Landau - Digital Control Systems (Springer, 2006)(1).pdf
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Ioan D. Landau and Gianluca Zito
Digital Control
Design, Identification and Implementation
With 238 Figures
Ioan D. Landau, PhD
Gianluca Zito, PhD
Lab. d’Automatique de Grenoble (INPG/CNRS)
BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d’Heres
Series Editors
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Landau, Ioan D., 1938-
Digital control systems : design, identification and
implementation. - (Communications and control engineering)
1. Digital control systems 2. Digital control systems -
Design and construction
I. Title II.Zito, Gianluca
ISBN-10: 1846280559
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005931921
Communications and Control Engineering Series ISSN 0178-5354
ISBN-10: 1-84628-055-9
Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-055-9
© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006
MATLAB® is the registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-
2098, U.S.A.
Scilab is Copyright © 1989-2005. INRIA ENPC; Scilab is a trademark of INRIA:
Digital Control Systems
is a revised translation of
Commande des systèmes: conception, identification,
mise en oeuvre
(2-7462-0478-9) published by Hermes-Lavoisier, Paris, 2002
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Printed in Germany
Springer Science+Business Media
e-ISBN 1-84628-056-7
To Lina, Vlad, Carla, Maria Luisa, Francesco
Ce qui est simple est toujours faux
Ce qui ne l’est pas est inutilisable.
(Paul Valery)
The extraordinary development of digital computers (microprocessors,
microcontrollers) and their extensive use in control systems in all fields of
applications has brought about important changes in the design of control systems.
Their performance and their low cost make them suitable for use in control systems
of various kinds which demand far better capabilities and performances than those
provided by analog controllers.
However, in order really to take advantage of the capabilities of
microprocessors, it is not enough to reproduce the behavior of analog (PID)
controllers. One needs to implement specific and high-performance
model based
control techniques developed for computer-controlled systems (techniques that
have been extensively tested in practice). In this context identification of a plant
dynamic model
from data is a fundamental step in the design of the control system.
The book takes into account the fact that the association of books with software
and on-line material is radically changing the teaching methods of the control
discipline. Despite its interactive character, computer-aided control design software
requires the understanding of a number of concepts in order to be used efficiently.
The use of software for illustrating the various concepts and algorithms helps
understanding and rapidly gives a
of the various phenomena.
Complementary information and material for teaching and applications can be
found on the book website:
The Aim of the Book
The aim of this book is to give the necessary knowledge for the comprehension and
implementation of digital techniques for system identification and control design.
These techniques are applicable to various types of process. The book has been
written taking into account the needs of the designer and the user of such systems.
Theoretical developments that are not directly relevant to the design have been
omitted. The book also takes into account the availability of dedicated control
software. A number of useful routines have been developed and they can be freely
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