2002.06_Lawrence Manning from Smoothwall.pdf

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18 Interview
Lawrence Manning
Linux Magazine
caught up with
Manning, the
Director and Chief
Architect behind
the SmoothWall
Firewall project. In
the past Lawrence
has contributed
bug reports and
the occasional fix
to various Open
Source projects,
including the Linux
Linux Magazine – How did the SmoothWall project
first start?
Lawrence Manning – Around February of 2000 I
met Richard Morrell through a local Linux User
Group. I helped Richard set up a server on his home
network, for file and print sharing. A few months
later Richard told me he had been hacked and was
looking at various firewall solutions for his dial-up
account. He had looked at a few (LRP etc.) but was
not happy with any of them, mostly because they
were a pain to set up. So I told him that I would
happily set him up a Red Hat box with a couple of
CGI scripts to dial and hang up his modem, and it
would do basic masquerading. It was VERY basic –
just a couple of CGIs written in bash on top of a Red
Hat box. Richard was quite impressed, especially with
how quickly I got it working.
After that, we together had the idea to turn this
into something you could install on a stand-alone
box. We also went to our LUG and asked for their
thoughts on this idea of ours. Mostly they had ideas
we didn’t want to consider at all, like running it off
By July I had a basic Web interface for setting up
PPP settings. This was still running on my desktop
machine though; there was no installer or anything.
The next stage was to take a Linux distro and strip it
down to its smallest size, though still with enough
services and libraries for our code. By pure chance my
Red Hat 6.2 CD-ROM had become damaged, so I
hunted around for an alternative. Richard, who
worked for them at the time, had given me a copy of
VA Linux 6.2, so I used that; it’s basically Red Hat
with a few improvements anyway. I stripped it down
to about 50Mb of “essentials”.
The next stage was to work on an installer. I
looked at a few options: ncurses , a graphical one, or
just a pure text-based installer with no fancy menus.
A graphical one was out of my range entirely, and
ncurses was interesting, but it seemed to take a lot of
code just to do simple things. So I went for libnewt ,
the API used by the Red Hat text-based installer. This
library has served us well over the years. I should say
that although it LOOKS similar, there is no common
code between the SmoothWall installer and Red
There were still problems to solve, like how to fit it
all onto a floppy disk. The only interesting thing to
say about this time is that the network installer was
added because it was the only way I could do installs
at the time; I didn’t have a CD burner. Even up to the
first release of 0.9 (early September) CD installation
was untested. In fact it was broken in the first
release, so we did a release of 0.9.1 a few days later,
which fixed the problem.
So, by mid-September we had a SourceForge
project registered and we had mailing lists on
SourceForge, etc. We also had a small team of
testers. Things plodded along quite slowly, until
Richard had the project registered on Freshmeat. I
remember well: Richard phoned me up the next day
and asked me to guess the number of overnight
downloads. It was about 50 and that was amazing
for just one night! So that’s the early history of
SmoothWall, up till around October 2000.
Linux Magazine – What dictated the early
Lawrence Manning – With regard to programming,
common sense is the best answer I can give. The best
way to explain this is to give some examples.
I used libnewt because it was a very fast library to
develop in. If you wanted an error dialog to appear,
the code was already written so it was a single
function call. Every dialog I needed at the time was
already written so libnewt was easily the best tool for
the job.
We originally chose, and have stuck to, Apache for
obvious reasons. It’s reasonably fast, obviously very
secure and tested, and it was also fairly well known
by us. That’s another thing that cropped up again
and again: where there are two options, I tended to
choose the one I knew best, even if I thought it had
some shortcomings.
Likewise, the CGIs were written in Perl. While this
is an obvious choice, the reason I chose to use it was
that I had done some Perl at University and it seemed
like the best language to use. I don’t especially like
programming Perl (I am more at home with C) but it
Issue 21 • 2002
has proven to be a pretty good choice over the years.
Some of the old code was really bad though! I am
still learning the language, to be honest.
Linux Magazine – How did the team come
Lawrence Manning – Through the mailing lists, and
on IRC. Oftentimes, someone from the outside would
have a really good idea and we would see that and
“invite” them in. Neuro (William Anderson) came
with us with proposals for jazzing up the (then) really
dull interface with some nice graphics. Richard and
myself, to an extent, were really hostile to this but we
saw he had huge talent in graphical work, so
eventually he became part of the team.
