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A Hideous Plot in which Murder is just the Start.
The Ritual
Written by Phillip Wells
Updated for WFRP 2 nd Edition by Michael Congreve
Illustrations by Russ Nicholson and Jess Goodwin
This adventure is suitable for inexperienced or beginning player characters. It is set in Delberz, but
could be used in any urban setting. It pits the PCs against Skaven and their human allies.
In this adventure, the PCs witness a cultist, Peter Tavelli, chasing and seemingly trying to kill a young
man, who begs for their help. Pursuing Tavelli leads the PCs to a dangerous underground complex
where a band of Skaven, led by Skretth – an unusually dangerous specimen – have joined forces with a
group of human cultists. Can the PCs prevent the terrible ritual these groups are planning, and save
themselves into the bargain?
This is an adventure in which the PCs are put against significant combat opposition, and at the very
least the PCs should include at least two (and preferably three) characters that can look after
themselves with some confidence in a mêlée.
This adventure was originally printed in White Dwarf # 99, and was later re-printed in the Games
Workshop publication ‘The Restless Dead’, and the Hogshead Publishing supplement ‘Apocrypha 2:
Chart of Darkness’.
Grey Seer Skretth is insane: a renegade Skaven with an impossible goal. He controls a small group of
loyal but misguided Clan Skyre warriors. Recently, he and his patrol exited the Under-Empire (the web
of tunnels that riddle the Empire) into the sewers beneath Delberz. The original map showed no such
exit, Skretth looks upon it as fate. Skretth is somewhat paranoid and delusional, and therefore chose not
to make contact with the Skaven of Under-Delberz, instead choosing to remain in isolation to perform
his “research”.
On a previous mission in Sylvania, Skretth had the extended opportunity to study the works and
practices of a skilled Necromancer. The things he witnessed were too much even for the Skaven’s
warped mind, and he began to seek solace in the drug Mandrake. Constantly hallucinating from the
effects of the drug, the young Skaven became fascinated by experiments he could not hope to
understand. He reasoned that for bodies to be re-animated, there would have to be Warpstone present,
as he believed the substance sparked life into all things. If it was there then surely it could be extracted?
If he could find out a way to extract it, he would be able to return to Skavenblight, and the accolades he
felt were his due.
The Delberz sewer network has provided him with an opportunity to collect specimens and practise
rituals for his flawed quest. Human cultists in the town, members of the Horned Rat worshipping cult
named “The Poison Claw”, have been made aware of the groups arrival and are aiding Skretth in his
unofficial mission.
The adventure leads the characters into the sewers beneath the city. There they will discover that a
band of Skaven have recently taken up residence down there, and, with the aid of their human servants,
are carrying out bizarre rituals and sacrifices to their deity, the Horned Rat. The characters must try to
eradicate (or at least drive out) the Skaven, whilst attempting to save a wealthy citizen from their
clutches in the process. As the Skaven presence is significant, the characters will need to have their
wits about them. Repeatedly choosing to fight will lead to a swift and bloody demise…
Claw Mark
The following encounter should occur as the PCs are
walking back from a late night drink one evening at
their local tavern. They should, however, have a good
deal of their equipment with them, as they will have no
time to go and pick up anything left in their lodgings.
As they are strolling through a particularly dark and
quiet street, a door suddenly bursts open from one of
the expensive houses lining the road. A young man,
dressed only in his night-clothes, rushes out yelling,
“Help me, someone, please!”
As he catches sight of the characters, he turns and races
towards them. A large bruise covers one side of his
face. As he races over, gasping for air, a dark shape
appears, silhouetted in the doorway of the house. The
man gasps out one last sentence, “They’ve got my
father… Don’t let them take him… Hurry…” before an
audible twang comes from the doorway, followed by a
much closer thud. The unfortunate young man
collapses into the arms of one of the characters
(perhaps one who is drawing or who has already drawn
a missile weapon of his own), choking and coughing up
blood. A crossbow bolt is buried in his back. He is
GM’s Notes
The crossbow quarrel landed in the back of Ernest Dralst, son of Klauss Dralst, a wealthy townsman.
