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November-December 2009
The Crocodile Games Webzine
From The Editor
Coming in December.
Character Multi-Packs
WGE-807 Camp Followers 4
(Spectators Pack) $14.95
WGE-808 Camp Followers 5
(The King of Memphis & Entourage)
Also Available through Retail Stores
and Distributors in December:
WGE 323 Mummy Archer Unit (10)
WGE 324 Asar Slinger Unit (10)
WGE 325 Heru Swordsmen Unit
WGE 326 To-Tanem Spearmen Unit
WGE 703 The Scarab Ogre $29.95
Greetings Croc fans!
Welcome to the second installment of
the Croc Tales webzine. Firstly, thanks
for all the positive support and feedback
we received for the irst issue. It was
great to hear and most encouraging!
Titans Run
We have an equally exciting issue for
you this month to coincide with the
much-anticipated release of the Titans.
In this issue you will ind the latest rule
set for playing your Titan warband,
making them ready for battle, whether
against the mighty forces of the
Spartans, the proud races of Aegyptus,
or the Wendigo Raiders of Hyperborea,
your Titan force will certainly make
a statement on the battleield (if not
a little dent!).
Christmas is almost here, and to make
it easier on our customers we have
now ixed the shipping rates on our
online store – small orders that it in a
padded envelope can now be shipped
internationally for $8, and $13 for
a small lat-rate box (about the size of
a VCR tape box... perfect for Warband
Starter Sets!)
Thinking of buying the WarGods of
Aegyptus rulebook this Christmas?
For yourself, a family member or
a friend, the rulebook ships anywhere
in the world for the lat rate of $13 in
the new lat rate envelope, and only
$5 anywhere in the USA. So why not
take advantage of these great deals on
shipping today? But hurry, the last day
of posting before Christmas is almost
here (December 21, for US addresses),
so get your order in early to be sure it
gets there in time.
You ain’t nuthin but a scarab!
Rollin’ all the time...
( Miniature Painted by Brenda Gosman)
Graphic Design
Brian S. Roe
Retail Information
If you are a retail store and would
like further information about our
products, please drop us an email
Ryan Markle
Deborah FitzPatrick
Des Hanley
John Wigley
Be sure to include your store’s loca-
tion and contact details, and we’ll get
in touch with news about our latest
offers, products and price listings.
Chris FitzPatrick
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
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Chris FitzPatrick
Before the dawn of time, there were the Titans. Monstrous
beings born of primal chaos, their power was unstoppable,
their malice immeasurable. For ages untold they ruled
the earth and the heavens, and all living things were their
slaves and their prey. Then came the gods, and they waged
a war against the Titans that nearly shattered the world. By
the gods’ cunning and trickery, the Titans were defeated,
imprisoned in dark Tartarus far beneath the earth. Smug
with the spoils of their victory, the gods retired to the
pillared halls of Mount Olympus, high amongst the clouds.
The Titans were born of the primal chaos of the newly-
formed cosmos, and their bodies are made of the same
stuff, held together only by the force of their hateful will.
When a Titan is killed, its body does not decompose like a
mortal thing born of nature, but quickly returns to the base
materials from which it sprang forth at the dawn of time –
some gradually dissolve into a puddle of bubbling slime,
while others ignite, the lesh and bone burning away until
only ashes remain.
For countless eons, the Titans tore and clawed at the
boundaries of their dark prison. Up through the cracks
in the earth, where the ires of creation still burned and
molten stone lowed and bubbled, up they crawled.
Of speech and learning, they care little; only the Masters
and the Overlords can form even the basic phrases of the
human tongue. It is just as well, for they have little to
say to mortal men, who they see as merely prey and the
target of their long-pent-up wrath. They use no tools or
weapons; indeed they have no need for these inventions
of men – swords are poor substitutes for the razor claws
of their mighty hands, bronze armor and shields are thin
and fragile when compared to their scaly hide. The Titans
scorn mankind for their weakness, their reliance upon these
crutches, and for their plentiful numbers, and the Titans
actively seek to hunt them down. Fueled by rage and
anger, a single Titan is a match for an entire phalanx of
warriors with their feeble spears and shields.
At last, the Titans have escaped.
Though only the smallest of their kind were able to make
their escape, even these tower over the greatest men and
monsters of the surface world. It is a disturbing reality
that the greatest of the Titans are still imprisoned beneath
the earth, their mountainous bulk far too massive to ever
escape their prison, but their futile struggles and tantrums
are still powerful enough to cause earthquakes and disasters
on the surface world of men. Many a great disaster has
been caused by the subterranean struggles of the greatest of
Titans, as they fought in futile rage against the vast dome
of rock and stone that is their prison.
The life of most Titans is a short and violent one. They
constantly ight amongst themselves, struggling for status
and dominance in their own group. The weak are killed
by strong, the small dominated by the larger. As Titans
age, they increase in size and strength. There is no known
limit to the size that Titans could potentially attain given
an unlimited time to grow and victims to devour. Only
the gods have witnessed the vast size attained by the
irstborn of Kronos, father of the Titans, who were defeated
and imprisoned beneath the earth. However, there are
vast valleys dividing the mountains of Hellas that bear a
familiar and frightening humanoid shape when viewed
from above, as if some titanic body was cast down from the
mountain’s highest peak to leave its form imprinted forever
on the ground – outlines of those cast down from the
immeasurable heights of Olympus by Zeus, the All-Father,
during the irst war against the Titans millennia ago.
