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SRS Unlock and Repair Manual
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SRS Unlock and Repair Manual
Version 1.4 - 9 March 2010
Samsung Remote Server - Think, Save $, Unlock
Table of Contents
Preparation and gathering important phone information
Unlock + repair your 2G Samsung mobile phone
Unlock + repair your 3G Samsung mobile phone
Unlock Vodafone (Huawei) exclusive models *Special
Driver installation instructions
Install Samsung 2G drivers
Install Samsung QXDM drivers
Install FTDI drivers
Install Vodafone USB PCUI Interface drivers
Install Broadcomm drivers
FAQ / TroubleShooting
What is an FTDI USB cable?
How to check your drivers?
Tip; Select your Samsung model faster from the dropdown list
What is a Serial cable
How to uninstall drivers
System Requirements and incompatible software list
More ->
How to use this manual
First scan through the whole manual so you know what the main steps are and what is
needed. Then start the process by beginning at step 1 ('Preparation and gathering
important phone information') and follow this manual step-by-step. Please don't skip any
steps because you think you know how to do it or if you think it's not necessary for your
situation. It might be crucial to a fast, easy unlocking experience.
What to do in case of any error
If something does not go exactly as described in the manual please contact support at your
reseller and describe to them the following:
- Your SRS username
- Model you are trying to unlock and which cable you are using (Original Samsung USB
cable, Serial cable, FTDI USB cable etc.)
- Which Operating System you are using (Windows XP (pro), Vista etc. See; 'Start' ->
'Settings' -> 'Control Panel' ('Switch to Classic View') -> 'System' if you don't know)
- The step in the manual where it went wrong. Please describe in as much detail what did
happen (or didn't happen; screenshots are always very useful)
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SRS Unlock and Repair Manual
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- Copy the log from your unlock / repair attempt in the white log screen from the SRS
software to us (if you lost this you can find it at c:\program files\samsung remote
If you follow the manual step-by-step and don't skip any steps you will have an unlocked /
repaired phone in under 10 minutes.
1. Preparation and gathering important phone information
In this step you will be downloading and installing our latest SRS software and make sure
you have everything you need to unlock and / or repair your Samsung mobile phone.
Please do not skip any steps.
What you need:
Make sure you have a fully 100% charged battery (very important)
Latest SRS client installer. Download at;
Samsung data cable compatible for unlocking. See our Samsung Unlock Guide which
cables are compatible for your Samsung model
Check the System Requirements for our software
What to do:
1. Download the SRS client installer
2. Double click the file (srs-setup.exe) and run the installer
3. Start SRS client ('Start' -> 'Programs' -> 'Simlock Remote Client' -> 'SRS Samsung
Remote Unlock Client')
If you get any errors please run 'C:\Program Files\Simlock Remote Client\reg-ocx.cmd' and make sure
you have a stable internet connection
Vista note; right mouse click 'SRS Samsung Remote Unlock Client' then choose 'run as' then choose
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SRS Unlock and Repair Manual
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4. Login using username: 'test' password: 'srs' and press 'connect' at 1.
5. Select your Samsung phone model at 2.
6. Now have a look at 3. , there it states which platform you have; 2G or 3G (you can
also have 2.5G but consider this as 2G!)
Now based on which platform your phone has continue with the next step ' Unlock + repair your
2G Samsung mobile phone ' or ' Unlock + repair your 3G Samsung mobile phone '
2. Unlock + repair your 2G Samsung mobile phone
When you have completed 'Preparation and gathering important phone information' and
determined that your phone model is a 2G or a 2.5G model follow the following steps to
unlock and repair your Samsung model. Please only connect the cable to your
computer and phone when the manual states you should.
A note about 'repairing': a software solution can NEVER repair hardware damage. If your
phone has been damaged by water or dropping your phone on a hard surface we can not
help you. With repairing we mean that we can fix ' Phone freeze ' and ' Phone locked, return
for service ' messages which often happen after using free 'unlock codes' or after using bad
(free / cracked) Samsung unlock software. Messages such as 'User fault on illegal trial' or
damaged IMEI's (Check; *#06# - all zeros or ones) can only be repaired using SRSpro
accounts .
