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To Hell Pit and
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : To Hell Pit and Back
Written by Dave Allen
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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : To Hell Pit and Back
Page 3 The Road to Hell Pit is Paved with Bad Intention.
Whilst visiting the bazaar at Putrid Stump the party are gathered by a powerful patron and his
footlicker who give them a task to do.
Page 4 Straight to Hell Pit.
The party journey down the underway to their destination, with stop offs at Skaven lairs under
a couple of Dwarf Holds in the World’s Edge Mountains.
Page 6 Hungry as Hell.
A chance encounter in the dirt lanes offers a potential solution to any provision problems the
PCs might have.
Page 6 At the End of the Driftmain.
The party is assailed in a vulnerable position.
Page 7 More than a Dozen and One Ways to Skin a Cat.
The trouble getting through the back door to Hell Pit. Bribe, bluff or battle?
Page 8 Life in Hell Pit.
Fixed locations and random encounters in the 3rd Circle of Clan Moulder’s chief stronghold.
Page 11 Maleff Ikk’s Laboratory.
The working space of a prodigious Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer provides the scene of the
Page 13 Like a Rat Outta Hell Pit.
Their prize secured, the party head back to collect their just desserts.
Page 15 Experience Awards.
Earn up to 100 XP!
Page 15 Handouts and Maps.
Squint at the scrawlings of Skeely-Splicer Vrgl and explore 3 exciting locations!
Page 19 Sample Characters.
Snikkitt, the self-doubting Apprentice Grey Seer, Drittskritt, the war-porn bore Black Skaven
Bodyguard, Meffit T’kk, the slave-taking sycophantic Bounty Hunter with a heart of iron
pyrites, and Flens Visspikk, the Surgeon with ambitions to become a great poisoner one day.
Page 21 Subplots for Sample Characters and Acknowledgements.
Some more reasons to complicate the plot and some well-earned thanks.
Page 22 Spells.
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : To Hell Pit and Back
The Road to Hell Pit is
Paved with Bad Intention
The scenario begins at a bazaar or other busy
Skaven meeting area. The exact location is
unimportant, though somewhere to the south or
west of Karak Ungor would make sense - as
written the scenario assumes you begin at
Putrid Stump.
Trikk’exx Hhreest’t - Skaven Grey Seer
The Seer has grey fur and pallid skin. He has a
noble bearing, for a Skaven, and exudes
confidence. This goes some way to disguising the
vast megalomania and paranoia typical of his type.
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The bazaar is a busy meeting and gossiping
place for Skaven, and the following rumours
could be heard by various party members to
help set the atmosphere or provide the impetus
for getting involved in subplots:
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channelling,
Common Knowledge (Skaven), Magical Sense,
Perception, Read/Write, Search, Speak Arcane
language (Magick), Speak Language (Queekish),
Speak Language (Reikspiel).
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Coolheaded (added
to profile above), Dark Lore (Warp), Dark Magic*,
Fast Hands, Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour, Dispel,
Move), Meditation, Night Vision, Petty Magic
(Warp), Public Speaking, Suave (added to profile
* See Children of the Horned Rat or Terror in
Talabheim for details.
Armour: None.
Weapons: Quarter Staff, Dagger.
Trappings: Grey Robes, Quarter Staff, Dagger, 8
Warpstone Tokens, Poisoned Wind Globe,
Mummified Cat Corpse, Rotten Tooth, Vial of
Warpstone Powder, Brass Bangles.
Seers’ eyes are on Clan Mors and their
blatant war-growth. Gnawdwell better get
subtle soon, or else.
A Seer may reward those who find more
proof of Warlord Gnawdwell’s plans to
expand his armies.
Last week the Horned Rat himself
appeared at Under-Karak Ungor and ate
their Grey Seer. No, no one saw it
happen as such, but they found his body
all alone in the temple half eaten up -
what else could it have been?
The bazaar at Hell Pit is the best place in
all the under empire to pick up poisons,
as many of the plants that grow up there
are warp-touched and deadly.
Some say the Horned Rat looks
favourably on those who eat the hearts of
thirteen lesser Skaven.
Need for slaves at Under-Karak Ungor.
Likk Spttl - Skaven Footlicker
This scrawny Clan Kisk Skaven is a master of
flattery, and has been clever enough to attach itself
to a powerful Grey Seer who appreciates it’s ardent
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1 8 3 2 5 - - 1
Trikk’exx Hhreest’t, a Grey Seer of some import,
is looking for some expendable stooges to
undertake a task for him. If the party are already
formed then he will grab the most important
looking member (a Chosen Skaven if there is
one, or the member with the highest Strength
score if there isn’t) and hiss excitedly at him that
there is an important task that needs doing and
that the Horned Rat himself will look favourably
upon any who accept it.
Skills: Blather, Charm, Common Knowledge
(Skaven), Dodge Blow, Perception, Speak
Language (Queekish).
