C# Standard.doc

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C# Language Specification












C# Language Specification









Final draft – October 2002


Produced by ECMA TC39/TG2




Brief history


This International Standard is based on a submission from Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Microsoft, that describes a language called C#, which was developed within Microsoft. The principal inventors of this language were Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth, and Peter Golde. The first widely distributed implementation of C# was released by Microsoft in July 2000, as part of its .NET Framework initiative.

ECMA Technical Committee 39 (TC39) Task Group 2 (TG2) was formed in September 2000, to produce a standard for C#. Another Task Group, TG3, was also formed at that time to produce a standard for a library and execution environment called Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). (CLI is based on a subset of the .NET Framework.) Although Microsoft’s implementation of C# relies on CLI for library and runtime support, other implementations of C# need not, provided they support an alternate way of getting at the minimum CLI features required by this C# standard.

As the definition of C# evolved, the goals used in its design were as follows:

·         C# is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.

·         The language, and implementations thereof, should provide support for software engineering principles such as strong type checking, array bounds checking, detection of attempts to use uninitialized variables, and automatic garbage collection. Software robustness, durability, and programmer productivity are important.

·         The language is intended for use in developing software components suitable for deployment in distributed environments.

·         Source code portability is very important, as is programmer portability, especially for those programmers already familiar with C and C++.

·         Support for internationalization is very important.

·         C# is intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded systems, ranging from the very large that use sophisticated operating systems, down to the very small having dedicated functions.

·         Although C# applications are intended to be economical with regards to memory and processing power requirements, the language was not intended to compete directly on performance and size with C or assembly language.

The development of this standard started in November 2000.

It is expected there will be future revisions to this standard, primarily to add new functionality.


Table of Contents


Table of Contents

1. Scope              1

2. Conformance              3

3. References              5

4. Definitions              7

5. Notational conventions              9

6. Acronyms and abbreviations              11

7. General description              13

8. Language Overview              15

8.1 Getting started              15

8.2 Types              16

8.2.1 Predefined types              17

8.2.2 Conversions              19

8.2.3 Array types              20

8.2.4 Type system unification              21

8.3 Variables and parameters              22

8.4 Automatic memory management              25

8.5 Expressions              27

8.6 Statements              28

8.7 Classes              31

8.7.1 Constants              32

8.7.2 Fields              33

8.7.3 Methods              34

8.7.4 Properties              35

8.7.5 Events              36

8.7.6 Operators              37

8.7.7 Indexers              38

8.7.8 Instance constructors              39

8.7.9 Destructors              39

8.7.10 Static constructors              40

8.7.11 Inheritance              40

8.8 Structs              41

8.9 Interfaces              42

8.10 Delegates              43

8.11 Enums              44

8.12 Namespaces and assemblies              45

8.13 Versioning              46

8.14 Attributes              48

9. Lexical structure              51

9.1 Programs              51

9.2 Grammars              51

9.2.1 Lexical grammar              51

9.2.2 Syntactic grammar              51

9.3 Lexical analysis              52

9.3.1 Line terminators              52

9.3.2 Comments              53

9.3.3 White space              54

9.4 Tokens              54

9.4.1 Unicode escape sequences              54

9.4.2 Identifiers              55

9.4.3 Keywords              56

9.4.4 Literals              57

9.4.5 Operators and punctuators              62

9.5 Pre-processing directives              62

9.5.1 Conditional compilation symbols              63

9.5.2 Pre-processing expressions              63

9.5.3 Declaration directives              64

9.5.4 Conditional compilation directives              65

9.5.5 Diagnostic directives              67

9.5.6 Region control              67

9.5.7 Line directives              68

10. Basic concepts              69

10.1 Application startup              69

10.2 Application termination              69

10.3 Declarations              70

10.4 Members              72

10.4.1 Namespace members              72

10.4.2 Struct members              72

10.4.3 Enumeration members              73

10.4.4 Class members              73

10.4.5 Interface members              73

10.4.6 Array members              73

10.4.7 Delegate members              73

10.5 Member access              73

10.5.1 Declared accessibility              74

10.5.2 Accessibility domains              74

10.5.3 Protected access for instance members              77

10.5.4 Accessibility constraints              77

10.6 Signatures and overloading              78

10.7 Scopes              79

10.7.1 Name hiding              81

10.8 Namespace and type names              83

10.8.1 Fully qualified names              84

10.9 Automatic memory management              85

10.10 Execution order              87

11. Types              89

11.1 Value types              89

11.1.1 Default constructors              90

11.1.2 Struct types              90

11.1.3 Simple types              91

11.1.4 Integral types              91

11.1.5 Floating point types              92

11.1.6 The decimal type              94

11.1.7 The bool type              94

11.1.8 Enumeration types              94

11.2 Reference types              94

11.2.1 Class types              95

11.2.2 The object type              95

11.2.3 The string type              95

11.2.4 Interface types              96

11.2.5 Array types              96

11.2.6 Delegate types              96

11.3 Boxing and unboxing              96

11.3.1 Boxing conversions              96

11.3.2 Unboxing conversions              97


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