Phaedra M Weldon - Zoe Martinique 01a - Out of the Dark.pdf

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Out of the Dark by Phaedra Weldon
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Out of the Dark (Zoe Martinque 1.5)
By Phaedra Weldon
Out Of The Dark
A Zo Martinique Investigation
When it was first writtenÏoh, six years agoÏit was the back end of what was turning into a
monster of a book that would be called WRAITH. And so when I dug it back up, after selling the
book's prequel to DAW for an anthology, I discovered it needed a LOT of work.
It needed pretty much a total rewrite. And so that's what I did And as a Memorial Day
CelebrationÏhowever late in the dayÏI would like to present OUT OF THE DARK in its entirety
and with it, it's flaws.
If you feel so inclined you can comment on it in emailÏI haven't yet set up a Yahoo discussion
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Out of the Dark by Phaedra Weldon
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group as I haven't had the time or opportunity. But if someone wanted to create one, I'd be happy
to be come a particitpating member.
Nurses are amazing creatures. Especially night shift nurses. Why, you ask? Because they see things no
ordinary human should ever seeÏand they rarely ever question why. They just shake their heads and go
on about their jobs of saving lives as well as doctor's asses.
But by far my favorite nurse?
The head nurse. The grand muckity-muck of the graveyard shift. 'Cause let me tell youÏthis is a force
to be reckoned with. These women don't take shit off of anyone, not doctors, not patients, and certainly
not half naked orderlies standing in the middle of the women's bathroom. And I have seen one of these
nurses fell an otherwise healthy young man just by yelling.
Now, I'd been hanging about Daniel's room so much I knew the nurse rotation. As did mom. Hell,
mom brought cakes and brownies and home made thigh-swelling sweet tea. She was a popular visitor on
the floorÏexcept from those who were trying desperately to keep their girlie figures.
Yeah, like they're all so flattering in those really loose, upholster patterned scrubs. Though there was
one lady what had teddy bears on hers. HrmÏnow those might make for comfy ice-cream eating
Tonight's nurse was Tiarra (yep, you say it just like the crown, Tee-ar-ah) Boudreaux. NowÏthis lady
stood a good foot taller than me. And that's saying a lot. I'm not exactly short. Her hairÏsprayed upward
into something resembling an ice-sculptureÏmade up a good half-foot of the height.
Her nails were long and painted white with black spots, and her lips were always colored like
McIntosh apples. Never a smudge. And evidently she'd already had it with Mr. Bartender and his
shenanigans when she walked inÏ
Wait, lemme back up a minute.
Where was I the last time I saw you...Oh! Yeah. Mr. Dags the Bartender had his pants at his ankles.
See, after getting over his shock of me walking in on him with Nancy the nurse, he just stood there. Not
moving. I wasn't doing anything but politely gawking.
NowÏthis guy had been cute when I'd first seen him behind the bar at Fad's. And he was still cute as
a button with no shirt onÏor pants on. I'd never seen a lower body blush either.
Mental note: Awwwww .
But he kept his hands cupped in a ball over his crotch as we stood there, eye-balling each other. Not
that I could actually see the goodies as his orderly scrub top reached below his thighs. Finally he spoke,
clearing his throat first. His voice cracked and he had to swallow nervousness.
"YouÏyou were with detective Frasier."
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I nodded.
He was still blushing. Still cute. "You were a ghostÏdid you know that?"
Nod again.
He started shifting on his feet. HuhÏdid he have to go pee-pee?
"He ever see you sitting there?"
I nodded again, remembering that Dags had been called away to be manly before I went corporeal
before Daniel. But this pretty much proved my hunch that day, that the bartender had noticed me. But
why could he see me? Was he like mom and Rhonda? Or just plain weird?
There was a very long, awkward, strangled pause. Not for me, really. I still had my clothes on. I could
stand here all night. I had no idea why he wasn't getting dressed.
Dags on the other hand he looked like he was gonna faint.
Oookay . This was fun. Now, can we chew cardboard for our next trick?
"Can I get dressed?"
I nodded. Hey, I'm not stopping you . I stepped back and motioned for him to come out. He wasn't
going to be able to pull his pants up in that tight of an area.
The first thing I noticed this time and hadn't noticed in the bar was how not-tall he was. I guessed the
top of his head would smack my chin. Short wasn't a bad thingÏI liked short. And Dags made up for his
lack of height in several different waysÏlike his hair. Loved his hair.
He gulped and shuffled forward, maneuvering around the toilet and paper holder, still keeping those
hands at half-mast. Sheesh. Come on dudeÏhave a little pride in the goodies.
He was looking at everything but me, and I noticed his ponytail reached a good bit down the middle of
his back.