Talents: Etiquette, Luck, Night Vision, Savvy
(added to profile above) Schemer, Suave (added to
profile above).
Armour: None.
Weapons: Dagger.
Trappings: Tatty brown shift, Dagger.
If the party is not yet formed then this can be a
perfect opportunity to create one, as the Seer
and his attendant footlicker invite lone Skaven,
who show the right combination of promise and
naivety, to form a team.
mentally disparaging them for their inferior
displays of sycophancy. After introductions have
been made the Seer chitters excitedly:
The party are led to a quiet niche in which to
plot with the Seer. The scrawny dun-furred
footlick busies himself making bows and
flattering remarks to the Seer, overtly wetting
himself in fear and respect as he does so. From
time to time he gives the PCs a dirty look,
“The Lord of Decay, the one we worship-adore
and who gifts grey-furs with voices and plans
and has, has, has been telling me to look for
you, yes, you all. Wants something done yes,
done about a nastybad runt better eaten up by
his broodmother at birth, yes, yes, yes! Malef
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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : To Hell Pit and Back
Ikk, yes, heard of him, yes?”
shattercracks and through the burroway, there
will you find crosscutting and, brrrr, feel chill-air,
nearer now, steal down the bore-well there and –
hungry now little things – have another foodstop
there then up, up along the driftmain ‘til gets dark,
darker for even rat-eyes to pierce and feel, feel,
feel with whiskers and right paws for the crack in
the wall and follow it to the crawlspace, a pothole!
A pit whole enough for just a toady a-time yes-
yes? A capillary of underway, not known well but
guarded still, yes, yes little ones, big black rat and
wretch-help they station there with distress-bell
but hush, hush, not need for such a flavour of fear
- here! A tool for such circumstances!”
“Ooh yes, yes! We hate, hate, hate him!”
Squeaks the footlicker.
Clan Skryre Skaven may well of heard of him if
they succeed a Challenging (-10%) Common
Knowledge (Skaven) Skill Test - he is a
Warlock Engineer who has spent a deal of time
residing in Hell Pit, creating sets of cybernetic
implants with which to augment Rat Ogres.
The Warlock is proving a prodigy at this sort of
thing, and his work could cause a power
imbalance that might upset the Seers’ grasp on
Skaven society (besides, Seer Lords such as
Thanquol quite like their own technologically
upgraded mutant Rat Ogres, and don’t want such
luxuries to become devalued). The party are
asked to locate the warlock and return to the
Seer, with his head.
He pulls from a large pouch at his waist a globe
of thick green glass, bound in heavy hawser. Clan
Skryre characters will recognise the object as a
Poisoned Wind Globe, but other characters will
have to pass a Common Knowledge (Skaven)
Skill Test to realise what the object is and how it
works. If no one understands what the object is
for, and one of the party is brave enough to admit
their ignorance, the Seer will be frustrated but will
explain the object’s function.
“These inventions not Horned One’s way! He
plans for day when swarm from the underway,
inherit surface from all things up there, yes, yes?
Us, yes? Us, us, us! Not steaming warp-powered
gimcrack! Not widget-popping jigger gizmos! I
need some sneaks to bring me his head yes, and
uneaten at that, yes? There’d be food and warp
tokens and rights to the breeding pits for any
Skaven able enough yes, yes, yes! And if not
able enough they help with haruspexy, yes?”
The Seer also gives the PCs some Warp Tokens
(1 per party member) for provisions.
Lastly he hands them a map made by an Eshin
scout (who did not carry out the murder because
the Seer thinks the party more expendable). The
map is not good and when the party reach Hell
Pit they may find they have to compensate for
many errors and simplifications on the map. This
will not be helped if the party are illiterate. Give
the party Handout 1 - this is the map drawn by
the Eshin scout.
“Wise words! Wise words lord, lord, lord, your hair
is so sleek, your eyes is so bright!” Squeaks the
footlick. The Seer gives it a dismissive pat on the
head, at which it gives a self-satisfied squeal of
The main entrance to Hell Pit is too well guarded
for the party to break into without some serious
challenge as to their reasons for being there, so
the Seer suggests an alternate route, a tunnel
branching of the main underway straight into the
circle the Warlock works in. This is guarded but
the Seer gives them a tool to help them enter
unannounced – a poisoned wind globe.
“So my little stinking petties, everything clear,
clear? Bring Maleff Ikk’s head back, back, back to
the Temple here quick, quick to get what’s
coming to you, yes, yes?”
The party should have some time to get
prepared, but impress on them the fact that they
are far more likely to gain the regard of their
important new patron if they make haste. A single
warp token should be enough to get all the
provisions needed to see the party safely from
Putrid Stump to Karak Varn.
