Wright - Getting Started in Bonds 2e [trading] (Wiley, 2003).pdf

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Second Edition
Sharon Saltzgiver Wright
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Getting Started in
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Copyright © 2003 by Sharon Saltzgiver Wright. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Wright, Sharon Saltzgiver, 1961–
Getting started in bonds / Sharon Saltzgiver Wright.—2nd ed.
p. cm.—(The getting started in series)
Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-27123-3 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Bonds. I. Title. II. Getting started in.
HG4651 . W75 2003
332.63 ' 23—dc21
Printed in the United States of America.
This book is dedicated to my partner,
my computer artist, my proofreader, my best friend,
my great enabler, and the love of my life,
who auspiciously all walk around in the same body
(my husband’s), Doug.
mention “bond investing”? They belong to the legions of unin-
formed whose ignorance is relegating them to the boat of missed
opportunity. The fact that you are reading this indicates you’re already
more savvy than the average investor. You’ve identified the fact that it is
absolutely essential to understand and invest in fixed income.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Bonds. Read on, and you’ll dis-
cover bonds are not narcoleptic; they are stimulating, dynamic investment
vehicles. Once you devour this book, you’ll be able to dazzle folks at your
next soiree with tantalizing tales of fixed income prowess.
“Aren’t you totally jazzed the Fed lowered rates? I had extended
out the curve and am long a bunch of zeros.”
“Did you see the T-bill’s dead cat bounce?”
“I just thought of a cool way to balance my mortgage-backeds’ nega-
tive convexity.”
The possibilities are limitless. Yes, Virginia, bonds do have sex ap-
peal. Although bonds have been known to intimidate and obfuscate,
don’t be discouraged by your lack of fixed income acumen. A number
of folks working in the finance industry don’t properly understand
bonds. All the more reason you need to understand these seemingly
elusive creatures yourself.
I believe the best way to learn a subject is to have fun while doing
so. It’s not productive if you fall asleep reading the first chapter. In this
book, there will be a number of chances to “get” a concept. There will
be analogies, real-life examples, and different approaches to help you
through the material. One of the reasons bonds have remained en-
shrouded in confusion is the jargon used when talking about them. To
simplify your learning process, investment terms will be set in bold and
defined in the margin where they first appear in the book and then col-
lected at the back of the book in a reference glossary.
The book is divided into four sections. Part One covers the types of
bonds you have to choose from. Part Two explains how you can identify a
good bond and covers some simple bond math. Part Three reveals factors
H ave you ever noticed how people’s eyes glaze over when you
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