2003.11_Choosing a Future.pdf

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Choosing a future
Dear Linux Magazine Reader,
We pride ourselves on the origins
of our publication, which come
from the early days of the Linux
Our sister publication in Germany,
founded in 1994, was the first
Linux magazine in Europe. Since
then, our network and expertise
has grown and expanded with the
Linux community around the
As a reader of Linux Magazine,
you are joining an information
network that is dedicated to
distributing knowledge and
technical expertise. We’re not
simply reporting on the Linux
and Open Source movement,
we’re part of it.
Linux is changing.
It is hard to judge
the speed of change
without constantly
upgrading, re-eval-
uating and testing
both the operating
system, application
and the utilities that together make it
such a wonderful usable system.
I was lucky enough to spend the week-
end playing with an older machine that I
had installed Linux on, more years ago
than is polite to mention. Just as quickly
as the hardware has changed over time,
so has the software. The underlying core
remained the same. I could still connect
the machine to a network and all the
basic tools were available. Graphically
the computer has fallen behind the most.
Although I like to think I favor the
command line for most things, using this
machine brought home just how much I
now use a graphical front-end for some
tasks. Going back to the old FVWM
showed both the advantages and per-
haps some disadvantages that we have
advanced to over the years. KDE and
Gnome are wonderful desktop environ-
ments that handle everything I currently
wish for. The downside of these is that
they tend to hog machine resources.
Even something small and quick such as
Fluxbox has a lot of eye-candy compared
to the older systems.
FVWM appeared clunky and from a
time long ago. Looking back at my notes
for the old machine that I had left
myself, I had referred to the improve-
ments that FVWM had compared to the
previous TWM. Where were all my little
tools and shortcuts? Still I had to get on
with the job and rescue some long lost,
but still needed data.
Time passed, and using both the Win-
dow Manager and the command line I
finally resurrected the necessary infor-
mation. My mind slowly remembered
how to use the system. Shortcuts slowly
resurfaced through familiarization. Once
finished, I realized that the system did
not have all the bells and whistles that
the modern Window Managers have.
However, everything went fine and I
probably spent more time actually work-
ing on the task in hand.
I like having the bells and whistles.
They are a nice comfort but I intend to
try to use less of them and concentrate
on using the quickest way to do what-
ever task I need to do in future..
With all the new features, we are in
danger of creeping featuritis. This mod-
ern disease attacks all software to some
extent. Star Office has over 80 different
highlighting colors. I know this may be
down to compatability, but who really
uses all of these?
One of the joys of Linux is the freedom
it brings. We are not forced to use one
operating system. We can move around
distributions and enjoy the benefit each
brings. Fixing on just one distribution
means no freedom of choice. Source
code may be free and open, but without
competition, the market would be no
better than any other.
We may say to one another socially
that our particular current distribution is
better than XYZ brand, but we can all
monitor and learn from the others. I am
fortunate to run so many different
distributions and although some have
advantages it is wonderful to compare.
Go East!
We are proud to announce the launch
of a new sister-publication, Linux
Magazin Romania . The Romanian-
language version started with the
September issue and is a reaction to
the very high level of interest that
Linux and Open Source enjoy in East-
ern Europe.
We wish our colleagues great suc-
cess in helping Linux become the
standard OS in Romania!
For those of you who read Roman-
ian, or just for fun, have a look at:
www.linux-magazin.ro .
Onward for a diverse future,
John Southern
www.linux-magazine.com November 2003
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