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Read the text and do the exercises below. Przeczytaj tekst i zrb ęwiczenia
A Palaeontologist has described a spider that was trapped and preserved in amber 20 million
years ago.
Dr David Penney, from the University of Manchester, found the 4cm long by 2cm wide fossil
during a visit to a museum in the Dominican Republic 2 years ago. He has now managed to
use droplets of the spider's blood, preserved in the amber, to reveal the age of the specimen.
It is believed to be the first time that spider blood has been found in amber, and scientists now
hope to be able to extract its DNA at some stage.
Dr Penney, of the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, said he had
used the blood droplets to trace how, when and where the spider died.
He believes the spider, a new species from the Filistatidae family commonly found in South
America and the Caribbean, was climbing up a tree 20 million years ago when it was hit by
fast flowing resin, became engulfed and died.
Dr Penney claims the shape and position of the blood droplets actually reveal the direction the
spider was travelling in and which of its legs broke first.
"It's amazing to think that a single piece of amber with a single spider in it can open up a
window into what was going on 20 million years ago," he said. "By analysing the position of
the spider's body in relation to the droplets of blood in the amber we are able to determine
how it died, which direction it was travelling in and even how fast it was moving."
Dr Penney fist saw the fossil during a visit to the Museo del Ambar Dominicano, Puerto Plata,
Dominican Republic. His finding has been reported in the latest issue of The Journal of
Palaeontology. Focus 03/10/2005
1. Match the words with their translations. PoþĢcz wyrazy z tekstu z ich tþumaczeniem
1. fossil
a. bursztyn
2. droplets
b. gatunek
3. preserved
4. amber
5. extract
c. skamieniaþoĻę
d. pochþonĢę
e. wydobyę
6. trace
7. species
8. resin
f. kropelki
g. ustalię
h. Ňywica
9. engulf
i. wytropię
10. determine
j. zachowany
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
2. Write questions to the following answers based on the text (Napisz pytania do
nastħpujĢcych odpowiedzi opartych na tekĻcie)
2 years ago
20 million years ago
flowing resin
In the Museo del Ambar Dominicano, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Researchers from the University of Alberta have discovered the first evidence of a venom
system in an extinct mammal.
In 1991 Dr Richard Fox and his research team found a 60 million year old incomplete skull
fossil in Alberta, that they now feel answers a long unsolved evolutionary question.
After extensive research the team believe this fossil is the first evidence of an extinct mammal
with a venomous capacity. This is demonstrated by the deep groove in its upper canines,
similar to that of a modern venomous snake.
The small mammal - Bisonalveus browni - may have resembled a small hedgehog or a small
mole, however it is not related to any existing species.
Currently, there are just two types of living mammals with salivary venom-injecting
capabilities: the Caribbean Solenodon (found primarily in Cuba) and the North American
short-tailed shrew. Focus 23/06/2005
3. Match the words with their translations. PoþĢcz wyrazy z tekstu z ich tþumaczeniem
1. venom
2. extinct
3. mammal
4. skull
5. extensive
6. capacity
7. groove
8. canines
9. resemble
10. hedgehog
11. mole
12. salivary
13. inject
14. shrew
a. ssak
b. obszerny
c. kþy
d. jad
e. kret
f. zdolnoĻę
g. ryjwka
h. czaszka
i. rowek
j. wymarþy
k. wstrzykiwaę
l. przypominaę
m. Ļlinowy
n. jeŇ
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
4. Look at the underlined words. What parts of speech are they? Spjrz na sþowa
podkreĻlone w tekĻcie. Jakie to czħĻci mowy?
1. discover - ÈÈÈÈ.
2. long - ÈÈÈÈ.
3. evolutionary - ÈÈÈÈ.
4. believe - ÈÈÈÈ.
5. demonstrate - ÈÈÈÈ.
6. deep - ÈÈÈÈ.
7. similar - ÈÈÈÈ.
8. resemble - ÈÈÈÈ.
9. relate - ÈÈÈÈ.
10. salivary - ÈÈÈÈ.
5. Form nouns from the words in exercise 4. Utwrz rzeczowniki od wyrazw z
ęwiczenia 4.
1. discover - ÈÈÈÈ.
2. long - ÈÈÈÈ.
3. evolutionary - ÈÈÈÈ.
4. believe - ÈÈÈÈ.
5. demonstrate - ÈÈÈÈ.
6. deep - ÈÈÈÈ.
7. similar - ÈÈÈÈ.
8. resemble - ÈÈÈÈ.
9. relate - ÈÈÈÈ.
10. salivary - ÈÈÈÈ.
6. Read both texts again and answer the questions. Przeczytaj obydwa teksty jeszcze raz
i odpowiedz na pytania
Which text (A, B or both) talks about: W ktrym tekĻcie (A, B czy w obu) jest mowa o:
1. an extinct species? - ÈÈÈ
2. finding a part of an animal? - ÈÈÈ
3. genetic investigation? - ÈÈÈ
4. an animal not related to any modern species? - ÈÈÈ
5. an animal that lived millions of years ago? - ÈÈÈ
7. Match the words connected with history with their definitions. PoþĢcz wyrazy
zwiĢzane z historiĢ z ich definicjami
1. debris
2. peace
3. modern
4. historic
5. ruins
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
6. truce
7. contemporary
8. wreck
9. remnants
10. historical
a. very important and will be recorded as part of history
b. describing or based on events in the past
c. a ship that has sunk
d. the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident,
explosion etc
e. a small part of something that remains after the rest of it has been used, destroyed, or
f. the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed
g. an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time
h. a situation in which there is no war or fighting
i. made or done using the most recent designs or methods
j. happening or done in the same period of time
8. Choose the right option in each sentence. Wybierz wþaĻciwĢ odpowiedŅ w kaŇdym z
poniŇszych zdaı
1. I have read a very interesting historic / historical novel about the 18 th century England
2. After the war the all that was left from the city was wreck / debris
3. The last thing we saw that day was ruins / remnants of a medieval castle
4. The armies called a truce / peace for the time of Christmas
5. The paintings in this castle are contemporary / modern with the antique floors.
1. c
2. f
3. j
4. a
5. e
6. i
7. b
8. h
9. d
10. g
1. How long was the fossil which/that dr Penney found?
2. When did dr Penney find the fossil?
3. When did the spider live/climb a tree?
4. What was the spider hit by?
5. Where did dr Penney first see the fossil?
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
1. d
2. j
3. a
4. h
5. b
6. f
7. i
8. c
9. l
10. n
11. e
12. m
13. k
14. g
1. verb
2. adjective
3. adjective
4. verb
5. verb
6. adjective
7. adjective
8. verb
9. verb
10. adjective
1. discovery - odkrycie
2. length - dþugoĻę
3. evolution - ewolucja
4. belief - przekonanie
5. demonstration - pokaz
6. depth - gþħbokoĻę
7. similarity - podobieıstwo
8. resemblance - podobieıstwo
9. relation - powiĢzanie
10. saliva - Ļlina
1. both
2. B (Èfound a 60 million year old incomplete skullÈ)
3. A (Èscientists now hope to be able to extract its DNAÈ)
4. B
5. both (A Î 20mln, B Î 60mln)
1. d
2. h
3. i
4. a
5. f
6. g
7. j
8. c
9. e
10. b
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