D20 - AEG - Mercenaries.pdf

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22723615 UNPDF
You’re probably wondering what the hell this page is doing in this book. Well I will briefly explain why to
For those active in the scene there has been a sort of “split”. Not in the traditional sense when many members
of one group pull-up tent spikes and either join another group or start a whole new one never to return and
always looking to screw-over their prior friends.
In this case there was a disagreement. Some people have left on bad terms (why else leave at all?). This has
led some people (no I am not pointing the finger at any one person) to do some rather unsavory things. For
example, removing a persons’ nick from the file they released. I feel strongly that those who do the work of
scanning, proofing, etc should get the recognition they deserve. A lot of hard work goes into the release of
even a marginally good scan and it’s my feeling that removing a persons’ nick is even worse than stealing.
Logistically I cannot police my files once they are released to the general public, so until such time as people
stop removing my nick from my releases I will be adding this page to all my releases.
There are lots of people out there who make the whole rpg scanning scene work. There are also many
channels on many servers. The goal in the same for each group, create the best looking files and serve those
files to the public. I am hoping that in the near future that some of the differences that have cropped up of late
can be laid aside and we can all work a little closer.
That’s my dollars worth. Hope you enjoy this scan.
October 2, 2002
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