2001.03_Intro to the Linuxuser Section.pdf

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085fagIntro.qxd 02.02.2001 16:44 Uhr Seite 85
Welcome to the LinuxUser
section of Linux Magazine.
The LinuxUser pages, as well as containing articles
for beginners, also serve as an invaluable source of
information about the latest Linux software.
Ever wondered about hard disk space usage and
who’s wasting the lion’s share of those precious
gigabytes? df and du are command line tools giving
you some hints. However, you don’t need to touch
them if you prefer GUI tools. Dr. Linux gives an
introduction to both of them.
Feel like playing a different game? Mindrover lets
you construct robots and train them. Then you can let
them fight it out with someone else’s Mindrover bots.
Gnomogram and Korner give you (as usual) the
latest news on GNOME and KDE, the latter gives an
in-depth introduction to KDE’s printing tool klpq . If
desktop environments aren’t exactly what you
want, check out Desktopia: Here we look at plain X
– OK, window managers are allowed. This issue pre-
sents a nice tool called xnodecor .
Crontabs, or cron tables, can be used for daily,
weekly, or otherwise repetitive, tasks. Don’t do
them manually, let your computer handle them
automatically. We’ve also got some interesting facts
on the MP3 format and available players.
Naturally we’ve not forgotten about the command
line. Read some introductory words on command lines
and have a look at the famous screen tool, which
allows you to leave a terminal session and reconnect to
it from another machine. If you want to see some
more, proceed to Programming Corner to find out
what the shell knows about string manipulation.
Enjoy the LinuxUser pages,
This is where you should start in the
world of the free.
86 Dr. Linux
Dr. Linux prescribes the remedies to
make your system healthy and fit for
90 Desktopia
How to make your screen look better.
We show you two utilities to improve
your looks.
92 Gnomogram
The latest news in the Gnome world.
Find out what’s happening to your
favourite desktop.
94 Programmers’ Corner
Following on from last month. We
continue to explain variables and
how to call them.
98 Ksplitter
News from the land of K. How to use
aRts for your sounds
100 Ktools
How to spool that data and prioritize
your jobs.
101 Take Command
Improve the functionality of your
terminal applications using a tool
called screen.
104 MP3 players
Want to play but don?t know which
to play with. We explain all.
108 Cron job Tables
Easy to use tools to save you time.
114 MindRover
Virtual Robot Wars.
Hans-Georg Esser
6 · 2001 LINUX MAGAZINE 85
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