Ross Jeffries - Dc 2000 Seminar Notes.PDF

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DC 2000 Seminar Notes.PDF
Handed out at the June 2000
Washington DC
Advanced Speed Seduction TM Seminar
Ross Jeffries
(Copyright) 2000
All Rights Reserved
Accompanies Audio CD's and Video Course Published by
Straightforward Inc
11918 Millpond Court
Manassas VA 20112-3283
FAX 1-703-791-6522
(Please note that all notes and handouts are Copyright 2000, Ross Jeffries)
Advanced Speed Seduction Seminar: 9, 10, 11 June 2000
What the hell is this all about?
Ross's Super Rule For Success:
**Whatever you can get a person to IMAGINE is perceived by that person as being their own thought,
and therefore they do not resist it. Whatever you have to give a person reasons, facts or data for is
perceived by them as coming from outside themselves, and therefore usually will be resisted. Therefore,
to have the power to persuade in ANY area of life you must first ...
Speed Seduction is about altered states of consciousness:
A. Building the ideal altered states for you to operate out of!
B. Building new and exciting altered states for the chicks you desire!
What we are really teaching you to do is to create a framework of conversation that allows you to
induce very powerful emotional states in women, and link those states to you.
The Two Key Speed Seduction Formulas For Banging Babes Like CRAZY!
Formula Number One: For Pick-Ups/Initial Approaches and
Breaking A Woman's Resistance!
1. Break the woman's current state/fixed belief set.
2. Focus her attention on you.
3. Take control of her internal representations.
Formula Number Two: For Virtually ANY Situation!
1. Create the state
2. Bind/link it to you
3. Amplify
Basic Principles:
*Look for an opening -at first you might have to test different approaches to get a strong response.
Once you've got it, GO FOR IT!
*People are basically hypnosis machines. They know how to resist being given reasons and
data and info, but they AREN'T used to having the process and direction of their thoughts shaped and
directed, so they DON'T resist that.
*Don't worry about getting caught! You DON'T have to be subtle to make this work, as long as
they are laughing. They aren't laughing it off; they are laughing it IN! Some women actually respond
BETTER to a powerful, directing approach than a conversational, covert one. Experiment and see
which approach is getting a powerful response and back off if it isn't getting a response or is getting a
negative one.
*Every decision is constantly being remade and every decision is state dependent. If you
don't like the decision, change the state first.
*Time distortion is perhaps the most powerful tool you can use. If you don't want any
resistance or want to get past resistance you do encounter, take someone into a future where they are
looking back on already having given you what you want and already having enjoyed it immensely. How
can they resist what their mind things has already happened?
* However you can do it, create states of powerful emotional connection, before moving on
to sexual arousal, UNLESS you don't give a fuck about the girl, you can tell she's highly
sexual, or you already have established that kind of connection.
*Challenge is where the fun is; if it isn't easy, then at least make it fun!
*Use and combine patterns together; don't just use one. Flow hitting!
What skills you need to make this work
1. The ability to observe and see what response you are getting.
2. The flexibility to change to something else if you aren't getting the response you want.
3. The ability to be patient and learn from some trial and error.
4. The ability to move from one pattern to the next.
Exercise: Tonality control
1. State the vowels of the alphabet out loud in a normal tone.
2. Put your hand on your chest to make sure your chest resonates with the sound. Then say the vowels
in a sexy tone.
3. Pick a neutral word like “watermelon”. Say it out loud neutral tone. Then say it as if:
You were angry
You were curious
You were seductive and sexy
4. Pick charged words like “excitement” “love” “pleasure”
Say them with a neutral tone Say them with the tone that matches the words.
5. Pick any pattern from the work book and say it out loud in neutral tone as you read it. Then do it in
the PROPER tonality!
III. Building your own ideal state and self-image, good judgement and intuition
Group exercise led by Ross.
Note down here where you put: what used to be true but no longer is or what you wanted to be as a
kid but forgot all about.
Note down here where you put what you absolutely believe will happen, what you expect will happen:
Physiology integration: Group exercise led by Ross
Weasel Phrase Review:
Remember, weasel phrases are used to set up embedded commands and soften other processes. My
personal favorites are:
*If I were to say to you:
*How surprised would you be to:
*Have you ever:
*It's too bad you can't:
*Notice what it's like:
Time Distortion
Key time distortion phrases are:
After you ...
After we ...
Won't it be great after ...
Looking forward to ...
Imagine a time in the future
*Time distortion used in incredible connection patterns*
Scope Ambiguity
Scope ambiguity is a great way to put a person's mind on hold and set them up for a time distortion or
any other pattern for that matter. (ANY kind of ambiguity will create a blank in a person's mind that you
can then DIRECT them how to fill in!)
Scope ambiguity works because the person can't tell who the sentence refers to:
“Speaking to you as a person who loves to learn ... ”
“Speaking to you as a person who can loves to laugh ... ”
Example of scope ambiguity AND time distortion:
1. Make 'em laugh
2. Speaking to you as a person who loves to laugh, won't it be great AFTER we've had coffee and
laughed and felt really comfortable together? Then you can just look back on it all, smile and think
to yourself, “That was one of the best times I've ever had!” Thinking about it like that, doesn't just
make sense that we go?” ...
Other Types Of Ambiguity
Tonal Ambiguity: I find that when I feel really connected with someone, I BEGIN TO HAVE
Meaning ambiguity: Can you FEEL THAT?
Punctuation ambiguity: Isn't it great when you absolutely connect with someone? With me, I sure
enjoy that powerful experience
Phonetic ambiguity: You may think those thoughts are above me, but really I think they're blow me.
Gesture Review
Link positive states to you through your gestures. Don't make wide sweeping motions. Keep the motion
close to your body ... a gentle tap, a slide down or subtle indication. You aren't an NFL referee calling a
play or a deck officer on carrier signaling an airstrike!
Set-ups, Transitions, Bridges and other cool stuff:
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