Strategy - Surviving the Mark Gunline.pdf

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by Brian "bj" Kourik
What is the Mark Gun Line? Well if you do not know the answer to that, then you
obviously have not played against a Forsaken player whose favorite Saint is Mark.
Put simply, a Mark gun line is where a Saint Mark player maximizes their shooting
capability by taking Mark, Coils, the Weaponsmith, Bounty Huntress, and Warwind,
to name a few. Is this list impossible to beat? No not really, but you do have to think
out of the box to prevent getting shot down before you can even get into combat.
Battlefield set up . First of all, Dark Age games
are typically set up using a generous amount
of terrain; very rarely should you play on a table
with sparse terrain. Both players should agree
on the table setup. At the very minimum, ten
pieces of moderately sized terrain should be
used. Look for lanes of fire and try to avoid
herding your troops over open spaces that
offer little cover.
Choose your setup. A die roll will of
course determine this, but if you win
the set-up roll choose your side wisely.
Look to see what blocking terrain will
be between you and Mark.
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Know where your enemy will be . If you win the
Deployment roll, have your opponent place Mark
first. This will allow you to force the lanes of fire
in your favor for the first, maybe even second
round. If you cannot get the Initiative roll then try
to place your units/squads where they will not be
easy targets.
Know your enemy. Know the strength and
weakness of Mark, not just him but his
troops as well. Coils are a typical favorite
basic troop, as well as the Weaponsmith,
Bounty Huntress, Sister of Compassion,
and Field Medic. Do not be surprised by
their Special Abilities or range of their
Force your Opponents hand . If you win
Initiative for the turn, have them activate
Mark or troops with RA’s if they will be out
of range or cannot get a clear shot at you.
Keep in mind a cagey player just as well
might put Mark and his Coils on Hold, so
choose wisely. It may be effective for the
Mark player to take a shot from Hold if you
move your units into range.
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Maximize your cover . Nothing protects you
better from ranged attacks than blocking Line
of Sight. It can be tedious at times but moving
from cover to cover may even force your
opponent to change their tactics.
Going Prone is not always negative.
Lower your profile; remember if you are Prone
all RA’s are at -2 to the TN. Also going Prone
may prevent any RA’s at you because of Small
Obstacles (SO’s) and intervening troops.
Movement is at half rate (round down), you can
also attack from the Prone position, though not
recommended for CA (-2 to TN’s). Don’t
forget it costs 1 AP to go Prone and 1 AP to
stand back up.
Use Meat shields. Life can be cheap on Samaria;
lower priced troops make effective meat shields
for your higher priced units. Remember you can
move through your own troops as long as they
are equal or smaller Size. Don’t forget the -4
Cover bonus you get for targeting units with
smaller units in front of them, use this to your
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Split the targets. Try not to group your army
together – spread them out. Put threats to your
opponents flanks. Unless you are using meat
shields try not to group your forces, lest they
take multiple fire from ranged attacks.
Play the Scenario . Remember in X’treme
scenario play, your opponent has to make
their scenario too. Use this to your advantage;
by knowing the objective of the scenario of
your opponent you can guess what they are
doing with their troop movement. If they have
to obtain an objective, you can maneuver your
army around theirs.
This list is not all-inclusive, if you find that certain troops work well against Mark by all means
use them. Never forget however, that you should always play what you like. When you start
a game make a game plan – what you intend to do with your units/squads. Prioritize your
objectives: if you plan to meet your own objectives, then do so; if you plan to deny your
opponent’s, then make it so. Never second guess yourself and keep to the plan.
Just remember when you are playing Dark Age the best advise is to have fun. Sure, seeing
Mark take the second shot rolling a MAL and then a ‘20’ on this Armor Save is lots of fun
(for the opposing player); but, with these tips and tactics you can have a fun and competitive
game. Remember in Dark Age …
Everything Dies.
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