Difficulty rating: easy
Estimated time: 5 - 8 minutes
What you need:
Stable internet connection (min 128kb up and download)
Samsung unlock compatible data cable (see 'Preparation and gathering important
phone information')
SRS login with at least 3 credits (Get it at )
Recommended; Windows XP professional SP3 (IMPORTANT; 64 bit computers are
NOT supported)
What to do:
1. Uninstall 'Samsung PC studio' software and 'Microsoft Active Sync' from your
2. Disable Bluetooth on your phone; this is very important
3. Disable AUTO KEYPAD LOCK on your phone; also very important
4. Put the original working simcard inside the phone (if you don't have the original
simcard or your phone is in 'phone freeze' mode don't put any simcard in the phone)
5. Start the SRS client ('Start' -> 'Programs' -> 'Simlock Remote Client' -> 'SRS
Samsung Remote Unlock Client')
6. Login using your SRS username and password and select your model (at A and B )
7. Now in the white log screen at C you will see short instructions telling you that your
phone has to be 'ON' or 'OFF':
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At this moment turn your phone ON or OFF according to the instructions.
8. a. If your phone is ON and the instructions in the SRS software look like the first
picture in step 5 please install the Samsung 2G drivers
b. If the instructions in the SRS client say '3. Make sure the phone is ON and use
Serial or FTDI cable you need an FTDI USB cable and install FTDI drivers
c. If your phone is OFF you need an FTDI USB cable and install FTDI drivers
d. If you are going to use a Serial cable you don't need any drivers; connect the cable
to your computer and phone and you can proceed. (if you cable has a 9v battery connector
you will need to connect a 9v battery also)
9. After installing the correct drivers Hit the 'Rescan' button at D , the client should detect
your Samsung modem driver if the phone is ON .
An example for a phone that is turned ON (COM numbers can be different and more
or less detected ports!):
Rescanning Ports...
Detected COM3 - Status: Ready
Detected COM12 - Status: Ready
Samsung Modem Detected on COM12
If the phone is turned OFF you will only see something like (COM numbers can be
different and more or less detected ports!):
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Rescanning Ports...
Detected COM3 - Status: Ready
Detected COM12 - Status: Ready
It is not possible to detect FTDI drivers or serial cable. To check on which Comport
your FTDI driver is located see - How to check your drivers? - so you can set the
'Comport' at D manually or just try all available ports. If you are using a 'Serial cable'
the Comport number will likely be 1 or 2. You will also have to set this manually. You
can also try setting the Comport number to both 1 and 2 and try to unlock to see
which port works.
10. When the driver is properly installed and the Com port numbers are set correctly you
can Unlock and Repair:
Repair + unlock ALWAYS use the 'Read Unlock Codes' or 'Read E2P' option and
enter repair code and unlock codes manually on your phone as stated in the log
screen at C .
Unlock use any option you like
*'Reset user code' does NOT unlock your phone, it resets the so called 'user code' or
'security code' to 00000000 (8 times zero) and also costs 3 credits.
3. Unlock + repair your 3G Samsung mobile phone
When you have completed 'Preparation and gathering important phone information' and
determined that your phone model is a 3G model follow the following steps to unlock and
repair your Samsung model. Please only connect the cable to your computer and
phone when the manual states you should.
A note about 'repairing': a software solution can NEVER repair hardware damage. If your
phone has been damaged by water or dropping your phone on a hard surface we can not
help you. With repairing we mean that we can fix ' Phone freeze ' and ' Phone locked, return
for service ' messages which often happen after using free 'unlock codes' or after using bad
(free / cracked) Samsung unlock software. Messages such as 'User fault on illegal trial' or
damaged IMEI's (Check; *#06# - all zeros or ones) can only be repaired using SRSpro
accounts .
Difficulty rating: easy
Estimated time: 7 - 10 minutes
What you need:
Stable internet connection (min 128kb up and download)
NOTICE; You can NOT use 3G modem as internet connection (especially Huawei
modems) when unlocking / repairing a Samsung 3G phone
Samsung unlock compatible data cable (see 'Preparation and gathering important
phone information')
SRS login with at least 3 credits (Get it at )
Recommended; Windows XP professional SP3 (32 bit recommended; 64 bit computer
may cause problems)
What to do:
1. Uninstall 'Samsung PC studio' software and 'Microsoft Active Sync' and any 3G /
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