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Entrepreneurship at a Glance
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at a Glance
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Please cite this publication as:
OECD (2011), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2010 , OECD Publishing.
ISBN 978-92-64-09576-2 (print)
ISBN 978-92-64-09771-1 (PDF)
ISBN 978-92-64-00000-0 (HTML)
ISSN 0000-0000 (print)
ISSN 0000-0000 (online)
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Cover: © Jacques Ferrier architectures/image Ferrier Production. “Concept Office, immeuble de bureaux prototype à
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E ntrepreneurship at a Glance is a new publication that presents key indicators on entrepreneurship.
Until recently, most entrepreneurship research relied on ad hoc data compilations developed to support
specific projects and virtually no official statistics on the subject existed. The collection of harmonised
indicators presented in this publication is the result of the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators
Programme (EIP). The programme, started in 2006, is the first attempt to compile and publish
international data on entrepreneurship from official government statistical sources. Indeed, to meet the
challenge of providing new entrepreneurship indicators, while minimising costs for national statistical
offices and burden on business, the programme focuses attention on exploiting existing sources of data
instead of developing new business surveys.
Entrepreneurship is defined by the EIP as the phenomenon associated with entrepreneurial activity,
which is the enterprising human action in pursuit of the generation of value, through the creation or
expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new products, processes or markets. In this
sense, entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that manifests itself throughout the economy and in many
different forms with many different outcomes, and these outcomes are not always related to the creation
of financial wealth; for example, they may be related to increasing employment, tackling inequalities, or
indeed, increasingly, environmental issues. The challenge of the EIP is to improve the understanding of
these multiple manifestations. The programme recognises that no single indicator can ever adequately
cover entrepreneurship, and it has therefore developed a set of measures that each captures a different
aspect or different type of entrepreneurship; these measures are referred to as EIP indicators of
entrepreneurial performance. There are currently some 20 performance indicators and 25 countries
covered in the EIP; extending the coverage to more indicators and countries is one of the main objectives
of the programme.
The EIP takes a comprehensive approach to the measurement of entrepreneurship by looking not
only at the manifestation of the entrepreneurial phenomenon but also at the factors that influence it.
These factors range from the market conditions to the regulatory framework, to the culture or the
conditions of access to finance. While some areas of determinants lend themselves more easily to
measurement (for instance, the existence and restrictiveness of anti-trust law or the administrative costs
to set-up a new business in a country), for other determinants the difficulty resides in finding suitable
measures ( e.g. venture capital and angel capital) and/or in comprehending the exact nature of their
relationship with entrepreneurship ( e.g. culture). The EIP aims to contribute to advance research on the
less understood, less measurable determinants of entrepreneurship.
The publication is divided into two parts. The first presents conceptual and methodological issues
related to the measurement of entrepreneurship and its determinants. In this first edition of
Entrepreneurship at a Glance two topics are addressed: the quality and international comparability of
entrepreneurship indicators computed from statistical business registers, and the operationalisation of
the concept of green entrepreneurship for the purpose of measurement. Future editions of the publication
will report on progress in measuring specific types of entrepreneurship, such as high-growth enterprises
and social entrepreneurship, or specific determinants, for example entrepreneurial culture and
capabilities. The choice of themes reflects the ambitions of the EIP to establish sound and comparable
measures of entrepreneurship and its determinants.
The second part of the publication is broken down into eight sections, covering mainly indicators of
entrepreneurial performance but also presenting a selection of indicators of determinants. The initial
sections focus on structural data of the enterprise population (1) and on indicators of business
demography (2 to 4). Timely indicators of entrepreneurship, which provide updated, although not fully
comparable information on enterprise dynamics, are presented in a separate section (5). Section 6 looks
at the gender dimension of entrepreneurship, while Section 7 provides examples of indicators for migrants
entrepreneurs. The final Section (8) contains a selection of indicators of entrepreneurial determinants;
these are drawn from a number of international sources.
The OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme has benefited from generous
sponsorship by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation of the United States and the International
Consortium for Entrepreneurship (ICE), and from the guidance and support of the EIP Steering
Group, whose members include:
Richard Seymour
University of Sydney
Cristiano Santos
Amisha Miller
Denis Martel
Sonja Djukic
Industry Canada
Industry Canada
Anders Hoffman (Chair)
Dorte Hoeg Koch
Peter Bøegh Nielsen
Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs
Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs
Statistics Denmark
Marko Tuomiaro
Statistics Finland
Zoltan Roman
Academy of Sciences
Caterina Viviano
Mikio Suga
Hideo Umezawa
Tokyo International University
Statistics Japan
Paula Bordelo
Statistics Portugal
Håkan Alm
Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications
United Kingdom
Karen Grierson
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
United States
Rick Clayton (Co-Chair)
David Talan
Ron Jarmin
Javier Miranda
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Census Bureau
US Census Bureau
Kauffman Foundation
E.J. Reedy
European Commission
Ludger Odenthal
DG Enterprise and Industry
Merja Hult
Manfred Schmiemann
Aleksandra Stawinska
Structural Business Statistics
Benoît Arnaud
Tim Davis
Dominique Guellec
Mariarosa Lunati
Statistics Directorate
Mariarosa Lunati co-ordinated the production of this publication. Benoît Arnaud, Michela
Gamba, Eric Gonnard, Emmanuelle Guidetti, Alexandros Ragoussis and Gueram Sargsyan had
overall responsibility for technical work on the manuscript. The publication benefited from comments
by Nadim Ahmad, Dominique Guellec and Paul Schreyer.
Martine Durand
Chief Statistician and Director of the OECD Statistics Directorate
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