
(17 KB) Pobierz
Super DX-Ball
(Shareware Version)
version 1.1
July 30th, 2007

Copyright 2004-2007 BlitWise Productions, LLC

written by: Michael P. Welch

music by: Eliran Ben-Ishai (DNA-Groove)

Additional Credits:
Benjamin Moreno - Linux version

Brian P. McCabe - technical support

Michael S. Austin - Mac version

Mike Boeh - graphics engine optimizations

Richard Phipps - several gfx routines

Special Thanks:
Ed & Al Mackey - Authors of MegaBall on the Amiga

Seumas McNally - Programmed DX-Ball 2, with my permission



Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
DirectX 3 or greater  
  (DirectX 9 with latest video card drivers recommended)
CPU 300Mhz minimum (500Mhz recommended)
64 megs of memory 
video card that supports:
  800x600 resolution and 16bit color depth


Technical Support:

If you have trouble running the game, 
visit my tech support page at:

If you need more help, send tech support questions to:
Please include what version of Windows 
you're running on.  Thanks!


Shareware Version:

The shareware version of Super DX-Ball is a high-quality,
family-friendly game for all ages.  Please feel free to give
a copy to everyone you know.  You can't go wrong with 
recommending this game to your non-computer buddies, and I 
really could use your help to spread the word.  Thanks!  :)

If you can't get enough of Super DX-Ball, then I encourage 
you to purchase the Deluxe version of the game.  It includes 
the complete 150 board set plus the ability to use expansion 
packs as the become available. I'll be posting new board 
expansions regularly at as my way of saying 
thanks for supporting my efforts.  


Super DX-Ball 'Deluxe'

Upgrade today and receive:

- A total of 150 boards
- Complete Challenge, Fun, and Retro board packs
- Download and use free and for-sale board expansion packs 
  (not available in shareware version)
  visit for more info

Purchase it online today!  Visit:


* Game Instructions *

The basics:

This is just a simple breakout-style game.  Do your best to
break all the bricks on the screen without dropping the ball.
If you break all the bricks, then you will move on to the 
next board.  If you are really good, you'll be able to beat
the board pack and hopefully have the new high score.

To play, pick a board pack and click the Play button.  Don't
forget to grab the power-ups during the game... they will 
make the game a lot more fun.  Blue power-ups are usually good,
red power-ups are usually bad, and gray power-ups can be
either good or bad based on your situation.

Hot Keys

The game is played with a mouse, but there are a few keyboard
shortcuts that you can take advantage of.

ESC        = Escape key exits the scene/game etc...
F5         = toggle sound on/off
F6         = toggle music on/off
F7         = toggle windowed/fullscreen
F8         = LCD stretch/centered

LEFT       = Move paddle left
RIGHT      = Move paddle right
Ctrl       = hold down to move paddle fast
Shift      = hold down to move paddle faster
Ctrl+Shift = hold both to move paddle fastest
SPACEBAR   = Release ball/Fire

P          = Pause/Unpause game


Kid Mode: I made this option for my kids 
          (great for kids who are just learning to use a mouse)
          paddle is bigger, ball is bigger, ball is always
          in gold ball mode which destroys gold bricks, and
          you'll never see a red power-up

Exploding Bricks: Default - based on board pack
                  Bubbles - force orange liquid bubble effect
                  Retro - force retro DX-Ball gradient effect (slow)
                  Off - turns off animation, great for older computers

Background Textures: Toggles board background textures on and off
                     if the board has a texture
                     (*Note: None of the current boards use
                       textures at this time.  They will be 
                       in future expansion packs)


A few things to remember if you'd like the highest score:

- Grab every power-up, good and bad, for more points
- The faster the ball is moving, the more points you receive
- More points are given when a brick is broken with a ball
  rather than exploded in a chain reaction or exploding ball
- Warp Level power-up skips a lot of oopportunities to get 
  more points

Power-Up List:

Blue (Good)

  Thru Brick - ball breaks through bricks rather than bouncing off
  Set-Off Exploding - blows up all exploding bricks on the board
  Fireball - every ball in play turns into a fireball which causes 
             bricks to explode
  Shooting Paddle - fire lasers from paddle by clicking mouse button
  Grab Paddle - ball sticks to paddle, release ball with mouse button
  Extra Life - extra life
  Warp Level - skip to the next level
  Zap Bricks - makes all bricks visible and easily breakable
  Slow Ball - slow down every ball in play
  Multiply Exploding - all exploding bricks spread and increase in 

Red (Bad)

  Kill Paddle - lose a life
  Mini Ball - miniaturize all balls in play
  Fast Ball - speed up every ball in play
  Mini Paddle - shrink the paddle to its smallest size
  Fall Bricks - bricks slide downward each time a ball hits the paddle

Gray (Neutral)

  Expand Paddle - increase the size of the paddle
  Shrink Paddle - shrink the size of the paddle
  Split Ball - split every ball in play into two balls
  MegaBall - increase the size of every ball in play
  Eight Ball - eight balls launch from each ball in play

Special Situations:

Gold Ball Mode - If a ball has hit a gold brick, but has not
                 hit any other kind of brick for too long, the
                 ball turns yellow and all gold bricks become
                 breakable.  Also all multi-hit bricks are 
                 breakable with one hit (glass, metal, pink gold).
                 Gold Ball Mode also triggers when a ball is trapped
                 in a loop.  Every board is beatable, if you
                 are patient.

Act of God - The last brick on the board will be destroyed if it
             takes too long to hit it.  You will hear a zapping
             sound that keeps getting louder... then eventually
             a lightning bolt will blow-up the brick.  

Enjoy the game, and thanks for playing!  :)

-Michael P. Welch
Author of Pocket Tanks, DX-Ball and Scorched Tanks

Version Changes:

New Features:
 -Continue Game
 -Difficulty levels - Easy, Casual, Classic, Hard
 -Board Selection screen with ability to unlock and start on higher boards
 -Board Shuffle option
 -Neverending game option, loop after last board
 -Included original DX-Ball boards, no longer an easter egg 
 -Plus... options to turn off all this new stuff ;)

initial release

Super DX-Ball Shareware End User License Agreement
This Software License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal 
agreement between you, the end user (the "Licensee"), and 
BlitWise Productions, LLC. (BlitWise Productions). By continuing 
the installation of this program entitled Super DX-Ball, by loading 
or running the program, or by placing or copying this program onto 
your computer hard drive, computer RAM or other storage, you are 
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.


BlitWise Productions hereby grants, and Licensee hereby accepts, 
a license to operate the Software provided hereunder in accordance 
with the following terms:

(a) The shareware version of Super DX-Ball can be freely distributed 
by end-users and vendors through web sites, on-line services, shareware 
disk vendors, CD-ROM vendors, and bulletin board systems.  However, 
Super DX-Ball shareware version is not to be represented as a stand-alone 
commercial product that is sold for profit.  Authorization from 
BlitWise Productions is not required to distribute 
Super DX-Ball shareware version for legitimate shareware and 
freeware uses.  

(b)  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all rights are 
exclusively reserved to BlitWise Productions.  Licensee shall not 
rent, lease, sell, sublicense, assign, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise 
transfer or encumber the Software, including any accompanying 
Documentation and information.  Licensee shall not reverse engineer, 
de-compile, or disassemble the Software except to the extent that 
this restriction is express...
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