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Tandem Techniques
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Editors: Raymond P. W. Scott, Colin Simpson and Elena D. Katz
Quantitative Analysis using Chromatographic Techniques
Edited by Elena D. Katz
The Analysis of Drugs of Abuse
Edited by Terry A. Gough
Liquid Chromatography Column Theory
by Raymond P. W. Scott
Silica Gel and Bonded Phases Their Production, Properies and Use in LC
by Raymond P. W. Scott
Capillary Gas Chromatography
by David W. Grant
High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Principles and Methods in Biotechnology
Edited by Elena D. Katz
Tandem Techniques
by Raymond P. W. Scott
Page iii
Tandem Techniques
Raymond P. W. Scott
Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Birbeck College, University of London, UK
Page iv
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Scott, Raymond P. W. (Raymond Peter William), 1924-
Tandem techniques / Raymond P. W. Scott.
p. cm. - (Separation science series)
Includes bibiographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-96760-2
1. Chromatographic analysis. I. Title. II. Series.
QD79.C4S3837 1997 96-42339
543'. 089-- dc20 CIP
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data:
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