Both lived in the rather plush house from which Ernest just emerged. Ernest was asleep in his upstairs
bedroom when he was awakened by someone moving about below. After waking his father, the two of
them went to investigate, but were leapt upon by three intruders in the kitchen. Klauss was swiftly
overpowered. Ernest, however, being younger and fitter, managed to break free and run out on to the
Peter Tavelli, a Poison Claw cultist, raced after Ernest in an effort to prevent him from alerting anyone,
after having first ordered his companions to take Klauss back to Skretth by way of an old, forgotten,
stone passageway which travels right up into the house through a flagstone in the cellar. Meanwhile,
Tavelli has succeeded in shooting Ernest, but not before ho managed to reach the PCs.
As soon as Tavelli fired his bolt, he retreats back inside the building and watches the adventurers’
reaction through the hall window. If they pursue him, he will lead them into a trap in the house before
trying to get back into the cellar and into the secret passage. If he is caught or cornered, he will seize a
capsule of Black Lotus Venom from around his neck and bite in to it. These capsules are carried by all
members of the Poison Claw, and contain the equivalent of four very strong doses of the drug
( Toughness Tests for each dose are Challenging (-10%) , for a total –20%). Such a capsule may not
necessarily kill, though the GM is encouraged to ensure that this does not happen too often. The use of
these capsules is accepted by all members of the cult, and even if the poison does not work, a
successful Hard (-20%) Torture Test will be necessary in order to extract any information from them,
such is their loyalty to Skretth.
The adventurers will probably chase Tavelli into the house in an attempt to apprehend him. The
characters should remember the dying mans last words, expressing the need for speed.
Should particularly cowardly adventurers refuse to enter the house at once, the adventure can still be
brought back on line. The Skaven will be very interested in capturing the party, since they are the only
(living) people who know what happened to Klauss. They may be grabbed during the night and thrown
into the cells in the sewers (see Into The Sewers, below) to await sacrifice. The PCs will then have to
escape – Klauss will already have been sacrificed by then, so they won’t have to worry about rescuing
him anymore.
Upstairs Downstairs
If he sees that he is being followed, Tavelli will race up the stairs in the hall, making sure the PCs see
him. If they pursue him up the stairs, he will manoeuvre a decorative wine barrel which stands on the
landing to the top of the stairs and send it crashing down towards his pursuers. Anyone standing on the
stairs, or at the foot (presumably to aim a bow or crossbow), must pass an Agility Test or be hit. The
test is Challenging (-10%) for those on the stairs, Routine (+10%) for those at the foot.
Anyone hit by the barrel will take a Damage 3 hit, and be knocked down. For those stranding on the
stairs, this will incur falling damage as the GM judges fit (another Damage 3 hit for a 3 yard fall is
probably most appropriate.
From there, Tavelli will rush back down the stairs, leaping the banister half way down (a 3-yard jump).
Assuming he lands correctly, he will rush back to the cellar and enter the sewers through the secret
passage. Should any character have avoided the barrel and be able to go in pursuit of him, he will turn
and fire his repeater crossbow. Should any character get too close for comfort, he will just make a
straight run for it, abandoning any attempt to kill the characters. Tavelli will choose to use the Black
Lotus capsule in preference to being captured.
Tavelli is a tall (6’3”), angular man, with a hooked nose, small beady eyes, and black hair. He is
wearing a black, wide-brimmed hat that covers most of the face, and a dark blue neckerchief as a mask.
