
(19246 KB) Pobierz
VOL. 12
JUNE 2012
R-2800-31 engine
Flugzeugmaschinengewehr MG 17
Fokker D.VII 1/48
USS CVL-22 Independence 1/350
Grapevine 1/72
Rushes 1/72
PV-1 1/48
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VOL. 12
JUNE 2012
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6 Su-25K 1/48
7 Bf 109E-4 1/48
8 L-39C 1/72
9 Hellcat Mk.II 1/48
Seznam novinek, June 2012
Flugzeugmachinengewehr MG 17
Fokker D.VIII 1/48
Czech Air Show, Pardubice
July 2012
Issued by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.
Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21
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to the point of considering themselves almighty
must be tempered with solid social bravery and
determination, quality assessments of justice,
and supreme patience. It also applies that by
the time these types come to the end of their
journey, they can, and do, cause huge amounts
of often irreversible damage. Damaging and
evil mechanisms that are put in place by such
individuals can remain in tact long after their
originators have departed. That will always
be the way. Both of the above examples
show, however, that the ight against evil has
signiicance, and despite often situations of deep
hopelessness, must continue.
When the frontal approach fails, they fall back
on resistance in the anonymous safety of the
internet forum. It is a kind of customer guerilla
warfare. I really don’t see much wrong with that,
and I admit to having the same type of tactic
in me at times. For example, my coffee maker
has stopped working properly. Try as I may,
it only grinds what it feels like, not very well at
that, and does not properly brew my coffee
despite having its reservoir full of a ‘Fair Trade’
blend of Central American beans. I’ve taken the
bugger apart and cleaned it three times, and
no change. You have no idea of how badly I’d
like to pull out my virtual Stengun, and send
that bastard to meet its maker. For the money
I spent on it, it certainly could not be considered
unreasonable to expect it to work for more than
six months! In any case, I keep telling myself that
for a reputable manufacturer this is nothing bad,
because the strength of the internet guerilla
tactic lies in its use against manufacturers who
commit sins. Not that sometimes the truly innocent
won’t incur any wrath from time to time. That’s
to be expected in that type of warfare. The
manufacturer of my coffee processor and maker
has a very good reputation, but the worse
manufacturers should get it much worse, which
should apply across the board.
By the way, many modelers ask me if we will
ever release a Bf 109E edition with Heydrich’s
markings. Forgive me if I am repeating myself
here, but this would be an unacceptable
commemeration for us. An evil entity such as that
of Heydrich could only be ‘honored’ in a way
as to pay tribute to the brave men who rid
the world of him and his incredibly effective
‘managerial skills’ that imprisoned over a million
Seems like anniversaries are followed
by anniversaries, with tomorrow’s that
of ‘The Invasion’, and last week we celebrated
the 70th of the assassination of Reinhard
Heydrich. Intellectual tendencies, high intellect,
and excellent managing skills. An incredibly
capable man, and its easy to marvel at all he
was able to accomplish. In an analysis of his
accomplishments, one cannot, of course, avoid
using the word ‘BUT...’. He would not be lost in
today’s world, and would achieve celebrity
status. People of his managerial skills ill many
governing and corporate buildings, only the
times have changed, and such drastic methods as
those of seventy years ago are no longer used,
nor needed for that matter. Back then, there was
no other recourse in the attempt to get rid of such
a productive tyrant other than to toss the grenade
after the Stengun failed for whatever reason.
This is no longer the time of assassination, even
though many have not come to that conclusion
yet, and such measures as assassination, civil
disobedience, and revolution are a last resort.
Our civilization prescribes different methods
of proceeding, as can be witnessed for example
in the case of ex-governor Rath, which are also
effective. What is the common denominator in all
cases is that the temptation to shoot personalities
that are supremely narcissistic and self righteous
I took part in an radio interview. I am hoping
that my simple English skills were understandable.
