Epics- texts, plots, summaries 2011.docx

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Licencjat 2011

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Literatura brytyjska


Table of content

1.              Sir Gawain and the Green Knight              5

Part 1 (lines 1–490)              5

Part 2 (lines 491–1125)              8

Part 3 (lines 1126–1997)              9

Part 4 (lines 1998–2531)              13

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              16

2.              “The Canterbury Tales”  Chaucer, G              19

A) The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue              19

B) The Wife of Bath’s Prologue              21

The Wife of Bath’s Prologue (continued)              23

The Wife of Bath’s Tale              25

C) The Miller’s Prologue and Tale              28

3.              “Paradise Lost” Milton, J.              31

Plot Overview              31

Analysis of Major Characters              34

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              37

Book I, lines 1–26              40

Book I, lines 27–722              42

4.              “The Faerie Queene” Spenser , E.              45

Summary              45

Book I, Cantos i & ii              46

Book I, Cantos iii, iv & v              48

Book I, Cantos vi, vii & viii              50

Book I, Cantos ix & x              52

Book I, Cantos xi & xii              54

5.              “Essay on Man” Pope , A.              56

6.              “The Rape of the Lock” Pope, A.              67

Canto 1              67

Analysis: Themes and Form              69

7.              “Tom Jones” Fielding, H.              70

Plot Overview              70

Character Analysis              72

Themes, Symbols, and Motifs              74

Book I              76

Book II              81

Book III              85

Book IV              90

Book V              95

Book VI              100

Book VII              104

Book VIII              108

Book IX              112

Book X              114

Book XI              117

Book XII              120

Book XIII              124

Book XIV              128

Book XV              131

Book XVI              135

Book XVII              138

Book XVIII              141

8.              “Pride and Prejudice” Austin, J.              146

Plot Overview              146

Analysis of Major Characters              148

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              150

Chapters 1–4              152

Chapters 5–8              155

Chapters 9–12              157

Chapters 13–17              159

Chapters 18–23              161

Chapters 24–26              163

Chapters 27–34              165

Chapters 35–42              168

Chapters 43–45              170

Chapters 46–49              172

Chapters 50–55              174

Chapters 56–61              176

9.              “Whuthering heights” Bronte, E.              178

Context              178

Plot Overview              179

Character List              182

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              185

Chapters I–V              188

Chapters VI–IX              192

Chapters X–XIV              195

Chapters XV–XX              199

Chapters XXI–XXVI              203

Chapters XXVII–XXX              206

10.              “Great Expectations”  Dickens, Ch.              209

Context              209

Plot Overview              211

Analysis of Major Characters              213

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              215

Chapters 1–3              219

Chapters 4–7              221

Chapters 8–10              223

Chapters 11–13              225

Chapters 14–16              227

Chapters 17–19              228

Chapters 20–26              231

Chapters 27–35              233

Chapters 36–37              236

Chapters 38–39              237

Chapters 40–46              239

Chapters 47–52              242

Chapters 53–56              244

Chapters 57–59              247

11.              “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” Hardy, T.              249

Context              249

Analysis of Major Characters              250

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              252

Phase the First: The Maiden, Chapters I–III              257

Chapters IV–VII              259

Chapters VIII–XI              261

Phase the Second: Maiden No More, Chapters XII–XV              263

Phase the Third: The Rally, Chapters XVI–XIX              265

Chapters XX–XXIV              267

Phase the Fourth: The Consequence, Chapters XXV–XXXI              269

Chapters XXXII–XXXIV              272

Phase the Fifth: The Woman Pays, Chapters XXXV–XXXIX              274

Chapters XL–XLIV              276

Phase the Sixth: The Convert, Chapters XLV–XLVIII              278

Chapters XLIX–LII              280

Phase the Seventh: The Fulfillment, Chapters LIII–LIX              283

12.              “Heart of Darkness” Condrad, J.              286

Context              286

Analysis of Major Characters              287

Themes, Motifs & Symbols              289

Part 1              292

Part 1 (continued)              294

Part 1 (continued)              296

Part 1 (continued)              298

Part 2              301

Part 2 (continued)              303


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