His midnight blue cloak is fastened by a clasp identical to the one lying in the kitchen. His grey
trousers are neatly tucked into a pair of leather boots. He is also wearing a pale blue tunic and black
gloves. The other humans serving Skretth dress similarly when involved in night missions, but are
indistinguishable from any other upright citizen when going about their business during the daylight
The House
Only brief descriptions of the rooms are given as it is unlikely the characters will be spending
much time here. Should the party choose to hang around and spend time looting the place, it
might be prudent to have a Watch patrol come to investigate – after all this is a well off district,
and there is in all likelihood still the body in the street outside. All the rooms can be
illuminated by lanterns hanging from the ceiling rafters, but at present, only the ones in rooms
1, 7, 11, and 12 are currently burning.
1 – Hallway
The hallway is opulently furnished with hunting trophies and tapestries which hang from the
walls. A plush blue carpet covers the floor. An elaborate staircase in the south-western corner
spirals upwards to a balcony that overlooks the hall. There are three tapestries here, each worth
25 crowns. The hunting trophies are not especially valuable.
2 – Dining Room
This room is currently a total mess. Two bodies are sprawled across the floor. The table is upturned
and shattered glass lies everywhere. What must have once been an expensive wooden cabinet has
been smashed in along the front; the drawers and their contents have been scattered across the
room. The two bodies are those of the servants who tried to oppose Tavelli when he was pursuing
Ernest. The ensuing fight succeeded in completely devastating the whole room, leaving nothing of
value unbroken.
3 – Lounge
This is where Klauss used to entertain his guests while they relaxed after a meal. The room
hasn’t suffered the same fate as the Dining Room. Several luxurious armchairs, a large
decorative fireplace and an elaborate sideboard provide grand furnishing. Four paintings hang on
the walls, each worth 40 crowns, but again, looting should be discouraged.
4 – Kitchen
This large room has a flight of stone stairs leading down into the cellar. Two clubs rest in a
puddle of blood, evident to anyone entering the room. Any character making a successful Search
test will find an ornamental clasp decorated with the symbol of the Horned Rat – three crossed
bones forming the shape of an inverted triangle. All the items were dropped during the scuffle
between Klauss, Ernest, and the cultists, and the clasp may reveal just what the characters are
really up against. A successful Academic Knowledge: Theology test will reveal the nature of the
symbol, and its connection to the Skaven. But bear in mind that many characters may believe that
the Skaven are nothing more than a fairytale.
5 – Corridor
This connects the hall to the kitchen. As it is part of the house which guests would not normally
see, it is merely stone-flagged, showing none of the splendour seen elsewhere in the house.
6 – Storeroom
This is where all the food and other domestic requirements of the house are kept, under lock and
key. However, when Klauss and Ernest went to investigate the sounds, they armed themselves with
clubs kept here (now to be found in the kitchen), and Klauss forgot to lock the door in his hurry.
Thus, the door is slightly ajar, the keys still in the lock.
Inside are several sacks of grain, stacked neatly against one wall along with many other items of
food – whatever seems appropriate. Also kept in the room is what amounts to a small armoury – a
wooden crate marked “DANGER! EXPLOSIVES” sits innocently in the corner (it contains four
bombs). In addition, there are two lanterns here, three spare flasks of oil, and a tinderbox. The
bombs could prove very useful to the party in the later part of the adventure, should they choose to
take them now.
7 – Balcony
The stairs from the hallway spiral upwards onto this balcony which overlooks the hall below.
The floor here is also covered in the blue carpet, but there are no adornments, save for a large,
decorative wine barrel, situated in a small alcove at the top of the stairs.
8 – Guest Chamber
Visitors to the house are normally accommodated here. A large four-poster bed set against one wall, a
set of teak drawers, and a large wardrobe provide the main furnishings. There is nothing of real value
here, however.
9 – Servants Quarters
This large room contains four beds, only two of which have been occupied recently (by the servants
lying dead in the dining room). The room is not as well furnished as the rest of the house, but still
represents very good servants’ accommodation.