History & Society
Huge and bipedal, the Titans are monsters cast roughly in
the shape of men, but with stark differences. Their skin has
a reptilian appearance, thick and leathery, and covered with
patches of armored scales and sharp horns. The smallest
stand over twice the height of the tallest man; the largest
known stand as high as the tallest tree. The bestial faces of
the Titans have the appearance of great, simian reptiles and
their eyes burn with an otherworldly power and ancient
cunning. The rest of their features are wild and varied,
a relection of their primordial origin, as if nature had not
yet decided upon their inal form: if they were to have two
arms or four, one eye or two, if they should have grasping
hands or writhing tentacles.
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
Ways of War
The Titans wage war in a primitive and primal way. The
smallest of their kind, the Slaves, rush into battle heedless
of the dangers of stones and arrows. At the front of the
warband, they lead the charge, seeking to close quickly
with their prey. The Titan Masters are more cunning and
hold back, recognizing the threat of their mortal foes and
the long bite of their missiles. They drive the Slaves before
them, using the slow-moving brutes as shields. When
confronted with a vast phalanx of spears, the Masters
are shrewd enough to use their formidable strength
to their advantage; their great claws scoop boulders
from the ground and uproot trees for use as improvised
missiles. It is a terrifying ordeal for the bravest of men
to withstand a deadly hail of wood and stone. Once the
enemy is suficiently softened, the Masters close for the
kill, exulting in the carnage of melee – stomping doomed
soldiers beneath their feet, swiping entire rows of hoplites
aside with their mighty tails, grasping men with their hands
and swallowing them whole. Only the massed spear wall
of the phalanx has any hope of holding back the monstrous
thundering roar causes fear in the bravest veteran; its blood
boils with the hot intensity of magma; its mighty blows
can topple towers and smash city walls. Though the most
intelligent of the Titans, the Overlord ights with a brutal
straightforwardness – it knows its greatest asset is its
strength, and it is not to be wasted toying with its enemy.
The Overlord seeks to quickly catch and devour its foe,
eager to taste the sweet power in his divine blood.
Monsters of all sorts are attracted to a Titan warband,
seeking it out and following for the carnage and carrion
they leave in their wake. Foul winged Harpies circle in the
skies above them them, like a black cloud of pestilent lies.
Fearsome Hydras and Chimerae are sometimes adopted by
the more ingenious of the Masters, acting as pet watchdogs
for a time – until hunting is poor and the hapless monsters
are eaten for a quick meal. Most disturbing of all are
the stories told of men who have, by dark magic or foul
perversion, lain with a Titaness and spawned half-breeds
of man and Titan. These beings are said to posses
awesome strength of the Titans and
intelligence of man; worse yet, their
h y b r i d
nature gives them insight into
p o t e n t
magic to rival the greatest
The Overlord looms above them all. It is the oldest and
most powerful of the Titan warband, and the rest follow
out of fear. The Overlord has a deep and abiding hunger
for the blood of the gods, however diluted by years and
distance, and they seek out any opposing Demigod to
make of him a meal. The Overlord has countless
diverse and unspeakable powers to draw upon: Its
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
The Titan Warband
This issue of Croc Tales is devoted solely to the Titans, a
preview of a new faction from the upcoming WarGods of
Olympus. The Titans are an unsusal warband for WarGods,
in that they are a warband comprised entirely of monsters.
As such, they lack many of the options that their ‘mortal’
enemies have to draw from: choice of weapons and armor,
high-speed chariots, Sorcerers, and so on. However,
the one thing they do have, in abundance, is power and
strength. The Titans are the biggest, baddest monsters of
the Antediluvian World, and that beneit alone should be
enough to make any other warband seriously reconsider
their options and head for home!
the nearest target, the missile unit is still required to use
Strategic Fire in order to target it.
Note: Multiple opponents may attack a colossal model
during the Provocation.
All units and characters must make a Discipline Test
against the Titan in order to engage it in melee combat.
Harbingers, Demigods, undead followers of the Eater of
the Dead, and magical constructions such as the Stone
Colossus are immune to this effect.
Hurl Rocks
If the Titan begins his Activation within 1” of a boulder,
battleield debris, building or rocky outcropping, it may
pick up a rock and use it as an improvised missile weapon.
The attack may be conducted as a Fire of Opportunity, or
the player may use
Special Powers
All Titan Masters and the Titan Overlord have the following
special abilities.
Titan Masters and Overlords are considered “Colossal”
creatures, because they tower above man-sized opponents.
A Colossal creature in melee combat with a man-sized
model can still be targeted by missile ire, because of
their difference in size. A Colossal creature can also
be targeted even if there is a man-sized unit in
the way that would normally block
line-of-sight. Man-sized models
are those that are mounted
on 20 or 25mm bases.
