2004.10_Yoper 2.0, Redwall, Red Hat Application Server.pdf

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Software News
communications and more the intensive
multimedia, graphics, and audio capabil-
ities that are ushering in a new era of
business productivity enabled by a new
generation of sophisticated multiproces-
sors and business application tools.”
The Yoper team, which is far more
inclined to superlatives than most open
source development collectives, calls
Yoper “the fastest out-of-the-box Linux
system in the world,” and the Yoper
website provides comparison charts that,
according to Yoper, support the claim.
Yoper uses Linux kernel 2.6.7 and
provides performance patches and
“innovative prelinking”. Yoper also
comes with support for both VMware
and Win4Lin virtual machines, as well
as a CDROM Supermount feature and
A Free Linux Firewall
Redwall has released version 0.5.4 of the
Redwall Open Source firewall. Redwall is
a free, CD-based Linux firewall system
supporting a range of features for VPNs,
intrusion detection, traffic analysis, log-
ging, web caching, mail relay, spam
filtering, and virus scanning.
Configuration information for a Red-
wall system is stored on a floppy,
memory stick, or hard drive, or it is sent
by email. You can use a Redwall system
as a central management console for log-
ging data from other firewall systems on
your network.
Red Hat Serving Java
Red Hat announced the availability of
Red Hat Application Server. Red Hat’s
entry into the Java application server
market brings it directly into competition
with vendors such as SUN and IBM that
have centered their business plans
around application services for years.
This announcement is yet more evidence
of the strong bonds that have been devel-
oping recently between Java and Open
Source. (See also Business News.)
Red Hat’s goal is to produce an open
source application server that is fully
compatible with the plaforms of existing
J2EE vendors so that customers can
“…leverage open source where possible
while protecting legacy investments.”
They will test Red Hat Application Server
to ensure compatibility with BEA, Ora-
cle, and IBM J2EE application platforms.
Red Hat says its application server is
tested and supported on all major com-
mercial JVMs, and it will also be certified
with the leading DBMS platforms,
including Oracle, IBM DB2, and Sybase.
The system has many components –
some common to the Open Source com-
munity and some unique to Red Hat.
The Enterprise Application Server com-
ponent is based on the Open Source
JOnAS system. The Web application
server is Tomcat, and the Web services
infrastructure uses Apache’s AXIS imple-
mentation of the SOAP protocol.
Luscious and Glossy
Linaire Corporation is releasing Linaire
Linux Professional Edition. Linaire Linux
is a desktop Linux operating system tar-
geted at corporate and office users.
Linaire uses Linux kernel 2.6 and KDE
Linaire is one of those Linux systems
that is tooled for reaching out to the
mainstream Windows user. The product
is positioned as a tool that “…makes it
easy for companies to migrate from the
Windows operating system.” Part of the
appeal is pure marketing. (The website
says Linaire has a “luscious, glossy
look.” Can you imagine hearing that
from Slackware?)
However, they have apparently tai-
lored the system to provide some subtle
but helpful benefits for corporate users.
For instance, you can convert .doc files
to .pdf format automatically.
The Linaire Linux 2.9 Professional
Edition retails for US$ 40 (EUR 33).
Release 0.5.4 is primarily a bug
fix release. Perhaps the most impor-
tant fix is actually one to the MySQL
system included with Redwall. Most
of Redwall’s logging features depend
on MySQL, so if you’re using Redwall
now, the upgrade is highly recom-
October 2004
Yoper Races for Acceptance
The Yoper team announces the release of
Yoper Version 2.0. Yoper is a Linux distro
tuned for fast performance.
The Yoper team describes Yoper as
follows: “Yoper is a multipurpose, high-
performance operating system that has
been carefully optimized for PCs with
either 686 or higher processor types. The
binares that come with Yoper have been
built from scratch using the original
sources combined with the best features
of major distros, measuring up to the
demanding proliferation of network
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Managing in Open Country
The new company Open Country Inc,
has released OC-Manager, a system man-
agement tool designed to lower the total
cost of ownership for organizations that
manage groups of Linux computers.
OC-Manager is a browser-based man-
agement system that supports “remote
Linux configuration and troubleshoot-
ing, remote administration and desktop
takeover, asset management, and back-
up configuration.”