10 – Corridor
This corridor separates Klauss and Ernest’s bedrooms off from the rest of the house, providing them
with more privacy. As with the hall and balcony, the floor is covered with blue carpet. Two paintings
hang on the walls, worth approximately 70 crowns each.
11 – Master Bedroom
This is the largest bedroom in the house, and is where Klaus usually sleeps. An ornate rosewood
cabinet is set against the wall opposite the four poster bed, together with an equally ornate set of
drawers and a spacious wardrobe. The drawers are all filled with personal belongings and clothes, but a
successful Search Test of the Wardrobe will turn up a false bottom, concealing a secret compartment
which contains 200 crowns, 67 shillings, and 300 pence.
12 – Ernest’s Bedroom
This isn’t quite as luxurious as the master bedroom. It is relatively sparsely furnished with a single bed,
a wardrobe and chest of drawers.
13 – The Cellar
This stone flagged room is filled with barrels and casks containing a wide variety of fine wines and
ales. A flight of stairs leads up into the kitchen in one corner, whilst in another corner, concealed
beneath one of the flagstones, is the entrance to an old, long forgotten tunnel. This tunnel leads into the
sewer system, and is the way Tavelli and company gained entrance to the house. Neither Klauss nor
Ernest knew of the existence of the passage. The flagstone has not yet been replaced over the hole, as
Tavelli has not yet rejoined his companions. When (or if) he manages to do so, he will pull the
flagstone back into place behind him, time permitting, making a loud grating sound. A Routine
(+10%) Search Test is necessary to find this hole if it has been closed, assuming the searcher has a
reason to suspect such a tunnel must exist (such as by hearing the sound of it being closed).
Into the Sewers
Beneath the hole, a rusty, iron-runged ladder leads down a narrow shaft for 10 yards or so, finally
emerging in a rough-hewn stone corridor. The course of the adventure from this point depends very
much on what has happened to Tavelli. If he has successfully managed to escape down the shaft he will
return to Skretth immediately and report what has happened. However, he will only mention the PC’s if
they are pursuing him. Thus, the Skaven will be ready for the characters and will step up the guard
around the sacrificial chamber, so that when the time for the ritual sacrifice comes (at midnight), it will
be much harder for the characters to stop it from going ahead, as if it isn’t going to be difficult enough
as it is.
If Tavelli was killed by the PCs (or if he killed himself), then he will not be missed for some time, as
the Skaven have more important things to worry about with the impending sacrifice. Skretth’s
experiments have not been going well. He really has no idea how to achieve his goal and is
increasingly worried that his followers will soon lose patience. Apart from anything else he is
constantly under the influence of Mandrake root, and rational thought (if such can ever be truly grasped
by Skaven) is far beyond him.
The guard around the sacrificial chamber will not be stepped up, and consequently the characters’ task
will be made a little easier. Any attempt to impersonate Tavelli (by wearing his clothes) will probably
be successful (on a successful Disguise Test ), but remember that there are several areas of the complex
where humans are not permitted, and trying to gain access to these areas will arouse suspicion. The
cultists know where they can and can’t go. From this point on, the action is dependent on where the
PCs go. Don’t forget that they are racing against the clock so keep a careful record of elapsed game
The rock corridor in which the characters are standing is pitch black. The characters will need to
provide some means of illumination to progress farther (such as any of the many lanterns in the house,
though be aware of how much oil the party have, as just taking a single lantern with no spare oil will no
doubt result in the party becoming stranded in the sewers in the dark). The corridor is quite low (about
6’ high), so tall members of the party will have to duck to avoid hitting their heads against the ceiling.
The floor is covered with a shallow layer of mud (any character running or charging will have to make
a successful Agility Test or fall over), and footprints clearly mark the path taken by the cultists. The
PCs won’t need the Follow Trails skill to follow these prints, however, a successful test will reveal
that the tracks indicate two abductors, and the two continuous roughly parallel tracks indicate someone
was dragged through here.
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