"You don't talk much, do you?" he finally said as he cleared his throat and fixed me with a pleading
look. I shook my head and touched my neck with my right hand and made sawing motions across my
throat hoping to get the idea across I was mute.
His face bleached white. "YouÏyou had your throatÏ sliced? " the last word of his question cracked
like a pubescent request. "Is that how you died?"
Christ. Just pull your pants up already you moron.
That's when Tiarra stepped in. He turned as the door opened. She smiled when she saw me.
And then she noticed something standing behind and to her right. Her eyes widened as she took in
Dags' obviously embarrassing situation, pants at his ankles. His eyes widened. She put her hands on her
more than feminine hips and knitted her eyebrows together until they became one.
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Which was a feat since they were like plucked into oblivion.
"Darren McConnell!" Tiarrah boomed and I swear the tile rattled. I jumped.
He did too and I winced as the motion yanked his shoulders up, which yanked his elbows up, which in
turn pulled those cupped hands really tight.
"What the hell are you doing? Exhibitioning in the ladies' room? You done gone all crazy? Jus' stand'n
here all naked? You know you're naked, right? That's it, boy. That is it. You done made Tiarra mad, that
you have." And with that she took two very deliberate steps toward him and got right up in his face.
There was a pause, then "Boo."
And he keeled right on over. Bam! Didn't move or bend his body as he went down. Never tried to
brace his fall. And he kept his hands in place the whole time. Though I did get a great shot at his bare ass.
That's when Tiarra gave me the WTF look?
I shrugged, grabbed my iBook and got the fucking hell out of the bathroom. From now on, I pee at
"Delete, delete, spam, shit, viagra, delete, delete, cyalis, trash," Rhonda continued her mantra as I
buttered a biscuit. I'd grabbed a Sierra Mist out of a machine on the way from the bathroom back to
Daniel's room and decided it was better for meÏand everyone elseÏthat in my present state of confusion
I should remain sequestered.
Rhonda asked me if I'd gone over my email while I'd been out of the room and I'd nodded. Of course.
But then she'd opened the thing and she and mom had read THE email.
The one from my new pal, maharba.
That lead to a discussion of going to Captain Cooper and showing him the veiled threat from maharba,
which of course lead me into a very long and finger cramping (as I scribbled away) explanation of why
that was a bad idea on like so many levels. They finally agreed that showing Cooper would invite in all
sorts of questions I wasn't prepared to answer.
And I knew Cooper wasn't prepared to believe me on any level. Period.
So it'd been dropped for the moment, and Rhonda turned her attention to the tedious job of going
through my email for me her way.
I just really didn't feel like it. There was something wrong with meÏI'd just tortured a helpless guy in
the ladies' room. What up with that?
"So you just made him stand there?"
I looked at mom over the buttered biscuit and pretended my eyes were short-range missiles. Lock and
load. I made little firing noises in my head at her. I nodded and put the butter knife back into her little
picnic basket on the roll-around table, the one patients usually ate from while in bed.
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Make him stand there my ass.
Hey, look at me, I'm mom's Boo-Boo.
"Ïdelete, delete, deleteÏhuhÏwhat the hell?"
"ZoÏyou probably cost that boy his job."
I bit into a chunk of fluffy, butter heaven at that moment, and the comment made it turn to mashed
peas in my mouth. I chewed and set the biscuit down before grabbing up my board again and erasing
what I'd already written there.
"Did you pee?"
Uh. No.
"You shouldn't be eating that biscuit," mom said as she finished off her own. She swiped her hands
together. "You bring your tester?"
I shook my head and put the board down. Mom was already off on another tangent. No tester. I'd
forgotten it that day, but I'd survived all freak'n day without it. Tadah!
"Well, I'll go find Miss TiarraÏmaybe they've got a spare kit and I can make sure she doesn't fire that
nice boy."
Nice boy? Mom, he was pok'n it to some cheese-ball in the ladies' bathroom.
In a hospital.
And I'm the bad guy here?
What the hell is mom logic? Chaos theory revisited?
I eye-balled this woman as she wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then stood. She gave Daniel a
glance where he lay still and quiet on the bed before leaving the room.
I looked at Rhonda. She was reading something on my computer.
Screw it.
I stood, wiping my hands on my sweats and moved to the chair beside Daniel. He lay very still,
oblivious to everything around him. I'd started worrying, really. If the smell of mom's biscuits weren't
rousing him, then I was afraid nothing would.
I took his hand. It was cold. This was the left hand, the one that didn't have the broken pinky. And I
held it between my two hands and I closed my eyes. I wasn't going to go OOB.
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