“A tunnel branching off the main underway to Hell
Pit” probably doesn’t sound like a decent set of
instructions to human ears, but bear in mind that
like Eskimos and snow the Skaven language has
a multitude of terms for “dank hole”. Indeed, there
are more words for “tunnel” in Queekish than
there are varieties of Averland sausage, so the
Seer’s instructions could be along the lines of:
Straight to Hell Pit
The most direct route to Hell Pit from Putrid
Stump is to travel to the lair underneath Karak
Varn (a journey of about 7 foodstops), then from
their to the lair under Karak Ungor (about 6
foodstops) and from there to Hell Pit.
“Scuttle slipshod from our lair under the stunted
things’ Ungor, down dirt lanes for three foodstops
my uglies, then quick, quick over the
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : To Hell Pit and Back
If you have trouble thinking up some ways of
adding flavour to the journey use the following
table to bring the trip to life a little.
The Skaven of Karak Varn are undergoing a
famine and the party will find it very hard to buy
provisions here. A Warptoken each will provide
them with enough food to make the 6 foodstops
to Karak Ungor, but other Skaven may well steal
from or mug the party for their food.
Features of the Underway
Old Fight: The ground here is soaked with blood
and urine. A Skaven corpse lies nearby. Everything
of value (including the edible parts of the body) has
been taken.
Dirt Lanes: Near to Skaven settlements the
underway becomes well trodden, with soft packed
earth underfoot and torches in sconces along the
tunnel sides. Other Skaven are regularly
encountered here and many rats nest in the graffiti-
covered walls of the Dirt Lanes, feasting on the
refuse that passing Skaven leave behind.
Tunnelside Shrine: To the left of the tunnel is a
small alcove containing a sconce for a torch, a bell
and a brazier fixed to the wall for passing Skaven to
burn a small offering to the Horned Rat in.
Shattercracks: An old limestone pavement forms
the floor of the tunnel here, making the journey hard
going. Water is easy to find in this area, gathering in
the cracks between the stones. There is no lighting,
and even Skaven need to light some sort of lantern
or torch to see their way.
Abandoned Skryre Weapons: A Challenging
(-10%) Perception Skill Test reveals that a
warplock pistol and a shattered poisoned wind
globe lie to one side of the tunnel here. The pistol is
corroded but a talented warlock engineer might be
able to get it working again.
Burroway: The tunnel becomes a narrow dirty
hole, and the party may have to establish a
marching order to pass through, which might be a
good opportunity to instil some paranoia. There is
no lighting.
Plague Pilgrims: A group of Plague Monks make
their way down the tunnels, heading south, they are
swinging censers and chanting holy maledictions.
Avoiding them might be a good idea unless the
party want to risk catching something virulent.
Crosscutting: Cold northern winds mix with the
tepid atmosphere of the underway at this cavernous
crossroads. A torch burns in a sconce here and
daily a patrol from a nearby settlement escort a
Skaven here to change the torch.
Slave Train: A group of slaves, mostly Skaven, but
some human and goblinoid too, are led through the
tunnels in a chain gang. Burly Skaven slavers guard
the line at regular intervals.
Bore-well: Another tight tunnel through hard
igneous rock. The marks of some great drilling
machine can be seen screwing their way through
the stone here. There is no lighting.
Skirmishes with the Dwarfs above are common
occurrences here, and the party will see lots of
Skaven clanrats being mustered to defend their
Visiting the Temple
The temple here is well attended, the Seers here
(there are two) regularly hold sermons extolling
the wickedness of the Dwarfs and urging the
Skaven of Under-Karak Varn to fight this foe.
Under-Karak Ungor
Another Typical Skaven lair - though it’s proximity
to Hell Pit means that there is a high percentage
of members of Clan Moulder here.
The population of Karak Ungor are also starving.
Food is very hard to acquire and is eagerly
stolen. The usual chaotic hurly-burly of a Skaven
lair is absent, the ratmen here seem apathetic,
sullen and tired, despondent even. Another
resource that the lair is short of is slaves, many of
whom have been cannibalised, and the prices for
decent slaves here are now very inflated.
Stories here are rife of a manifestation of the
Horned Rat some time ago. Apparently whilst the
lair’s Grey Seer was tending to the temple the
god appeared to him and, after a heated
exchange, gobbled him up. This event was
apparently witnessed by Flem Skree, the Seer’s
Flem Skree - Maddened Attendant
Flem used to be the attendant to the Seer here.
Witnessing the death of his master has made him
quite mad. He is suffering from starvation too.
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Under-Karak Varn
This is a fairly standard Skaven lair, and using the
information for Under-Delberz from page 56 of
Children of the Horned Rat is apt. Note that the
entire warren is very damp and smells strongly of
the rotten remains of the Black Water fish which
is the chief source of food for the Skaven here.
Skills: All forgotten.
Talents: Black Hunger.
Insanities: Near-catatonic and uncommunicative.
Armour: None.
Weapons: Claws.
Trappings: Tatty brown shift.
Visiting the Temple
Should the party investigate the local temple of
the Horned Rat they will find it very sadly
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