2004.09_Admin Workshop-Critical Mailing Lists You Need to Know About.pdf

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Admin Workshop: Security Mailing Lists
Finding The Answer
Knowledge is power. In a networked
environment, don’t make the mistake
of thinking you can do without it –
the consequences could be disas-
trous. Loss of data may result in a loss
of jobs, so it is worth taking the time
to find the answers.
mated worms, are just waiting to
take control. An effective defen-
sive strategy needs up-to-date
information. Good admins will derive
that information from multiple sources.
Successful attacks on computers
across the Internet are nearly always due
to configuration errors, or known vulner-
abilities. Zero day exploits, attacks based
on security holes that are not public
knowledge, are comparatively rare. This
may be due to the fact that it takes a lot
of skill and know-how to find and
exploit a new vulnerability, whereas
most attacks are carried out by auto-
mated tools, or more-or-less ignorant
script kiddies.
Diligence on the part of a well-trained
admin will help you avoid configuration
errors. Well-planned and timely updates
are your best defense against known
vulnerabilities (see box “Update Stra-
tegies”). Disabling a service may be your
only option for want of a patch, although
this depends on how important the
vulnerable service is to your enterprise.
The most important thing is to react as
quickly as possible. When an advisory is
published, there is typically a slight lull
before the the first wave of attackers and
copycats hits home. This gives you an
opportunity to think before you leap – be
quick, but not too quick. The sooner you
take note of an issue, the better your
chances of patching the hole in a timely
manner are.
tage being that admins can use auto-
mated tools to install the patch. This is
where the Red Hat Network, apt-get
update; apt-get upgrade for Debian, or
Suse’s YaST2 online update, to just name
a few, can be a big help. Unfortunately,
Advisory Lists
Admins and developers started exchang-
ing information a long time ago, and
your Linux distributor’s advisories are
required reading. More or less every dis-
tributor uses a list to describe security
issues and patches. Check out the table
in the InSecurity News section in any
issue of Linux Magazine for some impor-
tant sources.
Manufacturers tend to withhold
important information until they have
completed work on a patch, the advan-
Get the Picture with
The major issue with security mailing lists
is separating really interesting facts from a
huge amount of background noise, and
doing so in a timely fashion. Spam and virus
filters are your first obstacle. Messages
describing vulnerabilities often include
elements that are typically indicative of
spam, such as exclamation marks, unusual
formatting, unknown source addresses,
and even executable code. Make sure that
you whitelist the security lists you are inter-
ested in.
Another thing you might like to do is to
store incoming security messages in sepa-
rate folders to help you get a clear picture.
The following Procmail recipe provides an
example. Used as a prefix to a ~/.procmailrc
statement, this rule will store Bugtraq mes-
sages in list/bugtraq :
* ^List-Id:.*bugtraq\.list-
Figure 1: Add a suffix to your own address when
subscribing to a mailing list to allow you to auto-
matically filter received messages later. Qmail
sends myaddr-List@Domain to myaddr@Domain
( myaddr+List@Domain for Sendmail).
September 2004
Insider Tips: Critical Mailing Lists
A ttackers, whether human or auto-
Admin Workshop: Security Mailing Lists
you can’t afford to leave your
critical computer systems hang-
ing around for a week or two
waiting for your distributor to
come up with an appropriate
patch for the vulnerability.
To avoid doing so, admins are
well-advised to read the advi-
sories for any mission-critical
system programs they use.
These will typically be services
such as Sendmail [1], Postfix
[2], Qmail [3], Apache [4],
MySQL [5], or OpenLDAP [6].
Of course, this list would not be
complete without SSH [7].
BSD systems were an im-
portant source for many Linux
applications. Although the pro-
grams may be quite at home
running on Linux, the code basis
is still identical. Thus, security
issues reported for OpenBSD [8], FreeBSD
[9] or NetBSD [10] can be an early indica-
tor of trouble brewing for Linux.
suitable programs. Refer to the
box “Get the Picture with Proc-
mail” for a Procmail rule that
stores messages from a mailing
list in a separate folder.
Bugtraq [11] hosts several
interesting lists. Check out
“Security Events”, “Security
Papers”, and “Security Tools”
as useful references.
Figure 2: The Gnus newsreader is an excellent tool for mailing lists with
high traffic volumes, providing users with numerous rating and filter-
ing features, including a practical killfile.
Computer Emergency Response
Teams (CERT) are one of the
traditional mainstays of IT
security information. For exam-
ple, US-CERT publishes two
technical lists [12] providing a
kind of alert mechanism for
particularly critical issues. Due
to extensive quality assurance
procedures, there is typically a
considerable delay before publishing
CERT messages. However, they can still
perform a useful role, as your safety net.
When a CERT message arrives, you
know it is high time for a patch to be
tain Trojans or other miscellaneous mal-
ware. For another thing, Bugtraq is not
merely an advisory list. Instead it is a
platform for discussions on disclosed
issues. Traffic volumes can be uncom-
fortably high. If security is not part of
your core business, you might lose a lot
of time dredging the lists for relevant
In any case, it makes sense to use a
capable mail client to handle Bugtraq
messages. The client should be capable
of separating Bugtraq messages by
subject, or preferably by thread, and it
should have a working killfile to allow
you to discard less interesting topics.
Fortunately, Linux has a whole gamut of
Bugtraq [11] is, without any doubt, one
of the most famous security mailing lists.
Bugtraq provides a platform where hack-
ers, crackers, and security experts can
publicize new vulnerabilities long before
they reach the version-specific lists
referred to thus far. Many advisories con-
tain working exploits.
Caution is advisable when using the
Bugtraq list. For one thing, not all the
code published here is harmless. Instead
of an exploit, some advisories may con-
[1] Sendmail announcement list:
[2] Postfix announcement list:
[3] Qmail advisory list: mailto:qmailan-
[4] Apache news: http://httpd.apache.org/
[5] MySQL lists:
[6] OpenLDAP news: OpenLDAP-announce-
[7] OpenSSH: http://www.mindrot.org/
[8] OpenBSD: http://lists.openbsd.org/
[9] FreeBSD: http://lists.freebsd.org/
[10] NetBSD: http://www.netbsd.org/
[11] Bugtraq: http://www.securityfocus.com/
[12] US-CERT National Cyber Alert System:
Update Strategies
Timely updates are important, but some
updates can be downright dangerous. After
all, it doesn’t make much sense to plug a
security hole on your Web server with a
patch that takes your server down. Your staff
and customers will lose access, and that
means loss of revenue.
A two-stage process is your best option
when updating critical systems. You should
have identically configured backup systems
for any really important machines on your
server farm. One machine can handle mis-
sion critical tests while you are modifying
the configuration on the other, prior to modi-
fying the production system.
After updating a machine, you need to estab-
lish the effectiveness of those changes. To
save time, you might like to use automatic or
semi-automatic regression tests, which can
check off a list of critical jobs in the shortest
possible time. Remember to test other criti-
cal services that interact with the modified
service, and not only the parts you have
changed. For example, you could tell your
Web server to connect to your database or
credit card billing system.
Make sure that the backup machine is per-
forming to your satisfaction, and without
any unpleasant side effects, before deploying
the changes on your production machine.
This whole process should not take up too
much of your valuable time, but it does pro-
vide you with a safety net.
www.linux-magazine.com September 2004
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