Similar stories can apply to various others. The
team is split quite neatly into two groups, a core
group, and an outside group. The simplest way to
explain this is to say that the core group put the
hours in and are dedicated to the project, so we can
all depend on each other when things need to be
done, especially with regard to security patches and
the like.
Linux Magazine – How are suggestions dealt with?
Lawrence Manning – We evaluate them and work
out if it meets our criteria. Is it where we want
SmoothWall to go? Does it introduce any
vulnerabilities – potential or otherwise? How long
would it take to implement it?
One thing that pretty much sums it up is: just
because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should be.
We still get people wanting us to put Sendmail or
Samba on, something we dismissed at day one.
Often, someone has already had the same idea, or
we have had it, and already rejected it. Sometimes
there are absolute gems though, and it’s a question
of “why didn’t I think of that!”
Linux Magazine – What are the fun elements of
being in a programming team?
Lawrence Manning – I suppose the nicest part
about it is that many of the people in the
SmoothWall team have become best mates.
It is no exaggeration that we’re almost all family
now. There is social and relational interaction that
goes way beyond work or coding. We live very much
in each other’s pockets regardless of geographical
location. Maybe that’s why some people wanting to
“join” the team just simply can’t and won’t ever cut
the grade.
Linux Magazine – What do you use to keep the
code tree in sync?
Lawrence Manning – For the old GPL Smoothie, it
was mostly done by me being fed bits of code and
merging it in (along with testing) by hand. In Lite we
have a full private CVS tree.
Linux Magazine – Why was SmoothWall Limited
Lawrence Manning – SmoothWall Limited was
started for a very simple reason: to keep SmoothWall
alive. Without having a company behind it, both
Richard and I would have to get “normal” jobs, and
would have very little time to work on SmoothWall. I
don’t think it is big of me to say, but without me and
Richard there wouldn’t really be a future for
Smoothie. Someone could of course take it up, but it
wouldn’t be the same. And besides, I LOVE working
on it, and the only way for me to keep doing the
thing I love was to start a company and try to make a
business out of it. This is what we have done, and so
far we have been more successful then we could
have hoped.
That’s the simple reason. Also Richard, with a
family, simply couldn’t afford to keep paying for it
forever. A lot of the community think this stuff just
happens; it doesn’t. It costs a LOT of money.
Linux Magazine – Why was George Lungley
persuaded to join the team?
Lawrence Manning – George was a major player in
corporate IT systems for councils and corporations of
twenty plus years standing. Also a SmoothWall user,
George was very much the straight man to myself,
Richard, and William. George has also created, from
virtually nothing, a company that ended up being
sold for millions of pounds to a multinational
corporate chain. No Linux company in the UK can
claim to have done this. We do sometimes wonder
why he wants to be involved when the community
kick off. I think he views the community with the
same scepticism and bewilderment that we all do at
Linux Magazine – How much time has been
Lawrence Manning – Well, I have worked on
SmoothWall for just over a year, full time. Before that
I spent maybe three to four hours a day on it. Other
people like William and Dan Goscomb have invested
similar amounts. Richard has invested about the same
amount of time, and a very considerable amount of
Linux Magazine – How does SmoothWall Lite differ
from the 0.9.9 GPL version?
Lawrence Manning – It is a complete rewrite. There
is no common code at all. 0.9.9, and the GPL base
served us well for the best part of two years,
however the time has come to start again. All code
rots, and at some point it has to be time to start
anew. Dan has some great ideas and I personally
can’t wait to see them come to fruition.
Linux Magazine – How does the team focus on
Lawrence Manning – The team is just that, it’s a
team. Imagine a spider with eight legs. All have to
move in one direction to achieve anything. Like a
spider, we also have to cling on for dear life
sometimes when spinning a Web with no resources.
Dan Goscomb and William Anderson work with
Richard on focus. Richard will suggest ideas, looking
Issue 21 • 2002
SmoothWall Ltd.
Web site
at competing proprietary products and use a
commercial focus to suggest ideas. Dan will say “OK,
I can do that but it needs to be coded thus”, William
will then come in and design the graphical glue to
hide all the skeleton that lays beneath. Dan and
William provide (on Lite) the bones of the exterior.
