your commitment to
measurably improve the quality of your personal and professional life! You are
about to join millions of extraordinary people who have invested in and
experienced the amazing benefits of this 30-day audio coaching system. I am
especially honored and excited to welcome you to this special, new edition,
Personal Power II: The Driving Force, and to share with you how important this
journal can be to your success with this program.
see a child after being away for a while, the growth is so obvious! A journal
gives you a chronicle of your own progress, and when you look back on it in the
future, you’ll have that sense of distance that allows you to see and appreciate
just how far you’ve come.
Here are a few simple steps for getting the most from your journal:
1. Each day, Monday through Friday, listen to the assigned tape or CD.
2. After the session, open your journal and take immediate action on the
day’s “assignment.”
3. Before you close it for the day, take a few minutes to reinforce your
learning by jotting down any additional thoughts or feelings in your
journal about what you learned and how you’re going to use the
progress you’ve already made.
Designed to be used after you listen to each day’s session, your Personal
Success Journal is a place to consistently capture the key concepts and “action
items” of each dais session. This simple system will help you maximize the
benefits you experience. Your journal is written to reinforce specific stories,
examples, and principles, so if YOU browse through it right now, it may make
little sense to you. (This is not a set of Cliff’s Notes!) But when you review the
summaries and complete the assignments each day following your audio
session, you’ll find this journal to be extremely valuable in accelerating the
process of creating change and in expanding your appreciation of your personal
So let’s go! I know you’re as anxious as I am for you to get started. It’s amazing
to think what exciting things are in store for you between now and the end of the
next 30 days. Throughout that time and until we meet in person, remember to...
I’m a firm believer in the adage that if your life’s worth living, it’s worth
recording so in addition to the written exercises, be sure to take some extra
moments each day to jot down a few notes about the events in your life, how
you’re feeling, what you’re pleased and excited about, and to acknowledge the
positive changes you’re making. Personally, I’ve kept journals for nearly two
decades, and I know you’ll find real value in putting your thoughts, ideas, and
emotions on paper: There’s a certain level of clarity that comes from journal
writing that’s difficult to reach any other way. This is such a simple yet
rewarding process! The value of it “creeps up” on you. It’s like watching
children as they grow up: Sometimes it’s difficult to see how much they’re
growing if we’re their parents, but when you
Live with passion
Warmest regards,
W hat changes your life is making decisions and using your Personal Power,
which is your ability to take consistent action.
1. Two decisions I’ve been putting off which, when I make them now, will
change my life:
The Ultimate Success Formula
Get yourself to take action by deciding to do so.
Notice what you’re getting from your actions.
If what you’re doing is not working, change your approach.
To save time and energy, use role models to accelerate the pace of your success:
Find someone who’s already getting the results you want.
Do the same things, and you’ll get the same results.
It’s impossible to fail as long as you learn something from what you do!
2. Three simple things I can do immediately that will be consistent with my
two new decisions:
Write two decisions you’ve been putting off which, when you
make them now, will change your life.
Now that you’ve made a real decision, you must take immediate
action. To do that, write down the first few steps. What are three
simple things you could do immediately—right now—that would
be consistent with your new decisions? (For example, if you
decided to stop smoking, what could you do with the cigarettes that
are in the house right now?) Who could you call? What could you
commit to? What letter could you write? What could you do
instead of your old behavior? List the immediate actions, and then
take action on them right now, in this moment.
“There’s always
a way if you’re
Never leave the site of setting a goal or making a decision without taking
some action toward its attainment . That’s how you create momentum and start
to tap into the real driving force within you.
Know your outcome.
Find out what that person is doing.
U ltimately, everything we do in our lives is driven by our fundamental need to
avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure; both are biologically driven and
constitute a controlling force in our lives.
1. Four new actions I know I should take now:
We will do far more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure . Pain is the
greater motivator in the short term.
At any moment in time, whatever you focus your attention on is what is most
real to you. Therefore, if you want to change your behavior, you must focus
your attention on
1. how not changing your behavior will be more painful than changing it
2. how changing will bring you measurable and immediate pleasure
“For every disciplined
effort there is a
multiple reward.”
You must change what you link pain and pleasure to in order to change your
Use pain and pleasure instead of letting pain and pleasure use you!
To take control of your life, you must take control of the force of decision. The
power to change anything in your life is born the moment you make a real
decision-which by definition is something you take immediate action upon .
Take the following steps now:
1. List four new actions you know you should take now.
2. What is the pain you’ve associated with these actions that has kept you
from following through? Write it down.
3. List any pleasures you were able to get from not following through on
these four actions.
4. For each of these actions, describe in a paragraph what it will cost you
if you don’t follow through. What will you miss out on? What will you
5. Now begin to associate pleasure with taking action by asking yourself
these questions. What are all the benefits you’ll gain by taking action in
each of these areas now? How will it enhance your life? How will it
create greater joy happiness, success, freedom, or pride? Write your
2. The pain I’ve associated with these actions in the past:
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