If the Colossal
model is not
the Fire Command Counter
without penalty. The rock has
a range
of 18”/12”/6” for a Titan
Overlord, and 12”/8”/4”
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
for a Titan Master. The rock has a Damage Modiier of
3 for the Overlord, 2 for Titan Master. The rock causes
Structural Damage against buildings.
or not, they will lose their Command Counter. The thrown
model has a range of 12”/8”/4”, and a Damage Modiier
of 3 if thrown by an Overlord, 2 for Titan Masters. The
thrown model is automatically hit from the throw, and must
make an Armor Save to avoid being wounded, at the same
Damage Modiier above. The target of the thrown model is
wounded only on a successful Missile Test from the Titan.
If the target is an enemy unit, only 1 model will be hit. If
the thrown model survives, the defending player places the
model next to the target unit on the side and facing of his
choosing. The model is not attached to the unit.
If the target is a unit, more than one model may be hit. Roll
a d10 and consult the table below to determine the number
of hits upon the unit:
1 model struck
2 models struck
3 models struck
4 models struck
Stomp Attack
Instead of his normal attacks, the Titan may substitute a
single Stomp attack. For Titan Masters, this attack is made
with a Damage Modiier of 3, and causes 2 wounds on a
successful hit. For Titan Overlords, this attack is made
with a Damage Modiier of 4, and causes 3 wounds on a
successful hit. The Stomp attack can only be made against
a man-sized model (20mm or 25mm base).
2. Bite
Clutching the hapless character in hand, the Titan lifts its
victim up to deliver a savage bite attack! If the grabbed
model has an unplayed Command Counter, it may make
a single melee attack upon the Titan before the bite is
resolved. This attack uses up one of the model’s # Attacks,
and if the model survives the bite he may use his remaining
attacks later during his own his Activation Phase. The
Titan’s Bite attack is conducted as a normal melee attack
but with Damage Modiier 3 for Titan Masters, 4 for the
Titan Overlord. If the Titan hits with a natural roll of a 10,
it has bitten the model’s head clean off! A model killed
in the manner cannot be recovered through Casualty Buy-
Back in Campaign Play.
A living Titan is a deadly foe, but even a defeated Titan is
a great danger to its enemies, as its massive body may fall
upon and crush the attackers. When the Titan is killed, a
d10 is rolled for each model in base-to-base contact with
the Titan. On a roll of 1-3, the model is under part of the
falling Titan. The model must roll a Movement Save to
attempt to dodge (roll the model’s base MV or less on a
d10). Any model hit by the falling Titan suffers a wound,
with no Armor Save allowed.
3. Crush
The Titan holds the character in its powerful grip,
attempting to crush its victim into a jelly! If the grabbed
model has an unplayed Command Counter, it may make
a single melee attack upon the Titan before the Crush
is resolved. This attack uses up one of the model’s
#Attacks, and if the model survives the crush he may use
his remaining attacks later during his own his Activation
Phase. The Crush attack is conducted as a normal melee
attack but with Damage Modiier 3 for Titan Masters, 4 for
the Titan Overlord. The crushed model does not receive
the beneit of a shield on its Armor Save.
Some special powers require the Titan to grab a model.
The Titan may attempt to pick up a man-sized (20 or
25mm base) independent character by making a successful
Melee Test against the model. The defender may make a
Move Save to attempt to dodge the Grab attack (rolling
equal to or less than their Character’s base Move Value.)
Characters that are attached to a unit or a chariot may not
be speciically grabbed – the defending player decides
which model in the unit or chariot is grabbed. Each Grab
attempt is considered one of the Titan’s attacks, and only
one successful Grab attack may be made each Turn. Once
a model has been successfully grabbed, place it standing on
the Titan’s base. The Titan may then select an action from
the three options below (each of these options uses one of
the Titan’s remaining attacks. Thus, a successful Grab and
Throw attack would use 2 of a Titan Master’s 3 attacks.)
Held Models
Models that have been successfully Grabbed by a Titan
are placed on the Titan’s base, signifying that they are held
in the Titan’s powerful grip. A Titan may hold only one
model at any one time. A held model may not cast spells,
but may use Harbinger powers as normal. While held, the
model may not move or make missile attacks, but may
make melee attacks against the Titan during the model’s
Activation Phase. All Tests made by a held model are
conducted at a penalty of -1. If the held model manages
to wound the Titan, it may let go, allowing the model a
chance to escape. For each wound caused, the held model
makes a Save against it’s own Move Rating, success means
the model has escaped. It is placed in base-to-base contact
with the forward ield of the Titan’s base. The Titan may
carry a model that it is holding by playing an Advance or
Fast Advance Command Counter as normal, but the model
may not be attacked during a Turn that the Titan moves.
1. Throw
The Titan may use the victim as an improvised missile
weapon, hurling the unfortunate character at an enemy
target. If the grabbed model has an unplayed Command
Counter, it may make an immediate single melee attack
upon the Titan before it is thrown. The target may only be
thrown at an enemy model. Whether the defender attacks
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
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