Richard is the catalyst, as he has relationships with
players in the Linux hierarchy that we don’t. His job is
to use these contacts to talk to comms hardware
vendors and the like and give us the driver support
that we need.
Linux Magazine – What was the reasoning for Lite
being Closed Source?
Lawrence Manning – Lite is a product that has to
remain free. We are committed to it being free.
Although it may use some GPL code, we will use
common proprietary compiled elements from
SmoothWall Ltd. and from other companies we have
relationships with. We are not about to suggest these
other third parties look to GPL their code: it won’t
happen. Being Closed Source is the best way to
produce a good product, in OUR case. This is because
it is the only way that we that the product we care
about can remain competitive in important areas, like
device compatibility.
After the rampant abuse of our rights as
developers by the IPCop team, and others, there is no
way we will share advantage with the community.
And there is no doubting this point. I do not want to
go into details or get into a debate. But we were
abused. No one would ever fork the kernel, change
it’s name, and claim absolute credit. Yet this is exactly
what they have done. Also, if we did Open Source a
lot of the common code it would disadvantage our
resellers and our credibility in the corporate paying
world. The community has no real role in the “fee
paying world” that subsidises the servers that power
the “community”; it’s a food chain. We don’t
particularly want to become consumable items – we
would much rather be the supplier.
Linux Magazine – What are you hoping to
concentrate on developing in the future?
Lawrence Manning – I really want to get started
on our Enterprise level products. We have some
fantastic ideas for the “ultimate” SmoothWall, and I
can’t wait to get started on it. It is hard to explain
to a non-coder, but when you see your ideas that
you had while doing the most mundane of everyday
tasks, when you see them come into reality, it’s an
amazing thing. Still now, when people say “we are
using Corporate Server in our
hospital/school/whatever”, I get a huge buzz. It’s
going to be an even bigger buzz in the future,
when we are truly up there with the big boys,
competing on a level playing field.
Linux Magazine – What is the advantage of the
Corporate Server?
Lawrence Manning – Corporate Server is a fully
rounded, “corporate” product, compared to GPL,
which is a home level server product. Our
competition to Corporate Server is GPL. However
they are very different products, not bedfellows.
Corporate Server has features and has code that
shares common boundaries but the expectation levels
are totally different.
Corporate Server is also modular, so you can bolt
on things like an x.509 certificate authenticate VPN
management, complete with Windows remote Road
Warrior support. SmoothHost is our module that
allows you to replace a Cisco PIX for 10 per cent of
the comparative price. This is all gone into in greater
detail on the Web site (details are below).
But even without the modules, Corporate Server
has features that make it “stand proud” with the
other servers and services provided by your typical
corporate network.
Linux Magazine – Do you still get to play
Lawrence Manning – Sadly not. Friends separate,
and people have “grown up”. I would love to get
into online gaming in a big way, but I don’t have the
Linux Magazine – I heard you are using a PPC
Lawrence Manning – I’m playing with a PPC box at
the moment. It’s a complete pig to get going! If
anyone has any experience running Linux on a
powerstack, I’d appreciate it!
Linux Magazine – Tell us about your brother Virgil.
He’s the Emmy award winning animator behind such
classics as “Walking with Dinosaurs”. What does he
think of your success?
Lawrence Manning – He’s happy for me. But he’s so
laid back, it’s hard to surprise him at all! This guy
meets film stars every now and then, has been to the
USA more times then I’ve been to London (I live in
Southampton). Yes, he is impressed I’m a company
director and how many users SmoothWall has.
Linux Magazine – What do you do to relax after
Lawrence Manning – Well, I’m a big Star Trek fan...
And I try to do a bit of cooking every now and again.
Just normal stuff. But I’m a computer geek through
and through. Coding can be very relaxing!
Linux Magazine – If you could change just one
thing what would it be?
Lawrence Manning – I’d like the community to
grow up and stop being so rude and one minded. It
can be a horrid place to work on occasion. If the
community started behaving more maturely and more
like the talented developers that they are then it
would be a much nicer world. We’d also get
adoption of Open Source further and faster. Right
now some of them, a small minority, are a bad
advert. I’d also like to have as many Corporate Server
customers as we have GPL users.
Issue 21 • 2002
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