William Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (1991).pdf

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Milton William Cooper
And I looked,
and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat upon him was Death,
and Hell followed with him.
And power was given unto them
over the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword,
and with hunger,
and with the beasts
of the earth.
The Holy Bible
The Book of Revelation
Chapter 6
Verse 8
The ideas and conclusions expressed in this work are mine
alone. It is possible that one or more conclusions may be wrong.
The purpose of this book is to convince you (the reader) that
something is terribly wrong. It is my hope that this work will
inspire you to begin an earnest search for the truth. Your con-
clusions may be different but together maybe we can build a
better world.
truth can
be used as
a foundation for
a mountain of lies,
and if we dig down deep
enough in the mountain of lies,
and bring out that truth, to set it
on top of the mountain of lies; the entire
mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of
that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a
structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which
the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of
the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to
reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to
follow, awakening even those
people who had no
desire to be
to the
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