Designed for both outsourced IT and
in-house IT departments, the product is
distribution neutral and so supports Red
Hat, Suse, Mandrake and other Linux
environments, allowing staff to deploy
software patches with precision.
Open Country says OC-Manager works
for networks with anything from 5 to
5000 Linux nodes.
Insert Offers Inside Security
Inside Security announces Version 1.2.14
of the Insert Rescue Toolkit. This one-
year anniversary release of the Insert
toolkit contains several upgrades and
bug fixes. Insert is a bootable Linux
rescue system on a credit-card-sized CD-
ROM. The Insert system is based on
Linux kernel 2.4.26 and Knoppix 3.4.
Included with the release are several
useful tools for network diagnosis and
recovery. Tools include the network
analysis utilities nmap and tcpdump,
computer forensics tools such as chk-
rootkit, and disaster recovery utilities
such as gpart, partimage, and testdisk.
Insert also provides support for Linux
software RAID and LVM, as well as full
read and write support for NTFS parti-
tions. See this month’s Linux Magazine
for the latest version.
A New Xandros
Xandros announced the release of Xan-
dros Desktop OS Version 2.5. Xandros
Desktop OS is a Linux desktop system
based on Debian. Previous versions of
Xandros have introduced a range of use-
ful interoperability features, such as
Active Directory client support and
cross-platform file sharing with Xandros
File Manager (XFL).
Ve rsion 2.5 offers an upgraded version
of CrossOver Office (version 3.0.1) with
support for Lotus Notes 6.5.1, Microsoft
Project 2000/2002, and Microsoft Out-
look XP. Xandros 2.5 comes with Linux
kernel version 2.4.24 and version 1.6 of
the Mozilla suite.
The Xandros Desktop OS is available
in Standard, Deluxe, and Business edi-
tions. Xandros provides special upgrade
pricing for customers who are currently
using Xandros Desktop OS 2.0.
VERITAS Finds Truth in Linux
VERITAS announced an upgrade to its
Red Hat Linux-certified Storage Founda-
tion suite. Version 4.0 of the Storage
Foundation family, which includes Stor-
age Foundation for Oracle RAC, Storage
Foundation Cluster File System, VERI-
TAS Cluster Server and Global Cluster
Option, and VERITAS Volume Replicator.
Storage Foundation includes a new fea-
ture called the Portable Data Container
that lets users quickly migrate data to
and from Linux.
The tools in the Storage Foundation
family serve specialized roles in the
Linux enterprise. The Cluster File System
allows concurrent data sharing among
Linux clusters. Cluster Server and Global
Cluster Option provide wide-area
failover and reduce unplanned down-
time for Linux clusters. Storage
Foundation for Oracle RAC provides a
cluster file system and volume manager
for interfacing with enterprise Oracle
VERITAS argues that the industrial-
strength tools of the Storage Foundation
family reduce the risk of data loss,
increase system efficiency, and enhance
flexibility for heterogeneous environ-
Little Linuxes
As the Linux titans battle over which
system is the biggest and most robust, a
new generation of lean distributions is
engaged in the task of making Linux lit-
tle. Last month, you learned about
DamnSmall Linux. This month brings
yet another crop of the small ones.
Puppy Linux Version 9.2.2 runs in a
48-60 MB ramdisk. The Puppy system
usually boots from a flash card, USB
memory device, Zip disk, network drive,
internal hard drive, or a set of floppies.
Since the whole system runs in RAM
once it is loaded, there is almost nothing
to slow it down. Puppy comes with
Linux kernel 2.4.22, XPaint, wavplay and
Madplay for playing audio files, and four
web browsers including
Feather Linux is another
little Linux that boots from a
USB pendrive or CD and
takes up less than 64 MB.
Feather is a stripped down
version of Knoppix 3.4. The
system includes Linux kernel
2.4.26, as well as features
such as savplay, Dillo,
Samba, iptables, Fluxbox,
SSH, SCP, and DHCP client
Yet another of the diminutives is Aus-
trumi, a 50 MB business card CD based
on Slackware. Austumi provides a set of
light-weight office applications, gimp
and gqview for graphic image process-
ing, network tools such as nmap,
LinNeighborhood, telnet, ssh, and sftp,
the Opera web browser, mplayer,
RipperX audio, and an assortment of
games. Another interesting addition to
Austrumi is the MinGW developer
studio, a cross-platform IDE for C and
C++ developers.
October 2004
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