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South of the Border
Laura Baumbach
South of the Border
Laura Baumbach
South of the Border
Laura Baumbach
An Electronic Publication from Forbidden Publications in arrangement with author,
Laura Baumbach.
Copyright ¨ 2006 by Laura Baumbach.
Cover Art and Design by Marianne LaCroix, Copyright ¨ 2006.
Edited by Luci Calanor
Forbidden Publications
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any
form or by any means, without permission from both the author and publisher. All
characters, incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and
any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
South of the Border
Laura Baumbach
Gabriel eased down into the large hot tub, letting his sore body adjust to the
sizzling heat. He inhaled and the scented steam rose up, invading his nostrils and his
mind. The heavy tropical fragrance called up recent memories of late nights on sandy
beaches surrounded by exotic Mexican flowers and pounding surf. The sand wasn't the
only thing getting a pounding the last three nights.
He wiggled his butt on the hard wooden seat and awakened the dull throb that
resulted in those memories. Sighing at the satisfied feeling the ache gave him, Gabriel
relaxed and leaned back against the tub's sides. His eyes were closed and he let his
arms float just under the water's surface. Scooting his butt forward, he splayed his legs
and let the soothing heat reach every submerged body part. He flexed his legs slightly,
enjoying the gentle tug and pull of the swirling, fluid warmth over his open groin.
Unfazed by displaying his nude body as only the blind can be, Gabriel had shed
his clothes in the adjoining bedroom. He then walked through the hotel suite, and out
to the private courtyard and the waiting tub completely naked. He was fairly certain all
the company had left. Besides, if anyone close enough to him to remain behind after the
party ended was still around, they knew better than to approach him unannounced.
His clothing was in the bedroom, but a handgun was never far from his reach.
The San Francisco Police Department could make him retire after his blinding
two years ago, but they couldn't take away ten years of undercover training, a finely
honed sense of self-preservation and a ton of bad habits. Twelve years on the force had
earned him a whole lot of enemies that weren't going to go away just because he
couldn't see them anymore.
The bag of pure cocaine that exploded in his face during his last case left Gabriel
Sandalini terribly vulnerable. It took away his sight and his independence, for good.
But it also gave him two things -- a renewed sense of what he wanted from life and
someone special to share it with.
South of the Border
Laura Baumbach
The soft sound of cloth rustling captured Gabriel's attention and he smiled as the
water rolled and swayed with the addition of another body, a large body by the rise in
the water level and the force of the waves. He stayed perfectly still and let the new
arrival come to him.
A large, warm mass of firm muscle and sinewy flesh flowed in between his legs
and lodged itself tightly against his sprawled lower half. He identified the familiar
scent of sweat and coconut oil milliseconds before two callused hands slid up his arms,
over his shoulders and around his neck. Once there, strong fingers kneaded and rubbed
the tightly knotted muscles at the base of his skull.
"Mmm. God, Tony that feels great." Gabriel sighed and melted into the greedy
fingertips. "Oh, Christ, that hurts!" He rolled his head and let his chin length black hair
fall down over his face. "I know tonight was an important 'meet and greet' for the
hotel's expansion investments." He groaned and shifted his groin out closer to
Antonio's. "And I'm all for people pumping their money into our little hotel here --
God, yeah, right there." Arching his neck until it cracked, he let his head loll back to rest
on the edge of the tub. "But I'd rather we spent the evening doing a different kind of
pumping." He pushed his hips firmly against the other man's growing erection and
wiggled his ass to encourage the swell.
"You have to concentrate too much when there is a room full of people." The
fingertips moved to caress Gabriel's high cheekbones, then strayed down to stroke
gently at his lips. "It tires you." The low, rich tones of Antonio's Spanish accent rolled
off his cultured tongue like honey.
Just the sound of the Spaniard's voice made Gabriel's cock swell and his spine
tingle, like it had the first time heÔd heard it two years ago.
"I'm not that tired." Gabriel wrapped his legs around Antonio's nude body and
hissed at the pleasurable sensation of the hot water swirling around their touching
cocks. "Don't think I've ever been that tired." He mumbled the words into Antonio's
mouth before darting his tongue down the man's throat.
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