Santa na prodazhu. 2010. D. DVDRip.txt

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{242}{317}TWENTY-FOUR DAYS before Christmas
{685}{760}This, is what's been worrying me.
{781}{857}Turning sample number 76 from 1300 foot.
{898}{973}We finally found something else|than just plain rocks and dirt.
{1020}{1095}Have a look for yourself, sir.
{1335}{1410}Sawdust.. Hmm.
{1426}{1501}At first I thought we drilled into|some old tree or something.
{1520}{1559}But, no.
{1572}{1647}This level of sawdust is 65 foot thick.
{1720}{1795}It doesn't add up, it doesn't make sense.
{1807}{1882}It does.
{1893}{1968}In the olden days people used to|store ice by encasing it in sawdust.
{2100}{2165}Yea, but what do you mean,|what are you trying to say.
{2168}{2238}This mountain, it's like a giant icebox.
{2253}{2289}For storing, what?
{2316}{2391}- Drill deeper and you will see.|- Well, I am..
{2408}{2456}They're drilling as we speak
{2709}{2784}- Make sure everyone has one of these.|- What are these?
{2812}{2874}It's the new safety instructions.
{2877}{2922}Wash behind the ears.
{2925}{2978}This is funny shit!
{2981}{3033}Watch your mouth!
{3036}{3099}It's Christmas time.
{3102}{3165}So, let's act like it.
{3191}{3266}KORVATUNTURI mountain drill site
{3326}{3392}Hey, someone's coming.
{3395}{3470}Mr. Green, I think we found something.
{3640}{3705}Sample number 98.
{3708}{3783}I think you were right.
{4148}{4223}Always believe, always.
{4726}{4801}Gentlemen, listen up.
{4814}{4890}My dream, since my early childhood
{4894}{4963}Is about.. to come true.
{5228}{5303}I can proudly say,
{5339}{5414}That we are standing on the sacred grave..
{5444}{5519}Biggest burial mound in the world.
{5579}{5628}Something's been buried here.
{5631}{5706}This remarkable place puts|even the pyramids to shame.
{5754}{5829}It took the Saami-People of Lapland|centuries to build this mound,
{5941}{6016}You have 24 days to open it.
{6056}{6131}Roll up the sleeves, prepare the dynamite,|do what you do best!
{6201}{6270}They're going to blow up this mountain.
{6273}{6347}We have a grave to rob.
{6565}{6640}Juuso! Wait!
{6721}{6796}Santa's been buried.
{7085}{7153}Juuso! Is Santa Claus dead?
{7156}{7231}Idiot, you still believe in Santa Claus?
{7235}{7322}You're such a little kid. Come on already.
{7353}{7428}- So they've lied to us this whole time.|- At least to you.
{7439}{7483}What Santa came to our home then?
{7486}{7561}Piiparinen, haven't you realized that?
{7577}{7651}Piiparinen? Do you think Dad knows?
{7654}{7710}Your dad pays him for it.
{7713}{7766}Don't you understand, kid?
{7769}{7844}The whole Santa business is a fraud.
{8654}{8729}The Truth About Santa Claus.
{8764}{8839}First Santa Claus.
{9006}{9082}Have you been naughty?
{9355}{9430}Santa walks barefoot in the snow.
{10082}{10157}Santa making Christmas-Stew.
{10892}{10967}1 day before Christmas
{13205}{13280}Wake up! Wake up, son!
{13712}{13787}Pietari! Are you awake?
{13834}{13938}- Yea, yea.|- Then get up, and get cleaned up!
{14102}{14177}Bad Vuppe. You were supposed to keep watch.
{15327}{15397}Come here, Dad!
{15408}{15483}Come inside if you have something to say.
{15501}{15550}I don't want to.
{15565}{15635}Then go back in the house.|I don't want you outside alone.
{15639}{15709}For real! I've got something|important to tell you.
{15717}{15792}For real. Wolves are going to eat you,
{15826}{15901}And I'm not kidding, you hear?
{16069}{16141}Dad, I'm coming.
{16144}{16219}Close your eyes, little man.|Your dad's working.
{16453}{16528}- You shouldn?t have turned off the lights.|- Who's going to be looking at them at night?
{16610}{16682}- Were you on the roof?|- Wha?
{16685}{16753}Under my window?
{16761}{16836}Pietari, I'm too busy|to answer stupid questions.
{16948}{17023}- Were you, or not?|- No, I was not there.
{17045}{17102}Perhaps the chimney sweep?
{17105}{17163}Go get dressed, chop chop.
{17171}{17218}- We've got to go.|- Where?
{17221}{17283}Don't you remember what day it is?
{17286}{17361}Oh, right, it's reindeer round up day.|Am I going too?
{17369}{17444}I'd think you were already dressed.
{17846}{17921}He's spying on us.
{18879}{18945}This is yours now.
{18948}{18989}Is it loaded?
{18992}{19063}Of course, it's not much use unloaded.
{19066}{19140}And take off those glasses.
{19144}{19264}Got a light?
{19289}{19321}Where is your father?
{19324}{19366}They had to take the snowmobiles,
{19369}{19410}Piiparinen couldn't get the chopper started.
{19413}{19448}Everybody off the fence!
{19451}{19525}Three, two, one!
{19774}{19840}Can you even use that thing, squirt?
{19843}{19889}Of course.
