Black Reprisal.pdf

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All hopes were on the first elections in the old African colony.
They were to produce a long-awaited change which would place
power in the hands of the black majority. No one expected what
happened the day after the elections. The winning party
abolished the recent Constitution, suspended all civil rights and
declared a state of siege.
Decades of oppression and ethnic discrimination had led only to
a period of brutal reprisals… The white districts, which had
always been heavily protected, were attacked. Houses were
looted and any owners who had not had time to flee were
The international community responded in its customary
manner, by ignoring the situation. The poverty-stricken country
was left with no legal mechanisms to control its own citizens,
who invented their own justice.
The People’s Tribunals, with authority to try the white minority
only, sentenced people to one of two possible punishments:
execution, or hard labour for life. This is the story of a prison that
the new regime set up for the thousands of white prisoners. It
was a very special prison. It was only for white women.
Just like in the good old colonial days...
All rights reserved. Published by d’O Fantasy Apartado 107 08197 Valldoreix Spain
All reproduction of text or illustrations, partial or total, by whatever means, forbidden without the
express written permission of the publisher. All the stories in this collection are fictitious and are
intended for the fantasy of adults only. All characters are fictitious and 18 years old or older.
w elcome h ome, y ou big t itty s luts!!
move your a sses t hat w ay!!
b e quick, y ou b ig
t itty b itches!
t ake these and
go down there.
w hat are t hey for?
w e believe in personal
hygiene here. ha! ha! ha!
a nd take all your
c lothes off…
s tay r ight w here y ou are...
p hew! you r eally do smell like b itches!
i ’ll s oon t ake
c are of t hat…
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i s i t cold, you c ock s uckers?
i don’t think this redhead
is clean enough!!!
c ’mon bitch, show me
your red bum-thatch
m ama’s gonna
clean you in there
y eah... white skins are
always mucky ha! ha! ha!
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