I thoroughly prepared myself for the inevitable
question of my reaction to periodic negative
internet trafic, but as the world goes ‘round,
the question never came up, or I simply missed
it. In any case, I was a bit disappointed, because
it is something I have thought a lot about,
and, amazingly enough, it is something that
I formulated an opinion about. I was a bit sorry
over not expressing it to anyone, so I will at least
print it here, in our newsletter. In my opinion,
the sporadic negativism is often legitimate
and even positive input from customers to the
manufacturers. Often, manufacturers commit
such crimes of minor to major proportions such as
small wheels, larger cockpits, various dimensional
mistakes, lousy moldings, and ejector pin marks
that often ruin an otherwise nicely detailed part.
And then these pieces of crap are offered up
to customers for unreal sums of money. And
if the customer doesn’t like it, there is the usual
attempt to convince him (or her) that this is the
way it is, it is correct, and that it is ultimately
for the customer’s own good. And yes, we, here
at Eduard, have had similar tendencies. After all,
we are only people, too. Customers, though, are
not sheep, and they do try to protect themselves.
On June 6th, we will begin selling our Frog
themed Frogfoot, the ‘Su-25K in 1/48th Limited
Edition’, to put it in the oficial lingo of our
marketing department. This is an action that we
have never quite done before, and probably
never will again. We were able to secure,
and please don’t ask how, 230 kits of the ex-
KP 1/48th scale kit. We added resin, and
especially decals. To the original markings we
added two well known, if not outright famous,
and especially attractive options. One is the
Czech ‘Frogger’ marking, and one Slovak. With
respect to the Slovak machine, it is not entirely
clear what animal is actually depicted on the
aircraft. Most likely it is a buffalo or a wisent,
but commonly among people here, it is a bison.
I guess there can be plenty of argument over
whatever the differences are or aren’t, as the
case may be. We just basically have been
calling him ‘the bull’. In any case, it’s a very
cool rendition. Along with the kit, there is also
the inclusion of a tee shirt, of the ‘Frogger’,
from ‘Rezava Vrtule’ (the Rusty Propeller) irm.
The box will be white with no label, and also
included will be two stickers with the same
Info Eduard - June 2012
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design as on the shirt. What the modeler does
with the stickers is up to the individual. I would
assume one will be stuck on the box, and the
other on the fridge. Of course, take that as
a recommendation only, and not some kind
of law! As I said, there are only 230 of these
kits in existence, and I will be coniscating two
fo them, making only 228 available. The price
is not cheap, because it factors the exclusiveness
of the kit into itself. Sale of the kit will begin on
our website on June 6th at 19.00 CET, and will
continue til stocks are gone. That the kit will only
be available at goes without
on our 72nd scale Bf 110E. The plan is that
this kit will be our 72nd scale masterpiece,
with associated set releases to be made
simultaneously. So, along with the model, there
will be a release of a standard photoetched
set, an etched ladder, two Brassin sets covering
nose cannon and wheels, and decals offering
four additional marking options. It is hoped that
we will be able to offer you this model and
accessories through June. We will be using the
modeler-popular site Facebook. We recommend
to all interested, and especially to all staunch
conservatives, to monitor the progress of this kit
on Facebook, because it will be some kit! It this
not only applies to fans of 1/72nd scale. For
those who tend to gravitate to 48th, there are the
Lightnings. Admittedly not our own creation (all
in good time...) But a re-edition of the Academy
kit, but still a kit worthy of attention. I must
admit that I too was guilty of underestimating
this kit, but was gradually convinced as the kits
fell together with the addition of decals and
resin. The combination of now aged but still very
respectable plastic parts, ive attractive noseart
options on the decal sheet printed by non other
than Cartograf, a Brassin cockpit, wheels and
supercharchers (well...the visible parts, anyway),
photoetched brass, and beautiful boxart all come
together to produce what is, in my opinion, our
most noteworthy Limited Edition release to date.