{19892}{19967}- Are you going to shoot Santa Claus?|- He was outside my window yesterday
{20017}{20092}I thought you said he's dead.|Try to make up your mind.
{20117}{20192}- Doing some electrical work?|- You like my handiwork?
{20203}{20265}Got to try something,|there's predators about.
{20292}{20350}The explosions are driving them crazy.
{20353}{20412}I wonder what they are looking for.
{20415}{20490}Some kind of research.
{20502}{20577}Hey, Check it out.
{20664}{20739}They're coming.
{20769}{20844}Dad! Dad!
{20849}{20924}They're coming!
{20929}{21004}Our refrigerators|will soon be filled with meat.
{21067}{21142}Open the gate.|Get out from under foot.
{21276}{21324}Come! Come in, what are you doing there.
{21537}{21602}- Two skinny little runts|- Something's wrong
{21652}{21727}Maybe the others have just lost their way?
{21897}{21972}No, they haven't.
{23043}{23118}Merry Christmas to you.
{23240}{23270}- You say here.|- Me too?
{23273}{23326}Look after Pietari.
{24145}{24220}What kind of a wolf makes a mess like this?
{24228}{24303}A big and fucking nasty one. Look at this.
{24348}{24423}All because of those idiots|and their explosions.
{24453}{24528}Now we've got Russian wolves here too.
{24543}{24605}They found the hole.
{24608}{24683}Rauno, it's been cut with forceps.
{24733}{24790}It's our fault.
{24793}{24855}Not a word to your father,|or I'll kick your ass!
{24858}{24933}We never went anywhere near that fence,|remember that.
{25098}{25166}- They deserve to be shot.|- They're probably gone already.
{25169}{25238}They are already gone.|The last few days were very quiet.
{25285}{25360}Fuck, if it wasn't for the border,|I'd kick all their asses.
{25490}{25553}You've got insurance, right?
{25556}{25693}No, we don't fucking have insurance.
{25695}{25831}Four hundred and thirty three carcasses.
{25834}{25907}Aimo, how much will it cost?
{25948}{26023}About 85 thousand.
{26060}{26135}Plus VAT, twenty two percent.
{26318}{26394}There's our money, rotting away.
{26634}{26709}He was very hungry.
{26729}{26804}So, what do we do now?
{26814}{26889}Let's go talk to them.
{26974}{27037}I hear they've paid off the border patrol,
{27040}{27102}To shoot trespassers on sight.
{27105}{27164}Crossing the border is a big deal.
{27167}{27225}Bankruptcy is also no small thing.
{27228}{27302}Pietari, come on!
{28090}{28165}This is a shitty idea!
{29038}{29113}They left in a hurry.|Fuck!
{29521}{29596}Come see this!
{30069}{30144}Enlarged area
{30186}{30261}They found him Vuppe.
{30302}{30377}Seismic research, bullshit.|They've been digging for something.
{30516}{30591}What the hell did they find?
{31049}{31124}That's the end of that.
{31963}{32038}What are you doing?|Aren't you going to open it?
{32233}{32308}- Tape these to your butt|- Are you serious?
{32445}{32496}Do I look like I am?
{32519}{32581}You look, like you're wearing diapers.
{32584}{32640}So this is why you called me here?
{32690}{32765}Look at these.
{32961}{33057}The real Santa was a bit different,|the Coca Cola Santa is a fraud.
{33120}{33176}These are from a story book.
{33179}{33253}This one isn't.
{33305}{33380}- What is this?|- Evidence that some stories are real.
{33399}{33439}And what should I be seeing here?
{33443}{33492}The real Santa..
{33495}{33577}.. Who whips naughty children to death.|Their blood spraying all over..
{33581}{33644}.. Until there's nothing left of them,|not even the bones.
{33685}{33760}But how did he end up there?
{33780}{33818}A long time ago,|the Saami-People were angry at him,
{33821}{33895}They lured him onto a frozen lake.
{33923}{33995}When Santa came, the ice broke under him.
{33998}{34080}Santa fell in and the lake froze completely|trapping him.
{34095}{34170}When summer came,|they pulled up a huge ice block,
{34203}{34329}They then buried it under|several hundred meters of dirt and stones.
{34335}{34410}- And that became known as Korvatunturi.|- Yep.
{34492}{34567}You're such a tool!
{34646}{34746}- When was the last time you got spanked?|- Dunno. When I was little.
{34756}{34831}Should we tell them?
{34955}{35030}Listen, kiddo, do you have any idea|what your dad's going to do..
{35046}{35121}When he hears those reindeer died|because of you?
{35811}{35886}- Are you making gingerbread?|- Are you hungry?
{36714}{36789}- Did you play hockey?|- No, just playing make-believe.
{36911}{36986}Must be a rough game.
{37141}{37230}These are really good,|just like mother used to make them.
{37310}{37385}Glad to hear that.
{37712}{37784}What if I didn't exist?
{37798}{37867}What do you mean?
{37877}{37945}If I had disappeared.
{37976}{38077}You should disappear... into your bed.|It's already very late.
{38422}{38501}Dad, do you think I've been nice?
{38512}{38612}Nice boys are already in bed at this hour.
{39034}{39095}Merry Christmas, Dad.
{39098}{39173}Merry Christmas, Pietari.
{40500}{40572}- This is Subzero one.|- Finally!
{40575}{40636}- I've tried contacting you a thousand times! Where are you?...
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