The irst Lightning kit, ‘The P-38J Over Europe’,
will be produced in signiicantly more numbers
than the ‘Frogger’, but I will not be surprised
if all 1500 units are still here in a week, as has
often been the case with this line.
your attention to the ‘Built’ section that covers the
Fokker D.VII. It was built by a young lady named
Sylvia Koberger. The interesting story depicted
on the fuselage side represents a story of seven
dwarfs, depending on your translation. It’s
a relatively depressing story with a bad ending.
I would recommend it to anyone that subscribes
to the notion that the best is behind us, and it’s
all downhill from here. Optimists and realists
need not apply! I proudly consider myself to be
trained in classical literature, and so I understand
quite well Snow White and Sleeping Beauty with
their respective morals, but this story really is
a kick in the head. The pilot who had it so well
depicted on the side of his aircraft was either
blessed with exceptional intuitive vision or was
a manic depressant. One does not exclude
the other, and in keeping with actual historical
progression, both could be considered to be true.
The ‘Frogger’ is kind of the ‘icing on the
cake’ of our June offerings, that even without
it would have to be considered lively and
widely appealing. The main item to draw your
attention to is the 1/48th scale Bf 109E-4, one
of the best known 109 versions. The passion
surrounding the original release has subsided,
and now we can all look at the quality of the kit
for what it is. Noteworthy too are the collection
of Brassin kits offered this month, which include
two engine sets, a DB 601A/N made for the
aforementioned Emil, and a PW-2800-10 for
the P-61. Another set covers the MG 17 guns,
also for our Bf 109, which then represents an
unprecedented quantity of quality offered for
a kit of our own production. The fourth Brassin set
offers the fuselage mounted MG 131 machine
guns for the Fw 190 that are very attractive
if not downright adorable, if it is, in fact, possible
to say something like that about a machine gun.
We plan on paying a lot of attention to such
weapons in the future, and not just German ones,
either. Another BIG SIN is also being offered this
month, this time for the MiG-21MF of the later
series. It should be noted that all of the Brassin
sets are in 1/48th scale. Attention should also
be turned over to the photoetched sets offered,
which is dominated by four sets for the new
PV-1 Ventura from Revell. There are other little
morcels, too, which will appeal to AFV modelers
with four sets for the M-1151 EAC.
And to inish off, a note about decals. A while
back, we released several sheets that will be
recalled by those who are able to remember.
Decals are now, after some ifteen years, making
a comeback in our portfolio with the offer of two
new sheets. Contrary to the initial ones back
then, these are not only designed by us here, but
also are printed here. We feel that our decals,
along with all that we learned in printing them,
have something to offer. How well they compare
to the best out there will be a matter of personal
opinion, but they are quite easy to work with,
and are true to actual markings on actual
aircraft. Hopefully, that will be enough to make
them attention worthy.
All of this can be found in this month’s newsletter.
Although its quite full, I would also like to draw
Keep on Modeling!
Vladimir Sulc
The sets for the Ventura are relatively rapid
responses for a newly released kit by our
standards. We would like to mimic this trend with
other newly released kits. About a week ago, the
new 1/32nd scale Mitchell landed at our irm,
and the basis of the sets is being developed,
and these should be ready in August along with
sets for the new 48th scale Il-2 and 35th scale
Elefant (both from Tamiya). From this, it can be
deduced that August will be an eventful month.
So, that covers June and a bit of August,
so what about July? July tends to be a lean
month. People get a bit lazy, go on holidays,
and they do little and buy even less. I myself
have signed up for an intensive July course
to continue learning Japanese. I have several
personal reasons to that end, among them
an attempt to better understand the Japanese,
their soul, and their decision making mentalities.
I can’t understand why Tamiya is releasing the
Sturmovik. Maybe it’s only because I am not
a ‘Russomaniac’. We’ve got our own agenda
for June, and we are rather intensively working
Info Eduard - June 2012
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